View Full Version : BS of D part 2

May 19th, 2011, 08:13
i just want to say...every time i see that thread title i laugh....my niece inlaw is named Trista,,and ofcourse everyone with even a slight sence of silly..calls her trisket,,like the cracker.....BUT me? oh noooo....i call her "nabisco"....which she now hates 5 points for me,,,but it took her almost a year and a party where she had a box of "Nabisco triskets" in her hand to finally understand...which ive never let her forget...im also fairly fast with a quip...or a "story"....now dont get me wrong i dont tell lies..but i will tell a tall tail to get under peoples skin at times....lol..take last weekend..it was my great nephews 6 th birthday and he was getting money,,someone gave him 15 dollars...his comment was wow...three 5s...so i picked up on that right away and said..heyyyy thats nothin....ive got FIVE ones.....beats your measly 3 lil 5s....trade ya....this went on awhile and none of the other adults talked..i guess the were curious as to the outcome...so he finnaly said...well 5 of something IS more than 3 of something..so ok ill trade ya... looked at his dad,my nephew and said..can i borrow 5 ones?..like a dork he pulls out his wallet and hands me 5 ones..i hand them to jason and he hands me the 15 dollars and i hand eli ( my nephew) back his 5....so i said...wow....we all really made out.......and everyone sat there kinda dumb founded i guess cause no one said a word.....

then this really cute gal i just met said....OMG..what BS......and trista said yes typical Bulls*&t of dave.....or BSD...

i even have a short she gave me at xmas that says BS of D on it
so thiat title thread has been crackin me up.....

May 19th, 2011, 16:23
Hi Dave,

Glad to provide some humor :salute:

LouP :icon_lol: