View Full Version : Pure frustration...

April 18th, 2011, 19:47
Good evening...

Talk about a maddening experience. The HMS Illustrious is cruising off of Land's End doing 30 knots on her shakedown cruise, and you're to land on her decks for the first time in your Fairey Swordfish. Well, with the tail hook and full flaps down at 65% power, your approach speed is a shade over 55 knots.

It took me five bloody minutes to get to the carrier deck, watching that distance marker was like this...521...tick...tick...tock...tock...520, etc. Simply madness!

Captain Kurt
April 18th, 2011, 20:07
Jeez, that's about the same as the Cessna 152. :sleep:

April 19th, 2011, 01:09
I'm embarrased to admit that the only thing I can land on a carrier is a chopper:redf:

April 19th, 2011, 06:44
Good morning,

What makes it even more fun is that as you chop power to 50% with the flaps down. your forward speed drops down to about 45 knots, so it almost feels like you're floating above the deck. In fact, when you're over the deck, all you really have to do is to chop power and you settle onto it. Just make sure you set your parking brake...lest you roll off...

April 19th, 2011, 09:30
Imagine then landing with a Storch!!

April 19th, 2011, 21:46
Someone say Storch?

April 20th, 2011, 14:55
Is the Levasseur. It has almost the same ship speed...

April 20th, 2011, 15:29
Is the Levasseur. It has almost the same ship speed...

Actually, I thnk the ship is faster ::chuckles:: cool looking plane though.. very rock n roll.. ( needs fluted headers )