View Full Version : What the ^$&%& was that?

March 21st, 2011, 14:27
Hey, guys, need some help...

My sister saw an airplane over Carter's Lake in Georgia the other day. Some particulars...
--swept wings
--small size
--jet powered

Among other types, I suggested that she look at a picture of a Hawker Siddeley Gnat. She said that was pretty close. Any others suggestions?


March 21st, 2011, 16:26
Maybe a BD-5J "Acrostar" Microjet like in the opening scene of "Octopussy".

The aircraft is called the Acrostar that was built and piloted by John William "Corkey" Fornof (http://www.corkeyfornof.com/). However, that is only part of the story behind this remarkable craft. The Acrostar is actually a kit plane designed by engineer Jim Bede and known as the Bede BD-5J. Some number of these kits were assembled to a modified design by Corkey Fornof along with fellow BD-5J enthusiast and stunt pilot Bob Bishop. These two pilots formed their own aerial acrobatic team called the Acrojets, and only their modified BD-5J models are actually referred to as the Acrostar (or Acro Star) Special. One of these Acrostars was filmed for "Octopussy" while being flown by both Fornof and another stunt pilot named Rick Holley.

More on Jim Bede's MicroJets..... http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/planes/q0256.shtml

March 22nd, 2011, 04:23
Nope, it had swept wings.
