View Full Version : An annoying problem with Youtube in Firefox

Navy Chief
March 15th, 2011, 16:28
Just recently, when I try to watch a youtube video in Firefox, I get nothing but a black screen where the video should be. Weird thing is, if someone sends me a youtube link in Gmail, I can watch it from that link. But if I go to the actual Youtube site, nope. Works ok in IE.

Have not found out the cause. Tried turning off apps in Firefox, but no fix yet.

Was wondering if any of you folks have experienced this. Also, I tried going back to an earlier version of Firefox. Actually worked for a little bit, but the darn black box is back..... Grrrrr...


March 15th, 2011, 16:31
Do you have the latest version of Flash Player Chief?



March 15th, 2011, 16:41
NC, works fine here.... IE8. ;) Just pickin on ya, hope you find the fix. I tried Firefox a few years ago but wasn't all that crazy about it.

I spent the early afternoon watching the news reports again from Japan's earthquake and tsunami on YouTube. I still can't believe what I saw, and watched again. It boggles my mind what I saw in home videos on YouTube that were at street and rooftop levels in the worst of it all.

Navy Chief
March 15th, 2011, 16:50
Well, I just uninstalled/reinstalled Firefox. I think it may have something to do with a Windows update I did this morning.....

Still troubleshooting....

March 15th, 2011, 19:42
Chief, same problem here. Something's out of whack because it was working fine last evening. Odd thing is, I can still view youtube on here or elsewhere as embedded, just not on firefox as a standalone.


I managed to fix the issue and youtube is properly displaying in Firefox again. Open Firefox, click tools/addons, and then click the plugins tab. Once there, click find updates. It may take a while and you'll have to do them 1 by 1(pain in the---lol) but after ALL your plugins are up to date, that should do the trick.

March 16th, 2011, 05:31
I'm seeing this problem, too. No YouTube linked videos visible anywhere on Firefox. my preferred browser.


March 16th, 2011, 05:42
Just updated Adobe Flash: no joy. Firefox Tools - Add Ons - Updates: all there was for me was an update to the Yahoo toolbar and that did nothing. Downloaded the latest Firefox version: still nada.

Quietly fuming.


March 16th, 2011, 11:19
Same here. Lots of comments on the blogs at youtube. Adobe works well on other sites (Liveleak.com), but not on youtube or on sites that have vids linked to Youtube. I checked IE and Firefox. Strangely, youtube blogs have not been addressed by their admins.

March 16th, 2011, 14:04
Are you blocking cookies?
If so, the one that handles the actual vid player for YouTube is from "www.ytimg.com".
If that one is being blocked or not allowed then you'll have no vid but the rest of the YouTube page will work.

I'm running Firefox v3.6.15 on my main rig, v4.0rc on my laptop (both Win7HP machines), and v3.5 on my Linux OSes with no problems viewing YT vids.

Sidenote, I also run the NoScript plug-in for FireFox that allows you to selectively allow/disallow web content on a per-site/per-cookie basis. ( For example, here at SOH I allow the SOH content but I can block the facebook content since it uses a separate cookie). It can be a helpful troubleshooting tool to find out which content is causing the issue.

It could also be a bug with the latest version of Flash Player. I know that v10 has been havnig some issues and they've been rolling out updates pretty frequently for it. Knock on wood...I'm not having any problems with it yet, but I know there are issues out there.

March 16th, 2011, 14:33
Like what NC believes, I think something got knocked out of whack during an update or something as mine quit working about the same time as his. I have seen where quite a few people have reported this sort of problem dating back to 08, 09. Until I did a complete update of all plugins, I had no joy on any of the solutions posted at Firefox or anywhere else. I strongly suspect that somehow, somewhere the array of plugins could be outdated by a cascade of small to larger updates related to the browsers and thus causing at least a small enough incompatibility to cause some plugins & functions not to work properly. Regarding the fix I posted earlier, I want to clarify that each update must be done one at a time and with the browser & windows closed. After each update is installed, go back and perform the plugins "find updates" screen which will show what is left needed to be updated. This process could take 10 minutes or so. When this issue affected me, many of my plugins were out of date.

Navy Chief
March 16th, 2011, 17:06
I found this:
