View Full Version : F9F Vertigo - shots

January 22nd, 2011, 03:53
Hello, First (my ;-) ) Flight with this bird!





January 22nd, 2011, 03:54
Wow! Thanks for taking the trouble to post these.

January 22nd, 2011, 05:47
That first shot really grabs my attention. I may have to get this one. Looks great, thanks

January 22nd, 2011, 06:12
Really nice the First shot is the real thing right :wavey:

January 22nd, 2011, 06:20
Excellent work YoYo, thanks for sharing.

January 22nd, 2011, 08:38
Fantastic shots.

January 23rd, 2011, 05:44
I purchased this last night, and I am disappointed. Looking at all the repaints from Bruce and others, I wrongly assumed that they were all included in the new release. Nowhere did I see that these would be a separate payware addition. Wanted the Brubaker model but am not willing to spend another $10 just to get it. Perhaps someone else will do a freeware repaint of that squadron, great. But the model at $30 plus the $10 for the repaints, just is not worth it to me. The number of bug fixes that need to be released is glaring. Released to soon. Some like the nav lights being bigger than basketballs should have been addressed as well as the mirrioring of right left images on the fuselage. They overlooked the hot key for the gps key, having it listed under two number 05. Small details that should have been handled before putting up for sale. Also when the sim sarts with the F9f at the airport of choice, I get a green bar that says simconnect was not started, for what I don't know, never had that message before. They are other issues with it as well, you can check out their forum if you want to see more. I should have checked more closely myself, had the repaints been listed on the for sale page at additional cost, I would have passed on this one. Too bad, I was looking forward to it.

January 23rd, 2011, 05:56
had the repaints been listed on the for sale page at additional cost, I would have passed on this one. Too bad, I was looking forward to it.

I've no connection with Vertigo and I'm not telling you what to like or dislike, but I distinctly remember that the (the info on) repaint pack was up on the website even before the main product.

January 23rd, 2011, 06:17
First time I have logged on to their site, was last nite and I went to the store page clicked on the f9f and bought it, did not see the repaints till later on their forum when I was looking for bug fixes.

January 23rd, 2011, 10:21
dharris "The number of bug fixes that need to be released is glaring."

We've had 4 bugs reported which will be corrected in an update, I would put that down as good customer service, if it wasn't we wouldn't release a update. Bugs will be in any release regardless of who the development team or publisher will be, whether it be vstudios or ubi soft.

January 23rd, 2011, 14:57
Will the lights be toned down a bit?

I am really looking forward to the Panther and Bearcat patches. Both are really close to being outstanding addons. :jump:

January 23rd, 2011, 15:19
Just upped a small update for the cockpit at AVSIM and Flightsim.com (will upload here once stuff is solved by Ickie (give the man a great applause for his effort to fight of a SOB attack at this site!!!)).
Edit: Uploaded here as well

It places the text "NO HAND HOLD" just below the gunsight reflector, as was usual in American 40's and 50's combat aircraft. Hope you like this.....

29298 29300 29299

January 23rd, 2011, 23:23
I have a question for You , could someone to land on the carrier without crash (Nimitz, Ark Royal ect?). Always when I landed, I had a crash on the deck (Im sure with speed, angle of attack). Reason for me - front gear collapses and body of F9F causes crash (front gear is too weak???). I have crashes detect option "On" in FSX. Maybe my mistake but I tried this 15 times and 100% of crashes after catches cable.

It happens when the hook of F9F is blocked on the deck and aircraft jumps back od the deck (normal behavior in FSX).
Is a bug or I do something wrong?
Thx for reply



January 24th, 2011, 04:28
Just upped a small update for the cockpit at AVSIM and Flightsim.com (will upload here once stuff is solved by Ickie (give the man a great applause for his effort to fight of a SOB attack at this site!!!)).
Edit: Uploaded here as well

It places the text "NO HAND HOLD" just below the gunsight reflector, as was usual in American 40's and 50's combat aircraft. Hope you like this.....

29298 29300 29299

Merci René,

I was hoping for this "NO HAND HOLD" that I was used to see on Buck Danny's planes from way back yonder... :jump:

Definitely looking forward to your next Panther skins...


January 24th, 2011, 07:04
I have a question for You , could someone to land on the carrier without crash (Nimitz, Ark Royal ect?). Always when I landed, I had a crash on the deck (Im sure with speed, angle of attack). Reason for me - front gear collapses and body of F9F causes crash (front gear is too weak???). I have crashes detect option "On" in FSX. Maybe my mistake but I tried this 15 times and 100% of crashes after catches cable.

It happens when the hook of F9F is blocked on the deck and aircraft jumps back od the deck (normal behavior in FSX).
Is a bug or I do something wrong?
Thx for reply

Very nice screenshot's YoYo. :salute:
Btw, where did you get that great looking Ark Royal from?

Personally i have not landed (or started for that matter) on a carrier yet. I'm still looking for a nice carrier that fits the F9F well in FSX. Suggestions anyone?

January 24th, 2011, 07:30
Hi, check this site: http://www.fs-shipyards.com/ for the others and Ark Royal is here: http://www.flyingstations.com/ark-royal.html , Im user of AI Carriers 2 too.

January 24th, 2011, 08:22
Thanks YoYo

January 24th, 2011, 08:51
NP. Give me feedback if You land without crash :wiggle: (dameges 'on' in FSX :) ). After installation You can take Gibraltar Airfield 9:00, Monday each season. You will find carrier in the bay.

January 24th, 2011, 09:44
On patrol now, and will give feedback.
What is the best free- or payware program to handle carrier ops in FSX (SP2/acceleration)?
In FS9 i had the little piece of software that came with the FlightDeck series from Abacus. Is there an FSX SP2 or Acceleration version available?

January 24th, 2011, 12:13
For HMS Ark Royal IV I propose to use this skin from Ark Royal :), can find on Flightsim


and next shot near L.A.


January 24th, 2011, 12:20
For HMS Ark Royal IV I propose to use this skin from Ark Royal :), can find on Flightsim


Thanks for that awsome shot and the honour, Sir! :salute:

Very much appreciated :wavey:

January 25th, 2011, 12:15
No any carrier landing? :jump:

I found small graphical bug with Right aileron. I hope it will be fixed too.
See this subject on Vertigo Forum: http://www.vertigostudios.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?106-Right-aileron-bug

January 26th, 2011, 04:09
Tried to carrier-land; result was a Panthered Panther (multiple times :wiggle:). Gonna re-install FD6 with 3wireX tonight and try it again (and again, and again etc.).


January 26th, 2011, 05:26
result was a Panthered Panther (multiple times

Yep, been having a lot of that with this one myself. I use RCBCO gauges. Traps improved, with er, um, practice, but in particular not applying the brakes AND slowing the KIAS down as far as possible (90 knots?) AND ensuring the wings are as perfectly level as possible, otherwise I am getting a nasty "slingshot" effect where the plane is hurled rearwards after stopping and then rolling and crashing into the deck. Have also seen that trial and error with altering the tailhook length can improve matters.

January 26th, 2011, 05:33
This problem described by me site before was very know in the real ;)


and new pictures with Shooting Star



January 26th, 2011, 12:57
Cant edit post but start from catapult of Ark Royal IV



January 26th, 2011, 13:23
So when will the Bearcat and Panther patches be released? I don't want to play the comparison game but these patches are coming awfully slow... :wavey:

January 27th, 2011, 02:43
Ok, I did some tests with landing on default carrier - too same. Something wrong with hook or front gear :( and I always had crash (did too same with F-18, default model, and no problem). Speed near 100-110 is ok for F9F, less we have a stall. After when Panther catches a cable, front gear has a crash. It looks like this:
I saw too The bridges at Toko-Ri http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bridges_at_Toko-Ri , the movie on 50' years style but many real scenes with F9F. I recommend watch if someone likes flying Panthers.

January 27th, 2011, 13:32
Think I will have to get this; I have the Vertigo Hellcat and it is awesome!

I am in the middle of reading "First Man"- the bio of Neil Armstrong who amongst more famous Grumman products (the Lunar Module!) also flew the F9F in Korea; a very inspiring book and a must-read!

January 27th, 2011, 14:17
Ok, I did some unofficial patch for carrier landing - please to put this line in Aircraft.cfg of F9F:

point.0 = 1, 11.66, 0.00, -5.60, 1100, 0, 0.55, 60, 0.15, 5.50, 0.60, 3, 5, 0, 120, 150

in [contact_points].
No problem on the deck (default carrier and Nimitz), You can land with speed 100-110.
For Ark Royal is ok, but I noticed problem with cables. Must test some of configurations.

January 28th, 2011, 04:48
They will be done when they're done. Contrary to belief they are being worked on.

Why would you want to play the comparison game ? it wont achieve a thing by doing so.

So when will the Bearcat and Panther patches be released? I don't want to play the comparison game but these patches are coming awfully slow... :wavey: