View Full Version : Green Hornet (2011)

January 17th, 2011, 15:03
Just got back from watching the new Green Hornet movie and must say that it was pretty good. It had good comedy, over the top action scenes (= totally fake), and lots of shooting. I watched the movie at an IMAX 3D theater which definitely made it better.


January 17th, 2011, 15:15
This one is on my list to see! :jump:

January 17th, 2011, 15:18
I may watch it when it comes to Netflix, my boys have an account.

But I'll not waste a 10-spot to see palp in the theater. Pulp I like, palp is another story.

January 17th, 2011, 17:18
I might go see it tomorrow. $5 matinee. Of course it will cost me $20 if I want popcorn and a soda. :frown:

January 17th, 2011, 19:36
I might go see it tomorrow. $5 matinee. Of course it will cost me $20 if I want popcorn and a soda. :frown:

Yeah that's how they get you...the concession stand!

January 17th, 2011, 19:48
I read today that Box offices are slumping........


For 5 bucks (if you can spare it).......yea. Support your local theater.

But........concession stand at your own risk.

Convenience Store........ .89cent for Ju Ju Beads........... 3 bucks at the concession (Sneak em in)

I think Hollywood is trying to market to a up an coming Asian audience. They are giving Kato a........ Gromit is smarter than Wallace (Seth Rogen) type of spin........which should be interesting.

I believe Bruce Lee was dissappointed, as were his fans, with his position in the original.

Update: Yes....I agree. For me, I am afraid I will stay out of the theaters for full price (5 bucks is tempting). Free is better.......imagination and inspiration.......where is doesn't cost.

January 17th, 2011, 19:54
I just got laid off from work, so they get nada from me.

Tom Clayton
January 17th, 2011, 19:55
Winter is great for saving at the theater! Heavy coats can conceal all manner of things, like long-necks and a half-dozen Slim Jims!

January 17th, 2011, 21:39
Winter is great for saving at the theater! Heavy coats can conceal all manner of things, like long-necks and a half-dozen Slim Jims!

Is that a hot dog in your pants or was the movie that good?
