View Full Version : Ideas? Suggestions? Complaints?

January 16th, 2011, 12:39
Hi guys.....If anyione has some ideas or suggestions on how I/we can make the CFS3 forum
better as far as function, content, etc, then please use this thread to post your ideas and/or suggestions. If there are complaints then let's hear them.
We would also like to thank all those who contributed to the SOH coffers so that we can continue to provide you with a commercial free flight sim site. Thanks!
Your goofy ol' mod, Middle

January 16th, 2011, 14:48
One suggestion I would make is that if someone uploads a file (a plane, a skin, a mission, etc.) that they please tell us exactly where they put it as it is not always obvious from the thread (especially if you are new to this forum or any forum for that matter). This is a community, but we are not all on a first name basis yet.

January 17th, 2011, 05:55
I think he's targeting me.....

Mid, what about adding .7z to the acceptable types of file tags? 7-zip is far more powerful than normal zip, and therefore considerably reduces file size. Used a lot over a CombatAce, which is where I first saw it. The software is free.


January 17th, 2011, 10:10
I will pass these on....

January 28th, 2011, 14:25
directions on era developments and upcoming releases from THE-team , A-team , WHICH- team .....


January 30th, 2011, 12:36
I want a trust fund next life, and my steak's overdone....there's my complaint! Sorry....couldn't resist

February 1st, 2011, 17:56
bring back the cfs3 online game posting here. other site is hard and detached from here it seems........

February 1st, 2011, 18:35
bring back the cfs3 online game posting here. other site is hard and detached from here it seems........

:kilroy:Blacksheep-ghost03, here is where to go: www.sim-outhouse.net (http://www.sim-outhouse.net)

You need to register there, too, for it to work properly.:d

February 2nd, 2011, 09:16
bring back the cfs3 online game posting here. other site is hard and detached from here it seems........

glad to see you are alive!

as Grizzly stated register and you will find most of us are there and flying.

It is very true though that the cfs3 flying community took a major hit with this change. It would appear that between people just being unable to find everyone with out re registering at the other site and the steady changing of xp to vista to windows 7 and the multiplayer problems they introduced have thinned out the herd greatly.

Still .............

long live CFS3!

"...BLUE SKIES..."

March 19th, 2011, 11:07
Guys, I finally got around to posting your comments in the staff forum so let's see what pops up.
And any more suggestions etc would be welcome...thanks, middle

March 23rd, 2011, 05:42

It would be nice if there was a direct link to the CFS3 post your IP multiplayer thread in here some how. The disconnect and separate log in requirements are hurting our cause.

If you look at the thread hits, the WIN 7 Install Fix thread has more than 11,300 hits. 2,000 more than the next busiest thread. This is attracting people that want to play both on Win 7 and in multiplayer mode yet it is difficult to find the Post your IP thread from here

Please review this. It would be much appreciated



March 24th, 2011, 11:34

It would be nice if there was a direct link to the CFS3 post your IP multiplayer thread in here some how. The disconnect and separate log in requirements are hurting our cause.

If you look at the thread hits, the WIN 7 Install Fix thread has more than 11,300 hits. 2,000 more than the next busiest thread. This is attracting people that want to play both on Win 7 and in multiplayer mode yet it is difficult to find the Post your IP thread from here

Please review this. It would be much appreciated



I totally agree with Tailwind and Tuffguy.

March 24th, 2011, 12:20
Yes indeed!!! As an avid On-Line CFS-3 Flyer, this 2 log in system doesn't work for me, I'm usually flying or out and though I don't mean to ignore this Web Site, this is what is happening.

It can be tricky if you are hosting on-Line games, it needs all your attention, so after a good shattering game, it's Miller time. Noticed that the Timing out is much sooner in here than on other server, so having to re-write this.

I don't think it helps with bringing new flyers into On-line either, they just usually don't know about us, we need more Flyers and would also like to see more youngsters encouraged in. So going back to the previous SOH Web Site set-up would help us.

There is no tension or upsets between Folks in the 2 Sites, it's just how it is.

Hope this helps any decisions.

Bill T(WINCO41)

March 24th, 2011, 14:52
I totally agree with Tailwind and Tuffguy.

I second that third motion to agree with the options presented to us by the original motion..... We have lost a few players and gained a few...( when they try to come back.. thier still a bit lost.. wull ya think..lol) We appreciate your site and continued efforts. And thank you for this option to have some input.. We are detatched from the main site.... this was not done as a bad thing... I have never been a part of a gaming group that has such a great and varied group of freinds. All I can give is my opinion and my time in the games.. We have a great group of individuals that have the technical knowlege to give more than I. Thank you.. oh( I have a sense of humor... lol.. segway..) Oh Tee dub.. Your Smoked Spam is on the way.. marinated in fire ball whiskey and Habeneros.. the way ya like it..( lol) Ruffus, you may have a visitor.. clean out the shed bro... lol

AND... Im running for Prime Minsiter ,,.. in the next election.. please vote for DC from BC...lol... ( could not pay me enough to sell my soul like that,... wull... maybe),, sheees


Thank you SOH and long live CFS~3

March 24th, 2011, 16:10

March 27th, 2011, 12:04
I will pass this on to the Flight Administration and see what pops. Your humble moderator, Middle

March 27th, 2011, 12:49
...Hi all, ...It seems to me I used to be able, at the bottom/end of a thread, to one click back to
''CFS3 General Discussion'' but now a box opens and I must scroll to find it again... I know, I know
such hardship, ...Its a wonder I endure it all...:p:
Cheers, jonny (popsaka)

April 1st, 2011, 12:58
Hmm, very stee range! It says,"thank you for logging on,IMS_RUFUS THE HUN but...then the sign in window show's that I'm not there. Tried until it booted me. Any help here?

May 7th, 2011, 13:40
seems i posted in the wrong place, cn u guys read my post in the other post? sorry

May 25th, 2011, 21:51
I don't know if anything can be done now, with all the present missions available for download, but I've downloaded a lot of missions for CFS3 that I assumed were for CFS3 which turned out to be, after downloading and reading the read me, a mission(s) for ETO or MAW etc.
Can you appreciate the frustration?

May 26th, 2011, 00:32
One suggestion I would make is that if someone uploads a file (a plane, a skin, a mission, etc.) that they please tell us exactly where they put it as it is not always obvious from the thread (especially if you are new to this forum or any forum for that matter). This is a community, but we are not all on a first name basis yet.

I think this is a very good suggestion. This is a common problem with a lot of Flight Sim forums, especially FSX. Often an aircraft is given by name only and you go to the site and you see many aircraft that meet the description. I good example was the Pearl Harbour scenery advertised in the CFS2 forum a little while ago. I could not determine what aircraft to download so I decided not to bother with that scenery even though it was probably very good.

One suggestion I would like to make is either making up a combined archive of say the best terrain mods, aircraft mods or mission mods. If developers do not want their files put in combined archives special groups could be made for all the requirements with direct links to the required files and installation instructions for the requirements.

I must admit I will always purchase an expansion rather than go to the trouble of finding then downloading multiple files and I have many payware expansions for CFS2 & 3.

I may be a bit lazy, but I am sure I am not the only one.

I think to keep these older sims alive it needs to be easier to upgrade to the best "mod sets" to make the sims the best possible. Especially since they have to compete with some newer sims.

Anyway just my thoughts as a casual lurker.

Cheers MarkL

May 26th, 2011, 00:35
I think he's targeting me.....

Mid, what about adding .7z to the acceptable types of file tags? 7-zip is far more powerful than normal zip, and therefore considerably reduces file size. Used a lot over a CombatAce, which is where I first saw it. The software is free.


I would have to agree. Compresses more that ZIP and does not corrupt as WinRAR often does, and best of all freeWare.

Cheers MarkL

June 11th, 2011, 20:43

1. Which is the best airfield?
2. How do I feather the engines upon touching down?
3. When in the air, how do I quickly go from viewing from outside of the aircraft to inside the cockpit to check my direction?
4. Being a greenie (although I'm 60 years old) how can I go on a mission and not be the lead craft?

Thank you!


June 12th, 2011, 06:01
...In answer to your last question, open the mission file in question in notepad or any text editor, find the line where it says ''is player=y'' and exchange it with the aircraft at the bottom of the paragraph...

June 19th, 2011, 21:19
Could we have the old choices of display themes back please? I've got the CFC version now since the last software update and find it much harder to see what's new or read some posts. I used to be able to change it but it seems the CFC style is all I get now. :mad:

The FSX forum isn't so plagued, so it isn't impossible.

June 19th, 2011, 23:55
Could we have the old choices of display themes back please? I've got the CFC version now since the last software update and find it much harder to see what's new or read some posts. I used to be able to change it but it seems the CFC style is all I get now. :mad:

The FSX forum isn't so plagued, so it isn't impossible.

Seconded. Mine's now whitish on black, and I find it rather irritating to read...

June 20th, 2011, 00:05
Seconded. Mine's now whitish on black, and I find it rather irritating to read...

Thirded! ;-)

June 20th, 2011, 03:26

June 20th, 2011, 06:36
Ahhh, great. Back to the old lookn'feel again. Thanks, admins!

June 20th, 2011, 06:58
:kilroy:Thank you, SOH. I was loosing my mind. Good, ol' black on white again. YAHOOOOO!!!!!:d

June 20th, 2011, 09:04
Oh, good. Well done all concerned. Eyes now at rest again!

June 20th, 2011, 09:04
Normality! Thank you, admins! :icon29:

November 17th, 2011, 11:41
Great admins, ain't they?

November 30th, 2011, 21:53
While I take some time to look SOH over, do you have any suggestions or information as to how I can obtain a download of the AvHistory 1% weapons pack for CFS3?

December 1st, 2011, 04:08

All of the AvHistory items are right here on SOH.


December 1st, 2011, 21:40
Thank you!

December 5th, 2011, 07:18
can we oneday do a online meet and maybe we can have a few masters who have worked on this issue speak live and we can hash out any issues , it appears some issues for some are different and random while others same .....

just a thought

Human Drone
March 28th, 2012, 06:30
We've got a heap of stickies now. Would it make sense to move them to a sub-forum, indicated by "Important topics (stickies)- please check here for answers to common problems" or something like that?

Even though most of us probably have high resolution displays, at least on our flightsim boxes, it's getting to be one of life's minor irritations to scroll down past so many of them to get to the "regular" threads.

Just a thought, and one again it's with great appreciation for all you guys do to make CFS3 sooooo much better.

