View Full Version : Modified weapon effects.

January 4th, 2011, 02:04
Can someone steer me in the right direction to the effects and weapon mods for larger radius blasting bombs. There was also 1 or 2 later mods for larger and longer lasting fires for napalm weapn. I think Bearcat did a fair bit of work on these...I've misplaced mine, trying to put them back together again.

January 4th, 2011, 06:33
Here's my Basic Set - You'll find them here on SOH, and by Google elsewhere:
If there are any you can't locate, drop me a PM and I'll fire them off to you !


January 4th, 2011, 15:08
Thanks for that sc....got some of those but the missing ones I want are there. :wavey:

January 4th, 2011, 17:26
Did find a couple in the library here...but
I've tried but can't find a link to these particular effects...can anybody help out ?

fx_bldgexpl_l.fx, fx_bldgexpl_l.fx, fx_bldgexpl_s.fx, GndExpl-1.1.zip
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Edit...edit...I think I have this pretty well sorted now people...thanks a bunch.

Shadow Wolf 07
January 5th, 2011, 06:16
Did find a couple in the library here...but
I've tried but can't find a link to these particular effects...can anybody help out ?

fx_bldgexpl_l.fx, fx_bldgexpl_l.fx, fx_bldgexpl_s.fx, GndExpl-1.1.zip
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Edit...edit...I think I have this pretty well sorted now people...thanks a bunch.

Try here: http://web.tiscalinet.it/Nanni/CFS/

January 5th, 2011, 17:01
I gave Nanni a a hand to put together some of this stuff years ago, but I have forgotten so much of it now...there's quite a lot of it cannot be found in SOH library. :wavey:

January 5th, 2011, 18:12
Funny thing.
I have the BldgExpl-0.9b.zip on my storage drive and
it is larger the the 1 on http://web.tiscalinet.it/Nanni/CFS/
16.6 KB versus 9.02 KB.
The 3 fx_bldgexpl_l-m and s.fx are in the 9.02 KB i just Dl. from the Nanni site
but in addition to them, the 16.6 KB off my storage from years ago
has 3 fx_struct_l-m and s.fx.
I am sure i Dl. the 16.6 KB one from the same site 3-4 years ago, although i
see additional effects to Dl. since i last checked the site (years ago).

Update: Found the 3 fx_gndexpl_l-m and s.fx files on my beloved 1 GB storage.
They are a part of AF=Midway Bomb Blast Pak Plus.zip
Here is the link..... No.2 from bottom.

January 5th, 2011, 20:14
Thanks for that G. Back in those days some of the packages were simply loaded onto the forums for people to try out and see what they thought of them. There was probably any number of "Trail" packages posted before one lot actually made it to his web site. Also it was a lot more of a fight with frame rates then....you would just get it right and the frame rates would blow out.:jump: