View Full Version : Ok OT but I had t share

December 25th, 2010, 20:20
Ok ! Im'so freaked out right now I don't even know where to start. My great wife gave me a "crap don't even know what to call it" a voucher for a plane ride. I mean some kind of fighter pilot thingy here in fort wort.Sorry guys I'm like I don't know. Any ideas what to exspect. Have anyone had this stuff be fore.Will it be scary. Sorry I'm just so estatic right now. I have never flew in an airplane before.Sorry for the rambling. S&^%t Im like wow.Sorry.

December 25th, 2010, 20:23
I wonder what type of aircraft your going up in. As far as scary? No way! Your flying with professionals who fly and teach in the type of aircraft you will be flying in.

My advice is listen to them, strap in, hang on and enjoy the ride with a BIG grin on your face!

December 25th, 2010, 20:29
Driving to the airport is scary. Flying is just plain fun. I hate driving, love flying. Lucky you.:jump:

December 25th, 2010, 21:21
In Fort Worth, it is probably this:

December 25th, 2010, 22:00
If it's what Falcon linked then you're going to have one heck of a great day! The SF260 is a nimble and very tough little plane. I think the only real danger is that you'll want to buy one the second you land. :)

Life offers few better feelings than 5 or 6 G sustained. Love it.

I can only offer one helpful observation from my own first aerobatic experience in an L-39, which has similar roll rates and G tolerance: To minimize disorientation during your first really fast rolls etc, especially when your instructor is doing them, try to keep the canopy frame locked in place in your peripheral vision and keep your head and eyes steady and forward, and not following the movement of the horizon and ground too closely. It helps you ignore the confusing information from your inner ear until you get used to the sensations, which you will, quite quickly.

Congrats, and enjoy. It's a rush. Envious!


December 25th, 2010, 23:12
Take a sick bag and a spare pair of trousers.

December 25th, 2010, 23:13
Ok ! Im'so freaked out right now I don't even know where to start. My great wife gave me a "crap don't even know what to call it" a voucher for a plane ride. I mean some kind of fighter pilot thingy here in fort wort.Sorry guys I'm like I don't know. Any ideas what to exspect. Have anyone had this stuff be fore.Will it be scary. Sorry I'm just so estatic right now. I have never flew in an airplane before.Sorry for the rambling. S&^%t Im like wow.Sorry.

You'll hate it. Every minute will be agony. I'll come over and take the voucher off your hands. It would be a sacrifice for me, but I would be willing ... :jump:

Just kidding. Find out about the outfit - but any flying company registered to fly in either the US or Canada has stringent regulations to follow, so comparatively, I'd say you're in no greater risk than any flight school, aero tour, etc. type of operation. For what it's worth, I have intense fear of heights (I get tingly looking over a bridge higher than 3 stories) - which is why I find rock climbing and general mountaineering enormously cathartic.

All my non-airline flying has been enourmously exciting - I remember each flight vividly, whether the umpteen Herk, Chinook, Kiowa, or Griffon rides whilst in the Canadian Army, to it was hitching a ride on a $100 burger ride with my doctor pal who co-owns a C172.

Risks - yes, of course they exist. Would it be safer to stay home and watch TV? Yes, but which story would you rather tell your grandkids about someday?

Who dares, wins. Your call.


December 25th, 2010, 23:52
$1400 a ticket, your wife must love you a lot! (or she is feeling guilty!) that is better than my Christmas present of a mouse mat! Mind you, that was all I asked for!

December 26th, 2010, 01:55
Ok ! Im'so freaked out right now I don't even know where to start. My great wife gave me a "crap don't even know what to call it" a voucher for a plane ride. I mean some kind of fighter pilot thingy here in fort wort.Sorry guys I'm like I don't know. Any ideas what to exspect. Have anyone had this stuff be fore.Will it be scary. Sorry I'm just so estatic right now. I have never flew in an airplane before.Sorry for the rambling. S&^%t Im like wow.Sorry.

You're going to love it. I participated in 2001 at Stinson Field in San Antonio and 2004 at the Air Combat USA Center at Meacham Field. Flying the Marchetti SF-260. First they want to make sure you are healthy enough to pull some G's, then a couple hours of ground school and aircraft familiarization, and on to the fun of flying aircraft modified as fighters! You'll keep coming back!

December 26th, 2010, 01:56
Take a sick bag and a spare pair of trousers.

Nah you're too excited to be sick, but it is good advice! LOL

December 26th, 2010, 05:53
No kidding...that will help you tolerate higher Gs! I would also recommend that you research the various V speeds for the SF260 (RealAir Simulations has a great one for FS9 / FSX) and the air combat maneuvers you might fly (barrel roll, Immelman, split S, yo yo, etc.). With that kind of background you will know what to expect and be prepared for it when it happens. Enjoy...(have a "barf bag" handy just in case...you don't want to be cleaning the aircraft)!

Curtis P40
December 26th, 2010, 07:55
That's real good advice there rvn817j. Your going to have a blast ! I would suggest eating lightly or not at all before hand. Definitely not Micky D's Breakfast Burrito, not pretty. :icon_lol:

Navy Chief
December 26th, 2010, 08:08
I know you will enjoy it!

I'd love to go for a back seat ride in a F-4 Phantom again. Way too much money to do so now though!


December 26th, 2010, 08:08
By all means, give the wife a BIG hug and DO IT!!!!!
My Dad once bought me a similar ride ( he knew I'd love it, but he also knew I'd be too cheap to buy the ride myself) in an AT-6 courtesy of North American Top Gun from Florida. Other than takeoff and landing, my hands were on the controls! I'll never forget it!

December 26th, 2010, 11:00
Sorry about all the bad spelling. We open our gifts after we visit the family's. So late night openings are the usual.

When she gave me the box to open (a shirt type box) I thought a shirt. I found a printed piece of paper and put it down on the ground thinking she gave me a piece of trash. I looked at her , like what is this a joke. She said instead of throwing it on the floor, why don't you read it.LOL...

I read it like 5 times, thinking what is this. Thats when I put 2 and 2 together.

Yes falcon409 is correct with his link.

At first I thought it was just a plane ride at a airport in a single engine plane flying around Fort Worth.

The way this worked out is kinda funny. She is always seeing me on the pc flying FSX or Lockon. Last February we picked up a relative of hers a DFW airport. I made a sarcastic remark that if we ever take a flight some where and the pilot and copilot was incapable of flying the plane to volunteer me to fly it.

She told me after getting the present and what I said at the airport that I should prove my story about flying.