View Full Version : Itīs official now..

December 24th, 2010, 06:34
Itīs official, we are moving to a new host, and it also means weīll have a full revamp on the site (and i mean a FULL revamp), by early next year youīll have a completely renewed RAZBAM site. Current support forum will continue to run until new one is ready, our domain (razbam.org) wont change but you might need to re sign in into the new forums.
RAZBAM online store accounts wont be changed, so you wont need to re sign in there.
I would like to thank KETLA IT for supporting us for almost 3 years now, and to Matīs Wemblad (itīs CEO, also our webmaster) for all the patience and problems solved.

And to all of you, a Merry Christmas and an extremely great 2011!

Best regards

Ron C. Zambrano M.