View Full Version : RE: Last hurrah for the Harrier

brad kaste
December 22nd, 2010, 07:37
Jump jets take to the skies for their final farewell....:salute:


December 22nd, 2010, 08:22
Truly Sorry to see this..
Last flight of a Great Bird..

December 22nd, 2010, 19:18
Not so fast on this one, except maybe in the UK.

The USAF said good buy to the A-10 several years ago and then Desert Storm happened. We still have her flying.

The latest from our economic down-turn in the States is that the replacement for the Harrier here is on hold and numbers of aircraft to be built are severely reduced.

I cannot see the USMC giving up all their Harriers with nothing in the pipeline to replace her.

December 23rd, 2010, 02:13
The people who came up with idea (in the UK) have not learned anything from history. In the 1920s and 30s they did the same thing and mainly for the very same reason. And yet at that time Britain was involved in small regional conflicts in those very same areas. These people have the help of the army & navy this time also. Both are fighting over new/upgraded systems that still cannot do what an aircraft can do. Both are fighting for control of the Air Force budget and of the Air Force itself. Remember the last time the Royal Navy & MoD decided they did not need an aircraft carrier and where about to scrapped/sold off. 1982 the Falklands....
Now look at this list and see if any of this makes sense.

Nimrod MR2 scrapped or converted to MRA4.....reduced, now cancelled.
Sentinal R1 ASTOR (in action in Afganistan & Iraq).... to be sold off/scrapped at the end of this tour. Service time in RAF 4 years, now NOT NEEDED.
Typhoon block 3 cancelled.....Tornado F3s scrapped as Typhoon block 3s were to replace them. Only 12 F3s (111 Sqn) retained until replacement.
Jaguars scrapped (this time it actually happened). No replacement.

I will not even get into base closures.

Here is stupid in action.
Two QE Class carriers. The first to be mothballed upon launch. The second to be used as a helicopter platform for 5 years until the F-35C is ready in 2020 (maybe). Thinking of sellling it.
I think its wonderful our Government feels great about itself and arms our soldiers, sailors and airmen with slingshots, paper ships and kites while selling our enemies the very weapons our troops need.
I will now step down off my soapbox. I usually need one so I can see above the crowds.

December 23rd, 2010, 06:14
Without getting into the TABOO area of world-wide politics too deeply, I have to wonder just who is controlling the UK and USA economies so that we are closing bases, cutting weapons systems designed to replace systems being taken off-line with the end results of taking systems off line with NO replacements.

This is not top secret, classified information, either. It is in the public news media from time to time on BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and FOX.

But, the silver lining in the dark clouds: our countries' people have ALWAYS stepped up and out-produced, out-developed all of our enemies in the past. SO, I suppose that we will do the same again, if and when necessary. Here in the States we have empty factories just sitting waiting for the need to open the doors and hire workers. With 10% unemployment, we certainly have the people available to put to productive work in those factories.

I suppose the other plus to all of this, is that perhaps we will quit paying $600. US for toilet seats.......

December 23rd, 2010, 07:48
I suppose the other plus to all of this, is that perhaps we will quit paying $600. US for toilet seats.......
Where will the funding for Area 51 come from? :icon_lol:

January 27th, 2011, 09:28
Final Harrier flypast at Downing Street.


I´m a fan of British humour.

kilo delta
January 27th, 2011, 09:51
Final Harrier flypast at Downing Street.

I´m a fan of British humour.

Lol :d