View Full Version : IRIS BD-5..

November 26th, 2010, 05:27


November 26th, 2010, 05:34
I don't normally like light GA planes in FS, but this one is going in my hangar.

November 26th, 2010, 05:37
Thanks, Ferry!

November 26th, 2010, 07:29
awesome job.....went and got it right away and flew it for an hour....2 great planes in two days....gotta love this!!!

kilo delta
November 26th, 2010, 07:35
I'm gonna clear some space in my hangar for this too. There's 2 prop driven BD-5 based in Ireland. I believe the CAA have banned them in the UK due to their poor safery record?

November 26th, 2010, 09:10
I'm gonna clear some space in my hangar for this too. There's 2 prop driven BD-5 based in Ireland. I believe the CAA have banned them in the UK due to their poor safery record?

I almost bought a real BD-5J a few years ago from a guy in Puerto Rico. It was a very nice plane for a decent price, but the stories about the safety record along with ferrying it over so much water turned me into a Scaredy CAT! Meow.

November 26th, 2010, 09:31
Ok....I am hoping someone will do aggressor paints for this baby. I don't do much online flying but this I think would make for a cool air to air folly.

kilo delta
November 26th, 2010, 09:36
I almost bought a real BD-5J a few years ago from a guy in Puerto Rico. It was a very nice plane for a decent price, but the stories about the safety record along with ferrying it over so much water turned me into a Scaredy CAT! Meow.

Get a Cri-Cri instead! :p

Here's a pic of the IRISh* BD-5G models.... click for mahoooooosive pic (http://www.flyinginireland.com/photo/albums/userpics/10093/EI-DNN%20%26%20EI-DNO.JPG)

*see what i did there? ;p

November 26th, 2010, 09:51
I took a lot of the bad bite out of the dynamics.. The idea was to create a plane that was responsive, but still fun. not one that you wouldnt fly more than five minutes.. I think i succeeded, but every plane flies differently on other peoples machines than n mine, and i've never been able to figure out why.. So, i can only hope that you all enjoy it and have fun with it.. Thats what its all about :)...

November 26th, 2010, 17:17
screenshots? :jump:

November 26th, 2010, 19:10
Pam, you did succeed. It is a real joy to fly. Since there is no forum on the Irus site yet, I'll mention a couple things.

First, in the aircraft selection preview screen, nothing, no airplane.

Second: on the prop model, the tach is pegged at something off the top of the scale.

Neither of those detract from the flying. It is one of a few aircraft I have that are "just kick the tires, light the fires, and go" airplanes that are real "let off some steam" machines.

Very well done. Anyone still thinking about it - don't, just do it.


November 26th, 2010, 19:30

The Prop version has it in the config that max RPM is 2700 or 2800 RPM, so I'm really not sure why it maxes out the dial, but I will look into it.

As for the preview screen, AFAIK I can't do anythign about that one... I'm presuming the preview is zoomed so close in because of the small size of the aircraft. If you zoom out of the preview window you will see the plane though.. :)

November 26th, 2010, 20:00
Add another to the "very pleased" club. I've been flying it out around Fallon and just having a blast with both the prop and the jet. Due to the small size there is a real sensation of speed and altitude that I don't get with other average to large size aircraft. I'm sure this is not something everyone will experience, but for me it was an added plus to the idea of having a native BD-5 of my very own, lol.

I did have one problem with the AP, but I posted the specifics on the IRIS Forum under "General Discussion".

Thanks to David, Pam and everyone else involved. . .excellent job inside and out!!:salute:

November 26th, 2010, 20:00
Real nice handling, just the right amount of power too, I bet owners of the real deal would like flight characteristics like that. It's just the job for exploring places like the new FTX Cairns, down low with the great visibility it has.

November 26th, 2010, 20:11
Lol, I forgot to take the autopilot function out as that was only there during testing... Do you guys want me to impliment it in a hotfix or remove it completely??


November 26th, 2010, 20:13
Lol, I forgot to take the autopilot function out as that was only there during testing... Do you guys want me to implement it in a hotfix or remove it completely??

At your leisure David. . .it would be nice to have. Good to know though, thanks.:salute:

November 26th, 2010, 20:14
I almost bought a real BD-5J a few years ago from a guy in Puerto Rico. It was a very nice plane for a decent price, but the stories about the safety record along with ferrying it over so much water turned me into a Scaredy CAT! Meow.

What a coincidence Bone, I almost bought an un-finished kit for the prop driven version from a mechanic at Gwinnett County airport back in 1998, for $5000, but all of the safety issues I heard about made me change my mind ... File that under "Woulda, coulda, shoulda"

Looks like a great offering from IRIS ...

Mike :kilroy:

November 26th, 2010, 20:15
Rgr, will impliment an autopilot for altitude hold, current heading hold and gps flightplan follow modes. Throttle will be entirely up to the pilot.. :P

November 26th, 2010, 20:20
Rgr, will implement an autopilot for altitude hold, current heading hold and gps flight plan follow modes. Throttle will be entirely up to the pilot.. :P
lol, lol, understood!:salute:

November 26th, 2010, 21:03
This thing is a kick to fly, really like it.

A/P can leave as far as I'm concerned. On the piston version prop RPM, where is the prop control lever? It acts like a controllable prop, but I can't find any lever.

On the preview, I can confirm, just dial out the range and it appears.

thanks all for these cool little planes.

steve :wavey:

November 26th, 2010, 21:08
Pbear, it should be a fixed pitch prop so no prop control lever (if my memory serves be correctly)... Again, I'll double check the config to see if I've accidentally used a constant speed prop option.

November 27th, 2010, 03:31
Regarding the model size in the preview box, I used Arno's RADItor.exe and set the radius of the exterior.mdl to 4 and now the model is visible in the window. In the game the model is a little further away in spot view too.

For Arno's tool see this thread... http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=17908&highlight=raditor Back up the existing mdl first!!

November 27th, 2010, 03:50
Thanks Roger, I'll see about updating my mdls.. :D

November 27th, 2010, 05:25
... File that under "Woulda, coulda, shoulda"

Mike :kilroy:

Lol. Some things are much better off in that file.

November 27th, 2010, 05:39
Regarding the model size in the preview box, I used Arno's RADItor.exe and set the radius of the exterior.mdl to 4 and now the model is visible in the window. In the game the model is a little further away in spot view too. . . . . .
Hey thanks for the reminder Roger, had the program icon on the desktop and never thought about it til you mentioned it. Works like a champ.:salute:

November 27th, 2010, 06:32
Cmon only 7 pics of the plane with only 2 cockpit shots?

November 27th, 2010, 06:50
Cmon only 7 pics of the plane with only 2 cockpit shots?
If you go to the purchase page for any of the vendors there are more than enough shots (interior and exterior) to see what you're getting.:salute:

November 27th, 2010, 07:43
I might need another cup of java cause after 15 minutes I am yet to find any more pics or vids other than the 7 pics with the 2 close ups of the gauges. I even went to Iris and do not see any info.The few vendors I found all have the same pics and short description. I am a impulse buyer but after this weekend of shopping and a few other really great FSX releases, 30 bucks is 30 bucks.
I will post links when I find some more shots.

November 27th, 2010, 08:25
Where can i find the flap lever?

November 27th, 2010, 12:38
Add me to the list of "coullda woulda shoulda", tinkered around with one at Cumbernauld about 5 or 6 years ago, started off as a partially built kit and to be honest we didnt really get that far with it before deciding to buy the plans for a Hummel Bird.

Might pick this up after Christmas.


November 27th, 2010, 13:28

YOu need to control the flaps with either a joystick assignment or the key on your keyboard... for this particular kit aircraft, the builder has chosen to impliment a switch on the joystick for the flaps.. ;)


7 pics of the outside and two of the VC is pretty much what you're going to get.. the BD-5 is very sparse and the majority of detail is on the instrument panel.. that's the same if you're in the real aircraft or the sim version. As for the exterior, it comes with four schemes, all represented on the screenshots seen..

It's a fun, cheap and cheerful product guys... don't expect much more than that.. :)

November 27th, 2010, 16:32
Im glad you made this, Iris. You guys are awesome.

I followed this plane through to kit production when I was younger. I tried to purchase one that had the stretch kit in the fuselage pre-installed (by the builder) for the Honda engine (flat 4 or 6, cant remember).

The amazing part was that the riveted fuselage was actually glued together like some modern day fighters. The rivets mearly held the metal together while the epoxy cured.

I got to sit in one at a show once. It soooo reminded me of a jet fighter. What an awesome little plane.


November 27th, 2010, 17:01
...it is!!!!


November 29th, 2010, 03:38
Hi David (Smudge)

Bought the littlu'n from Simmarket.

is it missing any fx files ?

I don't see any Nav lights from VC or spot view even though they are switched on.
Lovely model mate ;)

PS: check your Iris Forum PM's mate


November 29th, 2010, 15:03
Hi Rick,

Will look at my PM's today.. :)

As for the effects, they work fine in external, but only periodically in VC, yet the effects are coded correctly.. Not sure what causes it, but it is a pain in the rear end.. :)


November 29th, 2010, 16:37
Lol, I forgot to take the autopilot function out as that was only there during testing... Do you guys want me to impliment it in a hotfix or remove it completely??



I have purchased today this wonderrful little plane. I already have had the pleasure to do some patterns around my favorite test airport (LFMI Flight Testimg Center at Istres France)

I would like to have the autopilot implemented. Futhermore I would like to have a way to introduce the desired heading. Thank for this wonderful aircraft model.

Have a good day


July 4th, 2011, 13:07
Was there ever a fix on the rpm issue. If I try to keep the rpms in the green, the speed maxs out at around 80. Seems a little too slow to me. I would think it could go faster than that w/o blowing up the engine ;).
