View Full Version : Flight delayed due to sick puppy

November 13th, 2010, 15:38
Last night I swapped out a 250gig drive for a brand new 500gig drive....now my sim drive is twice as big. Took hours to get it formatted. Today, I hooked up my external HD and copied my GA install onto the new HD, followed by some scenery folders, and my mesh folders. Took a couple hours to get all the copying done. Then I was ready for my first flight in a number of days.

I fired up FS2004, selected Lionheart's wonderful old Fairchild F-24 with the rare bubble cowling and the WIP test skin (been working on the plane, giving it a lot of fabric detailing...an ongoing project). Selected an airport in California as my take off point. Started the flight. I was just cranking over that beautiful radial engine when Brutus, our 12 pound Chihuahua/Jack Russell mix ran into the room, spun around and did number 2...the poor puppy had a serious case of runs.

I shut down the sim, went to the kitchen for a roll of paper towels, the trash can and a bottle of carpet cleaner to clean up his accident. On the way back, I happened to look down the hall into the bedroom....and there was more "accident" on the bedroom floor. I went into the bedroom to see how bad it really was....I stopped in my tracks when I saw the bed.

Poor Brutus had thrown up all over the bed. Pillows, sheet, comforter. The poor sick puppy vomited in Morse Code. Three small spots of yuk, followed by three larger lines of yuk, followed by three small spots of yuk. Then the yuk started coming out the other end....and all resemblance to Morse Code ended.

I got the floor cleaned up, cleaned as much of the yuk off the bedding as I could. Then I stripped the bed, carried the sheets and pillow cased down to the washer and washed them. Then I hauled the comforter in to the laudromat as it would not fit in our washer and dryer. $9 to wash and dry the comforter. The sheets and pillow cases are now in the dryer.

I knew last night that Brutus was not feeling well...he was just off, not his normal self. I asked Deb if she thought Brutus was off, and she said he seemed fine to her. When I had him out today, he ate a lot more grass than usual....and it did its job. After yukking what ever had upset his stomach all over the bed and floor...he is back to his normal self.

Maybe now I can go for a flight.


brad kaste
November 13th, 2010, 16:15
...Hey Tim,...are there such meds as Pepto-Bismol for pups? And if there is,...have you medicated your dog previously? (Maybe Brutus got into that five day old pizza slice that accidentally fell under the bed?)

November 13th, 2010, 16:23
Poor little dude !! Hope he's feelin' better........

(since I was a good boy all week, my master is keeping my water bowl full of Milwaukee's Best Ice tonite. I'll probably be eatin' some grass in the morning................)

November 13th, 2010, 17:07
Pepto Bismal works quite well for dogs and is OK to give them. Our next door neighbor is a vet. She cares for our three-legged Pit bull and two cats and has 'prescribed' PB for the pooch when she had an upset tummy and runs.


Navy Chief
November 13th, 2010, 18:05
I can definitely sympathize with you!

When Chief gets sick, it is NOT a small amount. I have, on more than one occasion, gone through a complete roll (large one) of paper towels to clean it up.

Thankfully he doesn't get sick too often. And usually it's my fault, because I've given him something different to eat.

Brutus, hope you are feeling better! And Obio, I bet you are glad to be flying instead of cleaning up after Brutus!