View Full Version : Tied with Da Bears!

October 24th, 2010, 19:50
When it all counted, Grampa Perv falls down, then throws incomplete!
Packers win!!!!
Finally, a win when the score is 4 or less!

October 24th, 2010, 20:07
LoL who paid off the refs? :bump:

October 25th, 2010, 05:59
I agree! The refs were TERRIBLE!
Let's just take a quick look back, shall we:

1. Andrew Quarless's TD was not a TD catch.
2. Visanthe Shiancoe's TD catch that was reviewed and overturned, was a TD.
3.The ref who's job is to watch the feet calls Percy Harvin's feet in when the replay shows he's CLEARLY OUT! (Thank God for that challenge)
4.Greg Jennings catches the ball beyond the first down marker and is driven back but doesn't get the first down.
5. The late hit out of bounds call on Collins that was CLEARLY in bounds.

I'm sure there were more, but those are a few that come to mind.
And, FYI, the head ref was the same one that called last years playoff loss to Arizona were they missed the helmet to the head hit on Roger's turnover that cost them the game.

IMHO they should fire the whole referee crew from last night.
But...... I'll take the win. It feels good and my guess is the feeling won't last for long looking at the upcoming schedule.

Emil Frand
October 25th, 2010, 06:09
Was more of a Vikings loss than a Packers win, Packers are LUCKY to be 4-3 and they know it as does everyone else, they squeek by in their wins usually with help from a bad call or a penalty by the other team the facemask call in the final drive last night saved the Packers, not the Packers. If they do make the playoffs the first team they play will blow em out and that will be that.
And yes I agree with your reply about the Refs, holy cow man there have been some terrible calls that have decided the outcome of a lot of games this year. I still feel for the Lions loosing to the Bears on that bs call and the Packs td that shouldnt have been was another example of the poor job the refs are doing BUT the Viks should have challenged that one right away and the Harvin catch that wasnt that ref had to blind to call it a TD, same with APs TD that was challenged, the guys RIGHT there and misses it.
One thing though, Im not from here but I cant understand the hate for Favre from the fans, the guy played here 16 frikkin years, to me it was a fight between Favre and Ted and I think Ted is just lame for dealing with Brett the way he did. Sending him off to the Jets instead of just letting him go where he wanted was Ted on a power trip. It was funny how fast they set up the Bretts gone party for the first game at Lambeau that year only to have it blow up in Teds face.
Im from Philly, when Ncnaab played his first game there a Redskin I was expecting the fans to throw bricks and bottles at him, instead he got a standing ovation, imagine Philly fans showing more class than Packers fans......unbelievable.
And as far as him geing a prev, I dont doubt thats him talking to her and I dont doubt he was hitting on her, but I think its strange that 2 years later this comes out a week or two before the Jets game, Ryans dad coached the Eagles and he was pretty much a pig I doubt his son is much different and since the woman in question has made no statements or claims where did this come from and why 2 years later?

brad kaste
October 25th, 2010, 06:49
The Bears have a bye week next Sunday. However,...they'll start to play against stronger teams for the rest of the season. I predict the Vikings and the Packers (and other NFL teams) will be using Chicago as a doormat by the end of the season. Cutler got his bell rung numerous times yesterday,...plus throwing four interceptions. I wouldn't mind seeing the Bears go down in total flames in order to get rid of Coach Lovie Smith,...General Manager Jerry Angelo,....plus a lot of dead wood players. Who aren't worth a dime,....let alone millions of dollars on their contracts. Enough is enough.

October 25th, 2010, 06:52
To be honest, The Pack SHOULD be 7-0. They've given away ever loss. For the most part they've consistently out-played their opponents.

As for Favre hating. There's sooooooo much that the rest of the country doesn't know about or are aware of when it comes to the way Brett was while here. And I'm talking about toward those last few years. Myself, I'm more disappointed in his choices. Now more than ever. I'm sure a few years after he hangs it up, both he and the Packers will reconcile and he'll be a team spokesman.
But, his latest off field problems may delay that too. Until then, I'll keep my Favre jersey hung in the closet and keep wearing with pride my Rodger's one.

October 25th, 2010, 07:54
My bosses kid plays for the Packers ... they don't have much nice to say about Favre.

October 25th, 2010, 08:55
The Bears have a bye week next Sunday. However,...they'll start to play against stronger teams for the rest of the season. I predict the Vikings and the Packers (and other NFL teams) will be using Chicago as a doormat by the end of the season. Cutler got his bell rung numerous times yesterday,...plus throwing four interceptions. I wouldn't mind seeing the Bears go down in total flames in order to get rid of Coach Lovie Smith,...General Manager Jerry Angelo,....plus a lot of dead wood players. Who aren't worth a dime,....let alone millions of dollars on their contracts. Enough is enough.
I agree Brad. The Bears only get worse with each passing week. I thought the Redskins would blow them out but they don't look much better than the Bears. McNabb's skills have really fallen off this year. I can see why Philly let him go.
The only problem I see with your statement about replacing Lovie and Angelo is the Bear ownership has a history of keeping management long past their usefulness. They hired Martz to run the offense without having the personnel to do it. Lovie has proven over the years that he is not a good evaluator of talent.

brad kaste
October 25th, 2010, 10:27
Hey Trans,....you're absolutely spot on about the Bears organization keeping staff and management members way past their due. Classic case being the years of Dave Wannstedt aka "Wannie".....running the team. He should have been let go years before his final year with the Bears. Pure torture. Listening to his excuses and alibis made one climb the walls. Same thing for Lovie Smith. Excuses and more excuses for the play performance on the field. Or lack of it. Of course Virginia McCaskey thinks loads about Coach Smith....so there's been a bit of sheltering him. However,....since he's in his last year of his contract,...and the way the Monsters of the Midway have been under performing....this could be Smith's last year.
I'd like to see a guy like Bill Cowher take over the helm,....pure blood and guts with lots of fire and brimstone. Like Vince Lombardi. He'd let it be known from DAY ONE all slackers will hit the exit door ASAP. Jus' clean house....pure and simple.