View Full Version : Shockwave lights and DX10

October 17th, 2010, 13:35
Anyone know if shockwave lights work OK in DX10 preview mode? I looked at the A2A websight and the question seems to have been asked a few times but there was never any definate answer given (which may be the answer) :sleep:


October 17th, 2010, 13:50
I think they will work but I'mnot 100%.

Ive just got in from a 5-6hour drive and I'm utterly knackered and in need of a bed. So I can check fro you tomorrow but if you already have the 3d package then just flick the dx10 switch and have a look.

Trouble is dx10 mode is just a preview mode, half implemented so results may vary from system to system, cant see how they would work though

October 17th, 2010, 14:29
If the lights on A2A's B-377, P-47, and B-17 are the same that are in the "Shockwave Lights" add on package, then yes they will. I fly almost exclusively in that Preview DirectX 10 mode in FSX.

October 17th, 2010, 14:56
OK, the reason I am asking is because I've been bad as I took my lights from FS9 and put them into FSX. They worked fine in DX9 mode but lately I've been trying out DX10 and like it except that I was having issues with the lights. I was going to upgrade to the FSX version but was worried that the same thing would happen. I am having issues near the body of my aircraft where the light will break down into a buch of small squares (kind of like an un-aliased edge) and then just plain dissapeared about 6 inches from the aircraft body. If the FSX lights are actually different and will work, I have no issue upgrading.


October 19th, 2010, 15:07
Nobody knows?? Strange that every thread I see on this seems to go dark.


October 19th, 2010, 15:29
Might be somewhat related to your subject too.



October 19th, 2010, 16:37
LouP, there was an updated version for Shockwave Lights for FSX but this is a separate product for purchase. I purchased both and the FSX version works great with Dx10.

I have no idea how the FS9 version works in FSX. Check their website for information on both products.

October 19th, 2010, 19:26
Hi Stoval,

Thanks, do you have the FSX lights installed in any of Caronado FSX planes and are those OK, too?


October 19th, 2010, 19:34
Sorry none installed on Caronado aircraft but I have just about all my others including the VRS FA-18, Aerosoft F-16, helicopters of all types and many WWII models. There is such a large selection of styles and types you can't go wrong with this product. One of my best investments.

Anyone else chime in here with an opinion. A2A has done a great job with this add on. (Shockwave)

Hope this helps!!

October 20th, 2010, 03:43
I'm using DX11, comes with WIN7, and they work fine there.

October 20th, 2010, 12:24
I'm using DX11, comes with WIN7, and they work fine there.

?? How you doing that :)


October 20th, 2010, 14:24
Hey Lou it seems to work ok on my system but since dx10 is only a preview mode and can be different on different systems I cannot say 100% what results you will get though I would think it will be ok.

October 20th, 2010, 19:52
Thanks Lewis,

Nothing like going to the source. I've been using these lights ever since they were announced OK for FS9 and would really miss them if I can't get them to work. I could always stay in DX9 but I swear I see an improvement when I have that silly DX10 box checked. I guess worse case I'll have all the lights installed in the default aircraft along with my custom set-ups ;)
