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October 8th, 2010, 15:37

Dain Arns
October 8th, 2010, 16:09
I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth now... :icon_lol:

October 8th, 2010, 16:40
He this guy comming back than?
/Image is hotlinked

October 8th, 2010, 17:11

Seeing how Adobe ruined it for many, making Photoshop's full version unaffordable by the average American, perhaps Microsoft will bring it down to reality with a more proper price tag.

I wonder what the market and world will be like in 5 years.....?

October 8th, 2010, 17:59

Seeing how Adobe ruined it for many, making Photoshop's full version unaffordable by the average American, perhaps Microsoft will bring it down to reality with a more proper price tag.

I wonder what the market and world will be like in 5 years.....?

to be fair to adobe ... it isnt aimed at the average person. Its aimed at industry proffessionals, which in that market its competitively priced, costing the same as zbrush :)

EDIT:- Also just think .. it wouldnt be just photoshop, it'd be flash (which i reckon is the main reason behind it all) ... 3ds max ... and everything else!

Smokey Joe
October 8th, 2010, 18:58
Exactly. Photoshop is not a consumer program. It takes years to learn it it, and it is geared toward professional users. Microsoft would totally ruin it. Personally, I would never buy a Microsoft Photoshop, never.

Tom Clayton
October 8th, 2010, 19:26
MS owns Silverlight. Isn't that a competitor with Flash? And if so, would MS do away with Flash completely? Talk about "cornering the market!"

On second thought, MS would probably have to keep Flash available in order to keep the anti-trust lawyers at bay. I'm sure the last go-round with that crew left a bitter taste in Bill's mouth!

October 8th, 2010, 21:28
... 3ds max ...

Well..., that would make all the designers happy, if MS Flight came with a scaled-down version of Max?

October 8th, 2010, 22:51
MS owns Silverlight. Isn't that a competitor with Flash? And if so, would MS do away with Flash completely? Talk about "cornering the market!"

On second thought, MS would probably have to keep Flash available in order to keep the anti-trust lawyers at bay. I'm sure the last go-round with that crew left a bitter taste in Bill's mouth!

I think it'd be more the other way around, get rid of silverlight and keep flash, then develope flash to be more smart phone/tablet orientainted.

Well..., that would make all the designers happy, if MS Flight came with a scaled-down version of Max?

Gmax is a scaled down version of max, based on v4 with all the rendering stuff removed. Would a new gmax based on a newer version of max be welcomed? sure .. will it happen? i very much doubt it as theres little to nothing in it for them.

October 8th, 2010, 23:14
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Microsoft PhotoWorks for Windows - LIVE

Microsoft is always evaluating its business model to determine what is best for both users and the company. Many factors were considered in the difficult decision to close the PHOTOSHOP Studio, but we feel it will help us better align with our goals and long-term development plans for the Zune multimedia experience.

Microsoft is proud today to announce "Microsoft PhotoWorks for Windows - LIVE" developed by many of the same creative minds that shaped "Microsoft PHOTOSHOP” and we're excited about delivering a new take on this classic franchise.

Microsoft PhotoWorks for Windows - LIVE will build off its heritage of deep creativity and is designed to make the experience easier for virtual photographers of all interests and skills. Microsoft PhotoWorks for Windows - LIVE introduces a new level of connectivity to photography editing. You will easily connect with and facilitate graphic design experiences with your friends. The addition of Microsoft PhotoWorks for Windows - LIVE creates an ubiquitous virtual world of creativity that offers easy and engaging access to the magic of graphic design for all.

October 9th, 2010, 00:22
I agree that Photoshop is not a software package designed for or marketed to the "average American." It is a professional level package designed for and marketed to professional photo editors, photo retouchers, photo restorers, digital artists. I have been using Photoshop on and off since 1993 or 1994....and there are still elements of the program that I have not used. I have two versions of Photoshop in my possession: 5.0 LE (Limited Edition, a scaled down version of Photoshop 5.0) and 7.0. The vast majority of my CFS2 skinning work was done in 5.0 LE and I could easily do FS9 skins in that older, scaled down version of Photoshop....it is that powerful still.

Would the purchase of Adobe by Microsoft be a good thing for Photoshop? I don't believe so. Would Microsoft Photoshop be any cheaper than Adobe Photoshop? I don't believe so. Would Microsoft Photoshop be a program designed for and marketed to the "average American"? Again, I don't think so. But I still believe that Photoshop would suffer under the ownership of Microsoft.


October 9th, 2010, 02:51

Seeing how Adobe ruined it for many, making Photoshop's full version unaffordable by the average American, perhaps Microsoft will bring it down to reality with a more proper price tag.

I wonder what the market and world will be like in 5 years.....?

Try to buy the same Photoshop in Europe.

(I know - it's old version, but price difference remained the same)

October 9th, 2010, 03:44
If any one is a school teacher, student or has a spouse who is, you can purchase PS CS5 for a reasonable price. I think we paid around $200 for the program.

October 9th, 2010, 04:06
Maybe we can finally get rid of that accursed Microsoft Paint then. I've never seen a more useless program.

Photoshop now part of the windows O.S. install package! :applause:

October 9th, 2010, 04:18
What I'm gnashing my teeth about is why I didn't buy Adobe stock the day before this was announced!!

October 9th, 2010, 05:22
Who needs PS anyways when you can have GIMP?

October 9th, 2010, 05:42
Who needs PS anyways when you can have GIMP?

How any one can use it is beyond me...

←PSP6 user.

October 9th, 2010, 05:54
What I'm gnashing my teeth about is why I didn't buy Adobe stock the day before this was announced!!

But maybe Steve Ballmer of Microsoft did. Think about it.

Regards, Mike Mann

Seagull V
October 9th, 2010, 06:07


A9CAD (Is a very basic 2D CAD program similar to AutoCAD)

Martin Wrights DXTBmp
also check out his website

FREE PDF Writer (http://www.pdfill.com/freewriter_pdf.html)

Quick PDF Tools

any other recommendations ??????

October 9th, 2010, 07:23
I use Photoshop Elements for my photography to which versions 7 & 8 can be found brand new for definitely less than the $99 USD retail price of the current version 9

October 9th, 2010, 08:06
... 3ds max

Adobe doesn't own 3ds Max, so that wouldn't be included with any acquisition by MS.

Autodesk owns 3ds Max, Maya, etc. :ernae:

October 10th, 2010, 15:40
How any one can use it is beyond me...

1) Install.
2) Run.
3) Use.

That's how.

October 10th, 2010, 15:51
But maybe Steve Ballmer of Microsoft did. Think about it.

Regards, Mike Mann

If he did, he broke the law.....ask Martha Stewart.

October 10th, 2010, 19:40
1) Install.
2) Run.
3) Use.

3) is farking hard to do if you ask me.

October 11th, 2010, 00:24
Photoshop now part of the windows O.S. install package! :applause:

Only with a corresponding price increase.:173go1:
I only use Photoshop when I have no other choice, and then grudgingly!!
Agreed, GIMP can do almost everything the PS can, and costs nothing, but it is a steep learning curve.
This could end up like PSP as it is today, Corel really ruined that program and I believe MS might well do the same to PS.
Time will tell.

October 11th, 2010, 00:43
3) is farking hard to do if you ask me.


October 11th, 2010, 01:15
Lmao @ Bjoern... Install. Run. Use :icon_lol:

I installed the Gimp a few weeks ago and it didn't give me any hastles during the installation :salute:

3) is farking hard to do if you ask me.

In a couple of months you'll have Gimp with single window integration.


October 11th, 2010, 09:41
3) is farking hard to do if you ask me.

PS CS4 and 5 can't even draw straight lines without paths. Inconvienient^8.

In a couple of months you'll have Gimp with single window integration.

In 2.8?

October 11th, 2010, 10:04
PS CS4 and 5 can't even draw straight lines without paths. Inconvienient^8.

Say what? I've no trouble at all with "straight lines" at any angle.

Pencil or Brush.
Click to place start.
Hold Shift key, click to place end.

October 11th, 2010, 11:46
In 2.8?

That's what I read.

If you google "Gimp Single Window Mode" there are a couple of articles and screenshots floating around.


October 11th, 2010, 15:04
Say what? I've no trouble at all with "straight lines" at any angle.

Pencil or Brush.
Click to place start.
Hold Shift key, click to place end.

Wasn't like that in the CS5 version I took for a spin. Hmm...

Ah, never mind that. I'll stick to GIMP. It's just so much leaner.

That's what I read.

Then I shall wait patiently. If there's one thing ticking me off about GIMP, it's those free floating, uncontained, task bar overlapping, always size-resetting, extra windows. *Grr*

October 11th, 2010, 17:59
We all have our favorite tools, be it PSP, PS, Gimp, etc. Same with 3D design, be it Gmax, Max, Maya, Blender, LightWave, Collada, etc, etc...

I am so used to my PS 6.0 that I dont know if I could adapt to CS5, but I know one thing. I wouldnt pay thousands for it, lol... I'll go to Gimp first..

I thought Autodesk purchased Adobe...

October 11th, 2010, 18:03
I thought Autodesk purchased Adobe...

They did, which is what I wrote in my post up there ^ somewhere... :bump:

October 14th, 2010, 17:06
Hey Bjoern,

Then I shall wait patiently. If there's one thing ticking me off about GIMP, it's those free floating, uncontained, task bar overlapping, always size-resetting, extra windows. *Grr*

I thought I was the only one experiencing the problem with the resetting windows.

Gimp 2.6.11 has just been released: http://www.gimp.org/

I installed UFRaw the other day as well... Seems to work nicely. Just pay attention when installing it as if you don't uncheck some boxes you'll associate all the raw file formats from various camera manufacturer's to the program :salute:



October 15th, 2010, 09:10
Gimp 2.6.11 has just been released: http://www.gimp.org/

Dang, just upgraded to 2.6.10 a few days ago! :icon_lol:

I've been using Inkscape (open source) for the last few days. What an awesome tool!

Seriously, who needs commercial pixel/vecor graphics tools?

October 17th, 2010, 17:35
Hey Bjoern,

Dang, just upgraded to 2.6.10 a few days ago! :icon_lol:

Hehehe... I installed 2.6.11 the other night and the floating windows are still there. Otherwise, everything seems to be working as usual.

I've been using Inkscape (open source) for the last few days. What an awesome tool!

It is... I installed it a little while ago out of interest and so far I've used it to layout a DVD cover for a wedding I attended. The templates are pretty awesome.

Seriously, who needs commercial pixel/vecor graphics tools?

They still have a long way to go before they can compete with some of the commercial offerings, but the potential that I see in open source is that is offers anybody the opportunity to create a job for themselves.

I know reference material is somewhat absent from bookstores but this, in itself, is only a market going begging for someone to fill - You can have a lot of fun writing content.


October 18th, 2010, 12:23
They still have a long way to go before they can compete with some of the commercial offerings, but the potential that I see in open source is that is offers anybody the opportunity to create a job for themselves.

As a sidenote, I regard FlightGear as one of the, if not the most promising flight simulator out there.
It just avoids everything shedding a bad light on the commercial sims out there.