View Full Version : Wierd

October 8th, 2010, 08:36
Just wanted to share this - I was swapping some terrain texture files around in my main CFS2 install, got them how I wanted, went to fly a misssion, and - no guns. From joystick trigger or keyboard. Only the sound of silence. Engine started, control surfaces worked, but discovered that some of my other keyboard commands didn't work either. Restart CFS2 - no joy. Restart computer - no joy. deleted and reassigned the keyboard and joystick fire commands in settings. Nada. Finally, I took an old CFS2.cfg from a backup, and dropped it into the install, replacing the file, and bingo. Everything's back to normal. Two good lessons there we all know, but they bear repeating - A: Don't panic, and B: Always have a good back up.

October 8th, 2010, 10:26
Jeez, Ghostrider, that musta had ya goin' for a bit!

October 8th, 2010, 10:43
I've had the settings in "controller assignments" change without me doing it. I have pedals, quad, and stick. A couple of weeks ago the "mixture axis" on my quad became the "elevator axis". That was quite shocking! Is it the old gremlins, or maybe some new ones with Vista? I believe this happened after I had just installed something.:ernae:

October 8th, 2010, 10:45
I have learned to always run my "clean out CDP" and clean out "filelist.dat" file programs because I have had similar problems after adding scenery. Things like weapons not working, etc. I would post the two programs but I really don't know how.

October 8th, 2010, 10:55
From bad past experiences I have developed the routine that whenever i add something to the game I remove the 'filelist.dat" from all the scenery folders. Whether it does anything or not it seems to have saved me some headaches. Same with the "cdp's" whenever I change the aircrafts.

October 11th, 2010, 11:14
Here ya go - a zip file set of BAT files to clean things up.
