View Full Version : A Must See; Microsoft Surface

September 29th, 2010, 23:39
Hey all,

This is just incredible.



For those of you that saw Iron Man 1, this was in it, or at least something similar.

September 30th, 2010, 00:48
Looks very fancy but.....is that all you can do with a table. I wonder how much an IT provider would charge a business to provide a service like that.

September 30th, 2010, 01:05
tis clever ... utterly pointless and not needed in my opion ... but clever

September 30th, 2010, 02:27
...This is just incredible...
It is...makes you want to just chuck that ol' iPad eh? ;)

September 30th, 2010, 04:08
I just hope you can play Defender on it.

September 30th, 2010, 09:40
Well, that's a terrific solution in search of a problem to solve... :bump:

September 30th, 2010, 09:53
Speaking of Table Tops - which one of these would you buy?


September 30th, 2010, 09:53
Possible applications I could see this in would be air traffic control stations, like on Carriers that have those huge tables in the flight control room (tower). Another would be battle situation rooms.

A second would be a giant version on a wall, similar to Bill Gates home that has these things along his walls (giant versions). A wall in a store could show some very cool looking graphics. Mind you the graphics have to be created, like that surf board rotating view. That is 'alot' of high technology graphics being employed there. Do that with a car. You would need a ton of hardware to run the graphics, probably more then something like FSX uses, plus the size of the screen, which in this case is facing up instead of vertical.

Another would be office desks. If the system were placed under a glass top that were painted black underneath except in the screen zone, then your desk could be your monitor. Your eyes would be fighting reflections though as glass acts like a mirror and with a sunrise facing you through office windows in front of you, you would hardly be able to see the screen. (I know, just shut the curtains. There goes that cool office view though).

If they could integrate this into inexpensive desk tops, (literally something you lay on your desk, is about 3/8 inches thick), then it might really take off. A car salesman could have this on his desk and the person signs over his signature electronically onto papers that are in the screen, flipped around, emailed, etc. Car stores/dealers could surely use these.

But, if its super expensive, then how could a snow boarding store afford one of these, and make its rent at a nice location in a mall or old-town shopping mall location in a major city? If its feasible money wise, it may certainly work.

Also, most people own iPhones, though alot are getting other new smart phones. Some are not windows powered though, so only a minority of phone devices will work. If the table really wants to take off, they would want to 'interchange' and work with all phone devices, such as iPhone, Droid, anything Google has going (dont they make smartphone software now?).


September 30th, 2010, 10:00
You know... It just occurred to me. This would make an excellent next generation touch screen computer OS, like Windows 8TS, for Touch Screen. This would jump up Windows over Apple in their iPad and iPhone screen interaction system, like leap frogging them!

Employ this on new HP touch screens with adjustable desktop zones, have this on a 42 inch monitor, (vertical, not facing up like a table) and you would have something PRETTY DARN COOL! I would want one... It would be like those computer stations in the movie with Tom Cruise, what was it... Minority Report. The Police Station has those cool computer centers, multi screens, windows openings are variable, resizeable, moveable, photos spinnable and expandable. That would blow the doors off of Apple's software, both OSX and iOS-iPad....

September 30th, 2010, 10:43
A second would be a giant version on a wall, similar to Bill Gates home that has these things along his walls (giant versions). A wall in a store could show some very cool looking graphics. Mind you the graphics have to be created, like that surf board rotating view. That is 'alot' of high technology graphics being employed there. Do that with a car. You would need a ton of hardware to run the graphics, probably more then something like FSX uses, plus the size of the screen, which in this case is facing up instead of vertical.

If you wanted graphics on your wall then you'd paint em on, 1/4 of the price and you dont have to pay the electric bill, and the walls would prolly be full of stock anyways. Also if theres a powercut you have a big ugly black space on the wall ...

Another would be office desks. If the system were placed under a glass top that were painted black underneath except in the screen zone, then your desk could be your monitor. Your eyes would be fighting reflections though as glass acts like a mirror and with a sunrise facing you through office windows in front of you, you would hardly be able to see the screen. (I know, just shut the curtains. There goes that cool office view though).

It'd also do your kneck in looking down all day, big no no!

If they could integrate this into inexpensive desk tops, (literally something you lay on your desk, is about 3/8 inches thick), then it might really take off. A car salesman could have this on his desk and the person signs over his signature electronically onto papers that are in the screen, flipped around, emailed, etc. Car stores/dealers could surely use these.

They'll still want it in paper form for records and customer copies etc .. if you did it digitaly you'd have to print 2 copies of it ... a lot easier and cheaper to just tell them to press down a bit harder on the paper ..

Employ this on new HP touch screens with adjustable desktop zones, have this on a 42 inch monitor, (vertical, not facing up like a table) and you would have something PRETTY DARN COOL!

cool yes .. but what if you wanted to type anything?? you'd need a keyboard .. then it'd turn into just a very expensive moniter ...

not haveing a go at ya bill, i just dont like companies putting "technolagy" into places where its not needed and then trying to convince people with overhyped hype about how usefull it'll be. I still dont like the fact everyones going digi with smartphones etc and expecting you to be on "soical networks" 24hrs a day everyday. All it'd take is a powercut and your left with nothing. Plus it all costs a bloody fortune to run :engel016:

September 30th, 2010, 11:39
I still dont like the fact everyones going digi with smartphones etc and expecting you to be on "soical networks" 24hrs a day everyday.

Stiz, you crack me up sometimes :icon29:


September 30th, 2010, 16:19
They also had something similar in the movie The Island... It was really neat there too.

September 30th, 2010, 17:53
Hey Bill...
Head over to Scottsdale Fashion Square. The Microsoft Store has two of them set up so you can see for yourself how it works.

September 30th, 2010, 18:10
Hey Bill...
Head over to Scottsdale Fashion Square. The Microsoft Store has two of them set up so you can see for yourself how it works.

Thanks Paiken,

I'll check that out.
