View Full Version : AI not so good

September 28th, 2010, 08:32
i just built a mission at pearl harbour.everythings working fine,except the AI planes wont do what i ask of them.example 1,5 groups of 3 kates heading to battleship row from the east to attack battleships wont do that.instead they head south circle round to the right then head north in to pearl.thats not what i asked them to do.example 2,vals coming in from the north to bomb ford island bomb the fuel tanks east of sub pens north of hickam.i could go on.whats occuring?can i sort this??

September 28th, 2010, 09:12
The sim has certain parameters for setting up an AI attack. For some reason when an attack is in or around mountainous terrain, the sim has a problem setting it up. Then it will seek a solution by replotting the attack from a different approach. Sometimes the sim finds a solution and the AIs will attack, but mostly they will just wander about. I've never found an answer to getting around this issue of attacks against surface/ground targets in or around drastically varying elevations in terrain.

September 28th, 2010, 10:39
there must be a way to overcome this.

September 28th, 2010, 12:46
there must be a way to overcome this.

There is a way to overcome it but it takes lots of practice.First you have to watch how the AI react. After that you have to figure the angles for the AI to attack right without crashing into the mountains. There is so much you have to learn that I can't put it all here.

I my first attack missions for Pearl I have about 135 planes attacking, over 40 are torpedo planes which get over 20 hits which is pretty close to historical. My Vals hit Hickam and my level bombers hit Battleship Row. It took me months to figure everything out for 1 mission.

Your Vals not attacking Ford Island is because most everything on Ford is GSL scenery. AI planes don't reconize the GSL structures sometimes and just attack something else.


September 28th, 2010, 13:02
....AI planes don't reconize the GSL structures sometimes and just attack something else.

That's very true Al...i think you nailed it right there. The other thing is AI aggressiveness and skill levels selected by the mission's designer. The highest levels always return the best performance and results on player command and on MB assignment.

September 28th, 2010, 14:28
the vals attacked the fuel tanks,they are gl scenery are they not?if i was to place a truck near a hangar say,would they attack that?

September 28th, 2010, 14:31
oh,one more thing.im flying a p40,so the jap planes are all AI,set to ace and high aggression.

September 28th, 2010, 16:36
Set your altitude for the AI to BALT and indicated airspeed.I have seen the AI do some very reallistic flying. One place I was having problems was the AI crashing on landing. I found that I was using 1% AI which is not a good idea.The stock AI now only crash if they are badly damaged. I have seen more then once Ai on landing do a go around because the pattern is full.Another thing is to always have all the aircraft in the mission land someplace.If you don`t some will just keep going around the airfield and never land.If you have all the aircraft landinging in the mission and you see one or two still flying around in a area then there is in most cases an AI aircraft on the ground that has crashlanded in that area, give them some time and they to will land back at base.

September 29th, 2010, 06:52
I'm sure that Talon's comments above are very relevant in this particular instance. Picking and choosing the attack paths in Pearl can make all the difference because of the mixture of hilly and flat terrain. ALSO, Bob's point about AIR/CFG files for the AI's is something to look into. I'm pretty sure TR did a tute on tuning AIR/CFG files for AI performance. Mostly it involved the MOI values, as I recall. I believe that the tute is posted on SimV.

September 29th, 2010, 07:25
Here ya go, Teeming Masses - remember to remove the >.TXT< from the end to read his doc with a PDF reader....



September 29th, 2010, 12:07
Set your altitude for the AI to BALT and indicated airspeed.I have seen the AI do some very reallistic flying. One place I was having problems was the AI crashing on landing. I found that I was using 1% AI which is not a good idea.The stock AI now only crash if they are badly damaged. I have seen more then once Ai on landing do a go around because the pattern is full.Another thing is to always have all the aircraft in the mission land someplace.If you don`t some will just keep going around the airfield and never land.If you have all the aircraft landinging in the mission and you see one or two still flying around in a area then there is in most cases an AI aircraft on the ground that has crashlanded in that area, give them some time and they to will land back at base.

"Negative, Ghostrider, the pattern is full."


October 2nd, 2010, 13:40
I'm sure that Talon's comments above are very relevant in this particular instance. Picking and choosing the attack paths in Pearl can make all the difference because of the mixture of hilly and flat terrain. ALSO, Bob's point about AIR/CFG files for the AI's is something to look into. I'm pretty sure TR did a tute on tuning AIR/CFG files for AI performance. Mostly it involved the MOI values, as I recall. I believe that the tute is posted on SimV.

Actually it makes a difference in all missions how you set up the AI planes. When I do missions I have my AI planes set at different alt.,different angles which make them attack at different times. This way you get less planes crashing into each other.


October 3rd, 2010, 15:33
i tried all that talon, but they stil do what they want.