View Full Version : New Chompers for the Addictive Simulations Pitts S1 Special

September 23rd, 2010, 19:30
I've been working on the G-REAP paint for the Addictive Simulations Pitts S1 Special. Everything on the cowl is newly done. Then teeth are a real challenge for my patience. I was pulling my hair out trying to play dentist!! Then I get to do the same thing two more times for the wheel pants (sigh) Overall detailing on everything thus far. And more to do before completion.

On the right under-side of the bottom wing there is something there. I don't have a clue what it is. It can be seen on one of the pictures I found, but not enough to make anything of it. It almost looks like band-aids. Wish I knew what it was so I could really finish this paint up right.


Big screens below

September 24th, 2010, 08:26
thats pretty cool...........do you know who tim decker is?....he does airshows on the west coast..i think his website is www.timdeckerairshows.com not sure..i can check..im not sure what model his pitts is..but if you take requests...id sure like to have a repaint of his bird

oh upon looking at his website he flys a pitts s-2b but id still like to have his paint on the addictive sim s2a ......lol

September 24th, 2010, 09:43
Hi Dave,

At this point as for the repaint, it's pretty standard compared to most. But doing his specific scheme will have to wait for Addictive to (maybe) release an S2 model. I understand when I first painting the Addictive Pitts that I released one or two (I think) that were depicted on S2's, but I thought hard about doing that and decided against that from here on out.

September 24th, 2010, 10:26
oh i didnt realise the addictive sim was an s1...to be honest i dont really know the differance in them...they look the same to me...lesson time..what makes the differance in an S1a and an S2B ?......

September 24th, 2010, 10:28
Generally speaking, the S1 is a single seat. The S2 is a two seat style

September 24th, 2010, 12:51
oh ok thank you

huub vink
September 24th, 2010, 13:06
Looks great OB as said before, you are a courageous man! Great work on the artwork on the tail!


September 24th, 2010, 15:23
Looks great OB as said before, you are a courageous man! Great work on the artwork on the tail!


Thanks Huub. Your reply is greatly admired sir.
....It looks better yet as I was not satisfied. So I went back to work on it. The tail graphics are top notch now ;)

January 10th, 2012, 05:10
Hi!! I'm the new owner of Pitts S-1s G-REAP and came across this thread and your fabulous work when looking up the history of The Plane.

Your artwork is amazing mate! How did you do the tail graphics?! By freehand or some kind of import from a photo? The pictures of The Grim Reaper in flight from the sim are the best flying pics of the plane I've seen! Really well done!!

Now the bad news........ I bought the remains of G-REAP last November, after the previous owner put it through a barbed wire fence on landing! The repairs are complete and I'm collected the major components from the paint shop on Thursday. However, the paint job is now RED all over, not just any red but the official Ferrari Rosso Corsa! The registration has also changed to G-EEPJ. So your aircraft is now the only G-REAP still flying!

I'm undecided about the final paint scheme, but am considering sunburst upper and lower wing and tail surfaces, with the fuselage just red for the moment. I'm doing the registration letters in silver and the vertical ones will be on the fin/rudder. Is there some kind of paint tool with the sim that you used to create G-REAP? And if so, would you want to do the current version and maybe we could model some potential new schemes?!

Cheers and well done again!!


I've been working on the G-REAP paint for the Addictive Simulations Pitts S1 Special. Everything on the cowl is newly done. Then teeth are a real challenge for my patience. I was pulling my hair out trying to play dentist!! Then I get to do the same thing two more times for the wheel pants (sigh) Overall detailing on everything thus far. And more to do before completion.

On the right under-side of the bottom wing there is something there. I don't have a clue what it is. It can be seen on one of the pictures I found, but not enough to make anything of it. It almost looks like band-aids. Wish I knew what it was so I could really finish this paint up right.


Big screens below

January 10th, 2012, 07:26
OOPS!! That's sad to hear. Was G-REAP still the original scheme when you took ownership? I suppose mishaps do happen.

Congratulations on your new ownership.

I responded to your PM.

Crash Report; http://www.aaib.gov.uk/publications/bulletins/april_2011/pitts_s_1s_special__g_reap.cfm