View Full Version : Read Me Fisrt...html Multimedia

September 21st, 2010, 07:19
After writing so many RMF files in good old .txt style I desided to go for Html with some multimedia. My Scenery, Adventure Flights and Missions will now give regular instructions, while you listen to music, review the specified aircraft on video as well as showing the user the area or country the flight is in. Some maps will also be interactive and you might get some mystery movie too on the given subject....
A little more work, but the Pilot will get a better picture of the "story" being told by the flight or Mission. As you might know all my flights, scenery and Missions follow a little "story" which helps the pilot "live" the Adventure through his eyes, hands, feet and most importantly his mind! as well as get in the "mood"...I believe that with a little story around your flight it actually becomes an Adventure !

Example: "Find Dr. Laura Fokkler"...Story line: Itīs December 8th, 1941, yesterday WW2 started for the US. Laura is lost in the Panama Jungle of Darien while looking for an "explosive Plant".....you go find her around a river with your old float plane....(Video..The Panama Canal in 1939 just for show)....Story and Video of Huge Japanese Submarines carrying "Shidden" torpedo planes aimed at bombing tha Panama Canal...this should get you in the war mood. Black and white map not to clear of the area you will fly to and finally a Video of an actual flight to the Jungle of Darien with a bunch of noisy tourists....

I you download the Flight and care to write me a note about the presentation I will appreciate it....

Thatīs it----------------:kilroy: