View Full Version : Heads up: Dominica X

September 16th, 2010, 02:56
Hey guys, found a great new scenery in the flightsim.com FSX new files yesterday in the evening. Only had time for a very short hop, but I must say itīs stunning.
It is the island of Dominica, photoscenery with autogen, custom objects and two nice airports. Itīs done by Zev C. Richards and Jean Louis Valladier.

Donīt have screens yet, but itīs definitively worth trying out yourself!

Forgot: Itīs at flightsim as "dominicax_setup.zip".

September 16th, 2010, 03:07
Thank you for the H.U.

September 16th, 2010, 09:16
I installed it and found worth the price.
No jokes ...... excellent scenery indeed.:salute::salute: