View Full Version : FSX Vietnam War project - WIP comin soon : Gia Nghia, Home of the Pterodactyls - phot

Vietnam War Project
September 11th, 2010, 23:24

This is a work in progress ( coming soon).

Gia Nghia, our first photoreal scenery.
Home of The Pterodactyls (185th Recon Airplane Co. and USAF FACs)
To use with O-1 Bird Dog, C-7 Caribou.

Best regards and...

Xavier Carre - Jacques Godfrin
FSX Vietnam War project



September 12th, 2010, 02:20
Oh wow! Bases in photorealistic look.
Did you handcraft the ground texture or use a sat photo of other existing bases?

I use your Laotian bases (esp. LS20A) on a regular base. Actually your scenery, Salomons and PNG are the only sceneries I use outside FTX coverage. So a big "merci beaucoup" for that!

Humble question: is there any chance of a photorealistic redo of other ground textures (esp. in Laos, Cambodia)?

Vietnam War Project
September 12th, 2010, 03:41

In Gia case, i've used Google Earth to get airfield position, length, a kind of draft using Sbuilder.
Then I've covered and filled this draft with an aerial picture (adapted) from LtCol Cooley, then i've repaint strip (copy/paste some ground parts) and some trail and parking using Photoshop.
I'll try to add some more detailed ground texture in some parts.

In other WIP : Pattle island (Paracels), Nha Trang, I use pictures from Google and adapte them.

Mang Buk will be an hand-made strip.

An idea for many areas will be to use EarthTiles and SDK annotator, but don't know about time.



September 12th, 2010, 07:13
Wow ! It keeps getting better and better . An outstanding addition to your already outstanding scenery . I am currently home based at Danang . I can fly north , south or west and find no problem finding a base within easy distance . Your including a historical description makes for interesting reading . Looking forward to the next release .

Rich (Danang was my old stumping grounds 43 years ago so I'm kind of partial to it . Very good lay out by the way . I spent a lot of time in the NW corner where all the big-high revetments are)

September 12th, 2010, 22:50
Good work, Xavier! I really enjoy what you are doing (the VN scenery keeps me from working my own projects, that's a compliment, LOL)!
I think painted photo-backgrounds are the way to go.


Vietnam War Project
September 13th, 2010, 10:38
many thanks Crusader, I hope you will enjoy forthcoming sceneries.

Mark, thanks to your sceneries, i have now a place to fly my Catalina. And i'm thinking about your Solomons sceneries while watching The Pacific, the miniserie from HBO, Spielberg and Hanks when Corsairs take off from Henderson at Guadalcanal.


