View Full Version : Orbx PNW Lighthouse Stations

September 11th, 2010, 15:07
I have a picture showing a couple of my Vancouver Island Scenery lighthouses. The left hand portion of the picture is the Cape Beale Lighthouse at night. The right hand portion shows the Carmanah Point Lighthouse with its custom landable helipad on the far right. All the objects in both lighthouse locations (except the oil drums at Carmanah Point) are custom made with 3ds Max. Modeled simple enough to give great frame rates, but looking much closer to the real world than using default FSX objects.

Dain Arns
September 11th, 2010, 15:16
...The right hand portion shows the Carmanah Point Lighthouse with its custom landable helipad on the far right...

The best part! :icon_lol: :jump:
Looking forward to this now.

September 11th, 2010, 15:33
Lighthouse light effect is from an airport or do you have something different? If you don't, I have something you can take a look at, if you're interested?

September 11th, 2010, 20:31
Lighthouse light effect is from an airport or do you have something different? If you don't, I have something you can take a look at, if you're interested?
I have changed the effect to a baseType of SEA_BASE, but will probably write my own fx. I am still in the very early stages of this scenery project and am really just roughing it in and placing some early photos on SOH to gauge the interest in the project. I have to say that I suspect that most people are happy with what is available already for Orbx PNW and interest in my project is low enough that I will probably not release it. Even though it is freeware, I suspect it just won't be worth my trouble uploading it.

September 13th, 2010, 12:21
dont get bummed man I think your shots look aesome! I would kill to have that E&B Helicopters scenery that you developed! Keep up the great work!


September 13th, 2010, 15:31
. . . . . . .and placing some early photos on SOH to gauge the interest in the project. I have to say that I suspect that most people are happy with what is available already for Orbx PNW and interest in my project is low enough that I will probably not release it. Even though it is freeware, I suspect it just won't be worth my trouble uploading it.
That's quite common here really and I used to take it kinda personally and let it bother me that I would post shots of work I was doing and then I was the only one answering the thread, lol. I'd get 200+ views and not one single comment, nothing, zilch, nada. Then I'd go ahead and upload it anyway and within 3 or 4 days I might have a couple hundred downloads. . . .or I would just finish it and use it for my own personal delight and someone would send me a PM or start a thread asking whatever happened to that project you were working on? Usually followed by several other posts that said. . ."Yea I was really following that and waiting for it to be released", lol, lol.

It follows no rhyme or reason, so I wouldn't worry about it really. . .produce what you like. . .what makes you step back and say. . .yep, I like that a lot. . .and then upload it and let the masses feed on it, lol.

September 14th, 2010, 05:16
Thank you for the encouraging words Heliman and Falcon!! I have always intended to continue working on this scenery project (I like to fly in this area), but I'm not so sure that I will make the scenery public. Thanks again for the kind words.

Dain Arns
September 14th, 2010, 13:09
Thank you for the encouraging words Heliman and Falcon!! I have always intended to continue working on this scenery project (I like to fly in this area), but I'm not so sure that I will make the scenery public. Thanks again for the kind words.

You just can't hold back on scenery with helipads for the PNW coverage area, you just can't! :icon_lol:
I know a bunch of guys over at Hovercontrol.com (http://www.hovercontrol.com/) would love it... :wavey: