View Full Version : Adding coutries to Maw

September 9th, 2010, 18:56
I am trying to add Russia to MAW by using the NEK tutorial.I have succeded in adding the Russian flag and caracters Kozach,Popkov,Raskov and Kozachenko to the menu.
The onlyproblem is that when i try runninfg Q/C there is no cutcenes.
Any idea How I could solve this problem :kilroy: Thanks.

September 9th, 2010, 19:16
I know CFS3 is limited as to how many nations it can hold. The best idea is to replace one of the MAW nations with Russia

September 9th, 2010, 22:18
Westview is right, though I can't remember the limit.

Have you added the extra lines into cutscenes.xml?

Otherwise, I agree, simply go over an existing nation - US Navy seems to me to be the least useful, but that's a matter of opinion...

September 10th, 2010, 03:57
I know CFS3 is limited as to how many nations it can hold. The best idea is to replace one of the MAW nations with Russia

Westview is right, though I can't remember the limit.

Have you added the extra lines into cutscenes.xml?

Otherwise, I agree, simply go over an existing nation - US Navy seems to me to be the least useful, but that's a matter of opinion...

:kilroy:Gentlemen, the answer to the maximum number of the countries used in CFS3-based theaters question is: 20. I don't know how many countries there are currently in MAW, but a thorough check of the MAX country.xml may well reveal that answer.:d

September 10th, 2010, 04:24
The number of countries in MAW is maxed out.
I remember we where discussing to some extend what countries to leave out.
The beauty of the commitees, LOL.
Having said that, if you want another country one would have to go, as been said allready.

September 10th, 2010, 05:35
The number of countries in MAW is maxed out.
I remember we where discussing to some extend what countries to leave out.
The beauty of the commitees, LOL.
Having said that, if you want another country one would have to go, as been said allready.

Just a question :
Could the problem be solved if you join all the English colonies under the same flag ?


I like this blue one...

September 10th, 2010, 07:20
Yes sure, but remember there's more to it than just editing the country.xml.
Think of it, you'd have to change a number of aircraft and vehicle damage profile and what not.
From memory - but don't quote me on that- it would be easiest to merge USA and US_Navy into one country.
Not sure if we or someone else ever did Italy_Salo_Republic objects so that might be an option too to merge this one with Italy.

September 10th, 2010, 07:36
Not sure if we or someone else ever did Italy_Salo_Republic objects so that might be an option too to merge this one with Italy.

I have! Keeping the torch alive with a series of ANR Bf109s.

Actually, rather than adding Russia to MAW, why not copy-paste the contents of MAW into a new folder specifically for the Eastern Front, run MultiCFS, and go from there? Much easier, and you won't foul up your real Mediterranean environment. That is what I'll do when I actually decide to get around to it. I don't want Soviet aircraft spawning off Derna...

September 10th, 2010, 09:48
I throught about removing Croatia, and adding Russia when I started the Eastern front packages..

But it would be easier to make the aircraft Other_Allied_Nations..

Mainly because it would have been very difficult for many to change all the files needed to work it all out..
And keeping it as simple as possible for those who might want to try the Eastern front package..

September 10th, 2010, 10:53
If I get the chance - some hope at the moment! - I'll try and crank out a complete set of stuff you just pour into a copied install. Shouldn't be that difficult.

September 10th, 2010, 11:38
Just a question :
Could the problem be solved if you join all the English colonies under the same flag ?


I like this blue one...

LOLOLOLOL! Jaycee, over to you!

September 10th, 2010, 11:52
What's that odd little blue and white thing?


September 10th, 2010, 12:13
That one's too big to fit the CFS3 menu, Nigel!

September 10th, 2010, 12:40
That one's too big to fit the CFS3 menu, Nigel!

It'll take five minutes if that...

September 10th, 2010, 17:57
Westview is right, though I can't remember the limit.

Have you added the extra lines into cutscenes.xml?

Otherwise, I agree, simply go over an existing nation - US Navy seems to me to be the least useful, but that's a matter of opinion...

Adding the proper cutscenes did the work,I will be writhing extra lines to my NEK tutorial.