View Full Version : Saipan: Isley and Kobler Airfields

August 26th, 2010, 16:23
Hi Guys,

Just thought I would start a little "project" thread on the development of airfields on Saipan.

I'm currently working on Isley and Kobler Fields on South Saipan.

Concentrating all efforts on Isley Field at the moment.

Took quite a while collecting the imagery needed to do an accurate layout of the taxiways and hardstands. No one photo showed it all and the only one I found that did, though very useful, was from such an altitude and too grainy to to make out details accurately.

A really cool part of Isley- Aslito Field to the Japanese- is that the Aslito location was one of the very most extensively developed Japanese airfields in the Pacific. Lots and lots of structures that survived Allied bombardment and shelling, were repaired and used by the Americans and are still very much in evidence today in and around Saipan International Airport. So I want to make sure that I incorporate as much of the original Japanese airfield and surviving Japanese structures as possible- just as the CBs did.

Anyhow, here is a screeny of Isley as it currently stands. The taxiways, hardstands and roads inside the Japanese portion of the field- which were used by the Allies as configured by the Japanese- are all drawn in. Still need to do the apronage around the runways. The cleared dirt strip on the right will eventually be transformed into the runway at Kobler. And of course that is Tinian in the distance.

Interestingly, from my point of view, Isley sits on a plateau 100+ feet higher than Kobler- very much like the situation at Harmon/Agana on Guam. Makes for interesting issues from a scenery making perspective having two airfields so close together at such differing altitudes.

I have also placed the air raid shelters and many of the ammo and fuel storage bunkers built by the Japanese and used by both sides (thanks to the fine object packs by Pen32Win).



August 26th, 2010, 18:24
Lookin' good, MR! Can't wait to ferry some Superforts over there!

August 26th, 2010, 19:30
Very much appreciated Chris. Given the effort you put into project planning and research, i guess if you can't find any historic five-star imagery on these sites, not many of us will either, so that works in your favor -- no nitpicking. :icon_lol:

Not that it should matter to most, but having Tinian and Saipan finished before Iwo and later conquests is a nice chronological progression.

August 28th, 2010, 10:52
Hiya Guys,

Just about ready to start "painting" Isley:


August 28th, 2010, 11:03
BTW, the reason I was asking in another thread about the size of a Heavy B-29 Squadron is that one photo I have been using shows pretty clearly strings of tents and Quonset huts between some but not all of the hardstands, The photo only shows a small portion of the field- the portion shown in screenie number 4 above. I figured that these must be the birthing and messing facilities for each squadron. I was asking how many planes to a squadron so that I could figure how many of these little ten/Quonset hut clusters to disperse among the hard stands.

Here is the photo I'm talking about:
Ignore the part in the upper left hand corner- I think that was just another photo sitting on top of the "main" photo.