View Full Version : Typical siamese "demands"

Navy Chief
August 23rd, 2010, 11:02
My siamese cat, "Twist" has decided my pillow makes the "purrfect" bed for him.


August 23rd, 2010, 11:19
Nice Siamese!

We have one that has slightly longer hair, still cross-eye'd, and man is he afraid of everything... We think he just cant hardly see.

August 23rd, 2010, 12:03
I wonder where you got the absurd idea that it is YOUR pillow. . . ?


August 23rd, 2010, 12:19
Nice to see some more people around here are "owned" by Siamese cats. We have 3 and although they're "troublesome" sometimes, I wouldn't give them up for anything! One was just on my lap insisting she gets some computer time also :icon_lol:


August 23rd, 2010, 12:23
Back when I was married, the wife of the time, owned ... er rather ... provided a place for a siamese cat to call home ... when I moved my stuff in, the cat decided that it was going to make my speakers a scratching post ... needless to say, that didn't happen, the cat was owned by be after a few lessons.


Rabbit 3
August 25th, 2010, 10:41
Cats actually rule the world, they just let us think we do so we do all the work.