View Full Version : Post-installation CFS2 refuses to work

August 22nd, 2010, 08:25
Hello, sorry if I'm perhaps asking a question already, elsewhere, answered, but I've sought around and found no solution to this problem of mine with CFS2. :kilroy:

The fact is this, past the last format and reinstallation of the old PC (Athlon Xp 2400 + Gefo 6600GT), I... "forgot" to reinstall CFS2 (you know how things are... Real Life and all that jazz), then in March 2009 changed PC altogether... and still did not install CFS2...

...then just yesterday, searching for something else, by chance I put my hands on the install disks of CFS2, and seen that I had the time, installed it... this is where the problems started.:isadizzy:

After an uneventful installation, I started CFS2 and it... did not show on the monitor. The audio played in background but the video was black. Pressing the ESC key to bypass the starting movie I entered in... nowhere. The black screen remained and the mouse pointer was the only thing I could see, but it served nothing, and it could not interact with anything. Pressing random keys like the spacebar and the return key, I could hear from the speakers that they interacted with the program, below the black curtain in front of my eyes, but that was that, nothing was showed to me beside a black and void screen.

Pressing the Window Key on the keyboard to make the Applications Bar appear brought for a moment to game to the screen, finally visible... only for it to terminate and disappear altogether. No matter how many times I tried, nothing seemed to work. With the original CFS2.EXE and the No-disk one both, no success whatsoever.:pop4:

Tried to find the reason for this misbehavior everywhere on the net with no success, so, in the end, thought to disturb you people here. On the old PC it worked perfectly, on the new does not want to show itself to me.

My actual PC is a Athlon X2 6000 + 4Gb Ram + Gefo 9600GT. I am running Windows Xp SP3 and the drivers of the Geforce are the perfectly working 182.50. Tried to use nHancer as well to see if I could force up the black curtains keeping me from CFS2, with no success. :frown:

Please, if someone knows anything on how making the blasted program work, please let me know.

August 22nd, 2010, 10:02
Ashaman, open your CFS2.cfg file with your text editor and look at the section near the top called [MAIN].

Copy the text below and paste/overwrite everything in your MAIN section:


Some of these lines a just extra benefits to me personally and aren't needed for your particular problem. Only the first two are key.

August 22nd, 2010, 12:28
Doesn't work anyway. After the proposed changes the screen remains black as before. Only change is that now, pressing the windows key on the keyboard, CFS does not terminate but remains on the taskbar and can be re-brought to full screen... only for this to remain BLACK as pitch anyway. The only time the main menu of CFS is visible is in a split second before it reduces itself to icon on the taskbar pressing the windows key. :frown:

What should I do now?

August 22nd, 2010, 12:36
All right. I MUST apologize with all of you. I am a perfect imbecile. I forgot to reset the Global Settings of the video card from last experiment, and the advanced options of this destroyed any chance at having CFS2 work on the system. :redf:

Opened nHancer to look about and recognized that some advanced settings were on the Global Settings and gave a head-butt to the wall for my idiocy. After having reset the Global settings to something less ambitious, now CFS2 works perfectly. :wiggle:

Sorry again for having had asked you for a thing that was my fault, and thank you for your help. :ernae:

August 22nd, 2010, 12:49
Thanks for posting what the problem/solution turned out to be.

August 22nd, 2010, 13:11
Thanks for posting what the problem/solution turned out to be.

No thanks needed. That's absolutely the least one can do, when asking about a problem and then resolving it. :mixedsmi:

...though in my case the problem was located in the PC's user being a fool, this doesn't make it any less of a polite duty. :salute: