View Full Version : Gone but not forgotten part 2

August 20th, 2010, 14:24
Yes, Rock Stars! As they patiently waited for his autograph, the respect this little Czech boy and his father have for our troops serving today was heartwarming and inspirational.
After witnessing these magical moments Bob Nueske asked how could we not start a scholarship in Pilsen? So we're proud to announce starting next year, The Brian LaViolette Foundation will established The Scholarship of Honor in tribute to General George S. Patton and the American Soldier, past and present.
Each year, a different military hero will be honored in tribute to General Patton's memory and their mission to liberate Europe.
This award will be presented to a graduating senior who will be entering the military or a form of community service such as fireman, policeman, teaching or nursing, a cause greater than self. The student will be from one of the five high schools in Pilsen, Czech Republic.

The first award will be presented in May 2011 in honor of Lt. Virgil Kirkham, that young 20 year old P-47 pilot killed 65 years ago in the final days of WWII.
Presenting Virgil's award will be someone who knows the true meaning of service and sacrifice. Someone who looks a lot like Virgil.
Marion Kirkham, Virgil's brother, who himself served during WWII in the United States Army - Air Corps. !!!

In closing... Here is what the city of Pilsen thinks of General Patton's grandson. George Patton Waters ( another Rock Star! ) we're proud to say, serves on Brian's Foundation board.
And it's front page news.. not buried in the middle of the social section..
And I was lucky enough to witness all of this... along with a new friend, Brigadier General Miroslav Zizka - 1st Deputy Chief of Staff - Ministry of Defense - Czech Armed Forces.
So please join us on this amazing journey...

And please share this email with your family and friends and ask them to do the same.....every American should hear this story.

August 21st, 2010, 12:41
You would be surprised at what the ordinary people in Europe think about us,when I was there in the 70's the Germans would line the streets as we road marched through their towns.The were glad it was us and not the Soviets.

Also some years ago a P-51 was unearthed in France when a swamp was drained,the pilot was still inside and had been missing in action all those years.He was treated with great respect by the local people as the site was exhumed and this hero was finally sent home.

We have to remember there can be a great difference between the people and their government.:salute:

August 21st, 2010, 13:20
I shall admit, I was far better treated by the people of Europe as a Trooper in the Army
then I recieved in the United states..

It was a world of difference, in america I was spit upon..

In Europe I was welcomed..

To this day I am grateful for the Kindness and friendship I recieved from many in Europe and the UK..
Great Bunch of Folks..:salute: