View Full Version : Some interesting F-7F videos whilewe wait for the fsx version to arrive

August 3rd, 2010, 05:56

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb3mPRm9mxk Clay Lacey

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBzifBaGWqU&feature=related Steve Hinton


August 3rd, 2010, 06:19
Thanks for posting those. . .I think I've seen a few of those before, but it's always cool to see them in action again. One of the videos had a comment about Clay Lacy being the best pilot he'd ever seen (of course he happened to be flying that particular Tigercat too, lol). Mr Lacy certainly has a diverse background in aviation and a legend in his own right, that's for sure. . .but apparently he hadn't seen Steve Hinton (Jr. or Sr.). I hear Steve's name mentioned far more than Clays (and that's not taking anything away from Clay as a pilot, he's just getting up there in age now) and across far more airframes also. I think Steve is qualified in almost every Warbird airframe there is and handles each one as though he was born to fly that aircraft. . .he is an amazing pilot and very cordial and outgoing when you can catch him having enough time to chat for a bit.

I saw him fly into Grayson on four different occasions while I was working out there and each time it was in a different aircraft (P-51, P-38 Glacier Girl, F7F Tigercat and a P-40).

Thanks again for posting the Tigercat videos. . .definitely looking forward to the SOH release.:salute:

August 3rd, 2010, 08:02
brings back memories of watching them work wildfires here as a boy...i wished we had the video cameras we have now..then..the sounds and visuals of them swooping down into the deep american river canyon,1000+ feet deep in places,going well below the ridge tops and the plane completely disapearing..only to see it pop up from nowhere and roar off back to the grass valley airattack base...

on a side note..areo union has been flying a DC7 the past few seasons out of chico...whats really awesome is to see it drop below the canyon rim and disappear and then reappear...just wow...