View Full Version : Help I'm missing a set of missions?? OPPPS..

July 31st, 2010, 10:05
I had a hard drive crash, and now I am reloaded, But in the process, I have managed to lose a set of missions, for Ndicki's bf 109's I built.
I am not sure if i sent these out to any of the men who test my missions sets??
They were a set using 4 of Nigels great Bf 109's he has shared with us..
Set in MAW..

if any of my testers has this let me know, I didn't release them they were not quite finished..
And they were hysterical missions..
Heck I don't think I had even named the set yet..
Yea i'm getting Old, and forgetful..
I hate when I do this..
TOO Much Mead, or better yet, one bad hard drive..LOL..
Thanks all,
off to finish pulling my hair out..(out of my feet that is)