View Full Version : St Cloud Air Show

June 27th, 2010, 04:31
My show adventure. Weather; 90+ degrees, 90+ humidity, threat of storms. I gathered that this kind of show, or maybe the line-up, was different this time. Someone can educate me on that. And despite losing half the available parking area due to recent heavy rains making fields of mud, the heavy traffic was more or less accomodated.
A nice hot school bus shuttle ride to a drop off then a trudge through aforementioned air-muck (standard fare for air shows) and a liesurely stroll through the static displays. Not a lot of them but you could see them all twice without getting sore feet. Being the humble paycheck earner I am I had bought the non-VIP tickets and made our way as close as we could to the Blue Angels and the sky portion of the show. It was delayed for over an hour waiting for the ground haze to burn off.
As we stood at the snow fence separation wondering where to go, a couple of gentlemen sidled up from the other side. "Would you two like a couple of VIP passes?" one said. Hi, Uh... What? These two generous souls found themselves with two extra passes and didn't want them to be wasted. I tend to graciously decline free things like this but I thought I'd make an exception today so my daughter could have a better view of the show. We spent the rest of the afternoon as VIPs and had a great time watching stunt planes, war birds, an F-22, and the Angels. We brought practically nothing with us to stay light, but now had free seats, food, and drinks. I hope these guys knew how much they made our day. I must have thanked them two or three times.


And we didn't have to worry about the Osprey blowing the tents over either.