View Full Version : Oh, I feel MUCH safer now......idiots.....

Navy Chief
June 26th, 2010, 16:27

June 26th, 2010, 20:04
This is the type of bureaucratic BS that happens when (1) a federal agency (TSA) hires people who probably couldn't qualify for a job at McDonald's, and (2) another federal agency (DHS) grows unchecked to the point where it becomes an enforcement entity unto itself. Let's see if anything changes next time something big blows up. I doubt that any of the perpetrators will be 6-year-old girls.

June 26th, 2010, 20:40
I would state my opinion on this subject, but it would be highly political, would probably be seen by some as un-American/un-patriotic, and might get me added to the list of targets for a Predator strike...not to mention get this thread locked and deleted in a heart beat.

So, to prevent any of that, I will simply say: Yep, IDIOTS!


June 26th, 2010, 20:44
I thought you were already on the Predator target list from previous posts!?!?!? ;)

June 26th, 2010, 21:17
Would a 6 year old have terrorist ties? Really?? Come on...

Then again, i get the special treatment from TSA because i have a Arabic last name. At least they are nice to me when they search me.

June 27th, 2010, 03:37
I was going to say something, actually had it typed into the dialogue box, but no, I'm not going to contribute to the locking of a thread. I'll just say that this incident is not the first, it won't be the last, and it's probably going to get far worse. After our last flight (Richmond, VA to Ft. Lauderdale, FL and back) my wife and I refuse to fly if a destination is within a two days drive.

June 27th, 2010, 09:53
I thought you were already on the Predator target list from previous posts!?!?!? ;)

I am, but I have been wearing sunglasses so they can't recognize me.


June 27th, 2010, 10:45
i'm sure the dept of homeland security knows what it's doing. those 6 yr old girls can be quite tricky , you know. oh sure, they look all cute and innocent, but if you look into that hello kitty lunch box, you may find out it's actually an i.e.d. i, for one wholly endorse the security measures taken by our leaders. to question them would be unpatriotic!

June 27th, 2010, 14:07
Give the TSA a break, they're trying to protect us from Al-Kindergarten cells and their dangerous cookie and nap-time based ideology.

June 27th, 2010, 14:14
"She's been flying since she was two-months old, so that has not been an issue,"

Oh really?
Maybe her mother was one of those "Yes, this is a baby and it's crying and I'm not gonna do anything about it!" types that ruin a good amount of flights...:a1451:

June 27th, 2010, 14:16
One time I was trying to buy a house with a VA loan. Problem with a VA loan (one of the problems...) is that the VA has to inspect the house and draws up a (long) list of things the seller must do to protect me, the hapless buyer. Among the things on the this particular list was “construct a fence around the driveway, no shorter than 36' high.” This was to protect the pitiful hapless buyer (me) from accidentally driving off the driveway and down the hill in the back yard. Of course they meant 36”, but when I called them they told me 1) it cannot be changed, and 2) there is no type-o on the form. The seller must comply, period. I tried to have some fun with the lady on the phone, but to no avail. I told her I'd promise not to drive down the hill and be careful, if they removed this requirement. Nope. I asked her if it was really necessary that it be 36 feet high. Silence, followed by “The Form Cannot Be Altered, and There Is No Mistake On It.”

I agree with the Chief. Idiots.

June 27th, 2010, 14:21
Oh really?
Maybe her mother was one of those "Yes, this is a baby and it's crying and I'm not gonna do anything about it!" types that ruin a good amount of flights...:a1451:

That's not a bad idea... :icon_lol:

Dain Arns
June 27th, 2010, 14:22
Family pretty much received a letter stating "They can neither confirm nor deny what they can confirm or deny." :rolleyes:

June 27th, 2010, 15:48
One time I was trying to buy a house with a VA loan. Problem with a VA loan (one of the problems...) is that the VA has to inspect the house and draws up a (long) list of things the seller must do to protect me, the hapless buyer. Among the things on the this particular list was “construct a fence around the driveway, no shorter than 36' high.” This was to protect the pitiful hapless buyer (me) from accidentally driving off the driveway and down the hill in the back yard. Of course they meant 36”, but when I called them they told me 1) it cannot be changed, and 2) there is no type-o on the form. The seller must comply, period. I tried to have some fun with the lady on the phone, but to no avail. I told her I'd promise not to drive down the hill and be careful, if they removed this requirement. Nope. I asked her if it was really necessary that it be 36 feet high. Silence, followed by “The Form Cannot Be Altered, and There Is No Mistake On It.”

I agree with the Chief. Idiots.

Yeah, I tried to finance through VA garaunteed loan, ended up going consumer loan because the VA rep in Chicago could not make a decision. I finally asked them to deny me outright,which they would not do for me. I then asked them to approve me if they would not deny me. They would not do that either. Finally went to a local bank and got a 6% back in November 2007, when hardly anyone was loaning, so it wasn't my credit rating.

Back to the OP, I cannot comment. I am still on AD military and we all know what happens to Active military folks that criticize a government agency..............

June 27th, 2010, 19:58
Back to the OP, I cannot comment. I am still on AD military and we all know what happens to Active military folks that criticize a government agency..............

Oh we do now....

June 28th, 2010, 03:34

Back to the OP, I cannot comment. I am still on AD military and we all know what happens to Active military folks that criticize a government agency..............

Oh we do now....

I can't help but wonder if that was not the general officer's equivalent of throwing yourself on a grenade to protect your team mates? Not criticizing the civilian command in public is so ingrained in officers. He started learning that as a Plebe at West Point.

The frustration factor must have been so high that he thought political suicide to be the only option?