View Full Version : In honor of the upcoming soccer game ...

June 12th, 2010, 10:21


June 12th, 2010, 10:24

June 12th, 2010, 11:17
I saw that during the soccer halftime yesterday. Have you noticed Dodge no longer uses the Ram on their autos for the logo?


June 12th, 2010, 11:36

The Americans really will do anything to sell anything.

Only they can take a war that happened nearly 300 years ago and use it to advertise cars.

Personally I'm looking forward to the advert when the TVR is used to quell a group of Nazis.

Ken Stallings
June 12th, 2010, 11:43

The Americans really will do anything to sell anything.

Only they can take a war that happened nearly 300 years ago and use it to advertise cars.

Personally I'm looking forward to the advert when the TVR is used to quell a group of Nazis.


Could you please provide us with an itemized list of things that will not offend you so that we may get on again with having good honest fun in these forums without offending you?



June 12th, 2010, 11:52

Could you please provide us with an itemized list of things that will not offend you so that we may get on again with having good honest fun in these forums without offending you?



Ken you've got things mixed up - it's us Brits that are supposed to be the masters of irony.

I don't get 'offended' on internet forums in the slightest. You seem to mistake the fact that I often disagree with people as that I've taken offense. Please feel free to browse through my postings here and find something (anything at all) I've taken offense to. Perhaps in the meantime I'll drag up those posts where you were lambasting those for making jokes about Mussolini and Hitler because they trivialized war. I suppose there are different standards involved when it's the Americans at play.

Surely the observation about TVR's taking on a group of Nazis is enough to suggest my post was tongue in cheek.

The trend on here to belittle anyone who has a valid differing opinion is tragic.

Ken Stallings
June 12th, 2010, 12:06

If ole George had one of those, I'm sure he would have loved it!

He was considered an excellent horseman, so he seemed to like the speed and freedom of personal transportation!

Nice one!


Ken Stallings
June 12th, 2010, 12:10
Ken you've got things mixed up - it's us Brits that are supposed to be the masters of irony.

I don't get 'offended' on internet forums in the slightest. You seem to mistake the fact that I often disagree with people as that I've taken offense. Please feel free to browse through my postings here and find something (anything at all) I've taken offense to. Perhaps in the meantime I'll drag up those posts where you were lambasting those for making jokes about Mussolini and Hitler because they trivialized war. I suppose there are different standards involved when it's the Americans at play.

Surely the observation about TVR's taking on a group of Nazis is enough to suggest my post was tongue in cheek.

No Skittles, frankly I didn't think Nazis had a damn thing to do with anything here.

But, since you seem to be obsessed about British versus American, perhaps you can just tip a pint and enjoy the game!

It's tied right now 1-1.


Ken Stallings
June 12th, 2010, 12:27
Well, the Yanks earn a point against the top draw in their pool!

Match finished tied 1-1 and we had a chance to go ahead hitting a post. But, our lone goal was on a clear mishandle by the English net minder.


June 12th, 2010, 12:29
Well it's just finished and frankly England looked very average...not to take anything away from the USA team (several play in the UK) but I was hoping for more. I was 14 in '66 when England won the World cup and although the players in those days were paid a pittance in the professional game, they seemed so much more pumped-up and eager to win then...perhaps it's the old filthy lucre has taken the edge off the international game?

June 12th, 2010, 12:31
Well, the Yanks earn a point against the top draw in their pool!

Match finished tied 1-1 and we had a chance to go ahead hitting a post. But, our lone goal was on a clear mishandle by the English net minder.


Yes...but we call them goal keepers, although net minder seems more polite:wiggle:

June 12th, 2010, 12:39

:applause: :applause: :applause:

Ken Stallings
June 12th, 2010, 12:47
Yes...but we call them goal keepers, although net minder seems more polite:wiggle:

I just wanted to reciprocate his politeness for us! :icon_lol:



June 12th, 2010, 13:04
Well, the Yanks earn a point against the top draw in their pool!

Match finished tied 1-1 and we had a chance to go ahead hitting a post. But, our lone goal was on a clear mishandle by the English net minder.


I was wondering how those tied games worked out........

June 12th, 2010, 13:32
Have to say though I don't appreciate the theme of the Challenger advert. The British Army tend not to do too much running away, especially from a vehicle that steers like a brick!

June 12th, 2010, 13:44
Cars, 'ey?
I don't know what the SOH membership demographic looks like in detail, but I imagine about half would be smacking their knee and going Haw! Haw! at that punchline...
But you Poms shouldn't get too sanguine, after all we are hearing stuff like "Spitfire Beer", 70 years after the event...
On with the soccer, let the most obnoxious lot win!

June 12th, 2010, 13:57
3/10 for the commercial.

But 10/10 for that hilarious english goalie! :d

Matt Wynn
June 12th, 2010, 14:15
But 10/10 for that hilarious english goalie! :d

right with you on that one :icon_lol:

June 12th, 2010, 14:19
I would like to congratulate the goal keepers from both teams for the great job they did in preventing the USA from losing. :salute:

June 12th, 2010, 15:49
I can sympathize with Mr Green. He obviously is one of the best goalkeepers in the world, to be playing on the English team. It just goes to show that no matter who you are, as a human, you will make mistakes and commit errors.

The ball looked to just have bounced off his gloves. He probably will never make that error again in his professional career. What a time to drop the potato. I can feel for him.

June 13th, 2010, 02:30
I would like to congratulate the goal keepers from both teams for the great job they did in preventing the USA from losing. :salute:


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Just a bunch of overpaid prima donnas IMHO :banghead:

Well done USA by the way :applause:

June 13th, 2010, 03:29

<LINK rel=File-List href="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CKeith%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsoh tml1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"><STYLE> <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0cm; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:612.0pt 792.0pt; margin:72.0pt 90.0pt 72.0pt 90.0pt; mso-header-margin:36.0pt; mso-footer-margin:36.0pt; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> </STYLE>I would like to know just how much collectively, the English team earn annually as supposedly "premier professional sportsmen" to perform so average at best.

Just a bunch of overpaid prima donnas IMHO :banghead:

Well done USA by the way :applause:
Yeah, there's a global economic crisis going on but we can still throw money away by paying some dozy muppet millions to run around a field for an hour and a half, start bar fights, blow the money on sports cars then wrap 'em round a lamp post, oh and have sex with anything that moves and with the money they're on who needs consent. Starving african orphans? get out of me way kid I've got a game to play.

June 13th, 2010, 04:38
Yeah, there's a global economic crisis going on but we can still throw money away by paying some dozy muppet millions to run around a field for an hour and a half, start bar fights, blow the money on sports cars then wrap 'em round a lamp post, oh and have sex with anything that moves and with the money they're on who needs consent. Starving african orphans? get out of me way kid I've got a game to play.

I know the games are good for South Africa. Much needed money will pour into the country.

Leaving all commentary aside, political, social, otherwise, it is interesting that the combined salaries of the soccer players probably is a significant portion of the South Africa's GNP. Of course, this can be said for any American football, baseball, basketball, etc. team in comparison to the budget of the city they reside within.

June 13th, 2010, 13:42

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Just a bunch of overpaid prima donnas IMHO :banghead:

Well done USA by the way :applause:

Probably not as much as some South American sides who have their top players spread throughout clubs across Europe.

I also say well done to the USA.

June 14th, 2010, 00:26
can one of you lot over the pond confirm this? if its true your really not helping with the ol sterotypes :icon_lol:


June 14th, 2010, 02:47
Have to say though I don't appreciate the theme of the Challenger advert. The British Army tend not to do too much running away, especially from a vehicle that steers like a brick!

Agreed Roger, its rather amusing if anyone believes it. The Americans havent produced a good sports car for a real road (IE one that has corners in it!) ever.

Sure they can go fast in a striaght line, but even there they still get regualry trashed by Euro and Japanese designs. Think ill stick to my real driving, that includes going round corners ;)

And if we are on the topic of taking the mick, then this one was doing the rounds before the game,....

Eng V USA sat night,kick off 1930.The
Yanks won't turn up till 1941. Old habits die hard.


June 14th, 2010, 03:25
can one of you lot over the pond confirm this? if its true your really not helping with the ol sterotypes :icon_lol:

It is obvious you Britts don't understand modern education and the American psychic. Those headlines are completely true.

You see, for years now we have invented a new system of math, which we teach in our schools. It is called "Close enough that we will give you credit, so as to not hurt your feelings." In this form of math the correct answer can vary, depending on many variables, i.e., wind, temperature, mood of grader,and effort. It is this latter variable that changes the score from what you Britts think of as a tie, or draw to a win in the US.

It is too hard to explain here all the nuances here but the basic reasoning is thus. England was expected to win. USA was not. USA played England to a tie/draw. Deductive reasoning implies that USA put out more effort (we had to kick the ball so hard and with such (pardon the expression) English or spin to score even when your goalie handled the ball, while England just kicked the ball where the goalie wasn't. Anyone can do that.) So, a 1-1 tie/draw is really a win in the US.

So the headline was accurate. There..and you two thought you had one on us. :d Even with a five hour advantage, you have to get up early to out do us.....in some things. :jump:

June 14th, 2010, 03:32
There aren't enough facepalm images in the world to sum up the headline on the New York Post, but it has to be done.


June 14th, 2010, 03:34
Oh and there is the fact that the New York Post and The Sun are (as wikipedia describes them) "sensationalist 'tabloid journalism' style". Judging from the example front pages, I can see the similarity in styles. :rolleyes:

June 14th, 2010, 06:59
Hehe, funny, while the game was going on I visited a British mate's concert.
Since he had to be on stage obviously I had the occasional glance at the game backstage.
When it was over I told him the US won 1-1.
Whatever, allover it was a very average kick-around, no need to get overly enthusiastic over it by either side.
The best performances so far where from Argentina, Holland (need to get better though), and far and away from Germany ;)

June 14th, 2010, 10:10
The best performances so far where from Argentina, Holland (need to get better though), and far and away from Germany ;)

I got the impression the Australians were practising the wrong sport yesterday with all those fouls. :icon_lol:

But they weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. Nice game.

- Edit: And "LOL" at that headline! :d

June 14th, 2010, 10:18
I got the impression the Australians were practising the wrong sport yesterday with all those fouls. :icon_lol:

But they weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. Nice game.

- Edit: And "LOL" at that headline! :d

I think their effords where effectively eleminated by a stellar playing German team.
They ruled the game apart from the very first 4 minutes.
We shall see if they can keep up with their intro in the following matches.

June 14th, 2010, 11:28
I think their effords where effectively eleminated by a stellar playing German team.
They ruled the game apart from the very first 4 minutes.

Yeah, they were good but I'll only call them stellar if they tear apart Brazil, Italy, England or Argentinia.

They've certainly gained momentum yesterday. Let's see if they can keep up the act.

June 14th, 2010, 11:55
That newspaper headline tells it like it is, given I didn't even know the US had a soccer team until now.
And English football people are plastered all over our TV's even when it's only about their wives :d
I also didn't know NZ had a soccer team, though, and I hope the All Whites (which you have to assume is a riposte to our All Blacks rugby team) can emulate this great feat.
We are lucky enough to have drawn Italy I see...imagine a 1-1 win against them!

June 15th, 2010, 09:35
We are lucky enough to have drawn Italy I see...imagine a 1-1 win against them!

Knock 'em out as early as you can.

Italy...*Evil stare*

June 15th, 2010, 09:39
Evil me, just been waiting for that keyword, hehe.
Amongst all the stereotypes this one is by far my favorite:

Italy practicing for the championship

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Tt3TaIIQJuM&hl=de_DE&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Tt3TaIIQJuM&hl=de_DE&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

June 15th, 2010, 09:43
Italy practicing for the championship
<object height="385" width="480">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Tt3TaIIQJuM&hl=de_DE&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="385" width="480"></object>


(Although Cacau ain't such a bad actor himself...;))

June 15th, 2010, 09:53

(Although Cacau ain't such a bad actor himself...;))

Young man, you clearly havn't seen a lot yet. :d
If you ever get a chance watch the 1970 semi-final in Mexico in full length.
Now that drama puts Scarlett O'Hara to shame. :d

June 15th, 2010, 10:17
Evil me, just been waiting for that keyword, hehe.
Amongst all the stereotypes this one is by far my favorite:

Italy practicing for the championship

<object width="480" height="385">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Tt3TaIIQJuM&hl=de_DE&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></object>


June 15th, 2010, 11:05
Young man, you clearly havn't seen a lot yet. :d

Every time I watch the drama class aka Spain/Brasil/Italy/etc play I've seen enough. :d

I really got to hand it to the players from the Commonwealth! They get knocked down, they get back up (and go for the payback). Impressive.

June 15th, 2010, 20:18
Yahh our first World Cup points ever! :jump:

...much perfer to watch Rugby though...bring on the Rugby World Cup!

June 16th, 2010, 00:44
Another incredible 1-1 victory!

The country is beside itself...;)
And a new National Hero is born!

June 18th, 2010, 08:20
Just seen the Slovenia v USA game, couldn't believe the referee's decision on Altidore's goal.

USA were robbed! :censored:

June 18th, 2010, 09:26
I didn't get to see the game, but I saw the replay of the goal in question.

Yes, "robbed" is a very accurate term!

June 18th, 2010, 09:29
Nobody has the slidest idea why that goal was not given.
Robbed, indeed.

huub vink
June 18th, 2010, 09:50
Slovenia was robbed as the second goal was scored out of a very questionable free-kick. For those you don't remember; US player runs against arm of a Slovanian striker and drops like he has been hit on his cheek. The following free kick leads to the goal. When this goal would have been scored who knows how the game woould have ended.

As the referee blew his whistle before the ball entered the goal, there has never been a third US goal. Nobody except the referee know what he saw, which made him decide to blow his whistle, or are there people here who can read other people's minds via the television.

I know what I have seen on television, but I have seen enough live football to realise that this is most probably not what the referee has seen.


June 18th, 2010, 14:01
A bad day for referees.

I still want the head of that spanish clown in referee clothing on a silver plate...although he was just a part in a game of incompetence versus stupidity. But still...

June 20th, 2010, 21:07
Yaaah another 1-1 win for New Zealand...go the All Whites!

June 21st, 2010, 00:20
Yaaah another 1-1 win for New Zealand...go the All Whites!

1-1 is a draw...

June 21st, 2010, 01:16
Chris..you need to read the whole thread..hence my 1-1 win comment

June 21st, 2010, 01:20
Hear Hear!
An even bigger 1-1 victory than the last one!
Italy is in mourning...

Wild Bill Kelso
June 21st, 2010, 09:03
I must confess that I never was interested in soccer in any kind at all.
These days, I sometimes feel I'm the only german getting annoyed of flag-waving and vuvuzela-blowing morons passing my way...

Having a soft spot for underdogs, I'm a little engrossed with those Kiwis!


June 21st, 2010, 09:35
These days, I sometimes feel I'm the only german getting annoyed of flag-waving and vuvuzela-blowing morons passing my way...

Nothing wrong with flags, but those vuvuzelas should be outlawed.



June 23rd, 2010, 07:53
This just in. USA over Algeria 1-0. :jump:


June 23rd, 2010, 07:55
Game just ended. A nice USA win. I'm kind of surprised the last goal wasn't disallowed. :jump::running::d

June 23rd, 2010, 07:57
This just in. USA over Algeria 1-0. :jump:


we won ours as well :frown: *cue drunken twats causeing havoc trying to cross a busy main road whilst blowing plastic horns and throw in a good dose of obbssed media for good measure*

June 23rd, 2010, 07:58
Sorry, fellows, but you've got no chance. My dear neighbours, England, have now managed to score a total of 2 goals in 3 games, and, as everybody must agree, that makes them world-beaters. Oh dear.....

June 23rd, 2010, 08:02
First time USA has won their group since 1930. :isadizzy:

*cue drunken twats causeing havoc trying to cross a busy main road whilst blowing plastic horns and throw in a good dose of obbssed media for good measure*


June 23rd, 2010, 08:03
we won ours as well :frown: *cue drunken twats causeing havoc trying to cross a busy main road whilst blowing plastic horns and throw in a good dose of obbssed media for good measure*
Where I live, the USA win might get a casual mention on page 5 of the sports section of the newspaper.

June 23rd, 2010, 08:07
Game just ended. A nice USA win. I'm kind of surprised the last goal wasn't disallowed. :jump::running::d

Ironically, inspite of the both wrong goal decisions, the USA scored a quite deserved first rank in the group.

June 23rd, 2010, 08:28
From that not news website, "USA defeats FIFA, 1-0" :icon_lol:

June 23rd, 2010, 10:24
Game just ended. A nice USA win. I'm kind of surprised the last goal wasn't disallowed. :jump::running::d

I was very glad USA scored that second goal; I was bracing myself for all the conspiracy theories that would have followed if they hadn't. Believe me, sportswriters haven't forgotten the missed hand ball in 2002 that allowed Germany to advance into the semis instead of the US.

Incidentally, soccer was my sport in high school. I wasn't particularly good, but I do understand the game. I had a roommate who was VERY good, so I kept up with the game through college. I'm also wondering if anyone here has read Soccernomics. I believed it was published in the UK under the title Why England Lose. If so, what did you think?


June 23rd, 2010, 11:22
Congratulations America for... kind of winning the group!
And it's "Football" not "Sucker"!

June 23rd, 2010, 12:43
And it's "Football" not "Sucker"!

I've been chided about this before. Understand, if I ask anyone in the United States or Canada (I live right on the border) even during the World Cup, "When does the football game start?" They'll answer, "Pre-season begins in August."


June 23rd, 2010, 13:41
I've been chided about this before. Understand, if I ask anyone in the United States or Canada (I live right on the border) even during the World Cup, "When does the football game start?" They'll answer, "Pre-season begins in August."


As a European I find it extremely sick that a game which barely ever is plaid with the foot is supposed to be called football while the real football is supposed to be called "socker", whatever that is. Amongst adults, can we agree on "football" and "american football"? :salute:

Mick Maher
June 23rd, 2010, 14:13
The 2010 Sim-Outhouse Panther Award goes to John Terry what a landing.

June 23rd, 2010, 15:00
As a European I find it extremely sick that a game which barely ever is plaid with the foot is supposed to be called football while the real football is supposed to be called "socker", whatever that is. Amongst adults, can we agree on "football" and "american football"? :salute:

Heard it before; we had European and Asian exchange students in the program where I played. My coach was from Belgium, as a matter of fact. I really looked up to him. Now, your logic is unassailable; the only players in American football who touch the ball with their feet are the place kicker and the punter. Still, I cannot envision ANY eventuality in which more than a tiny tiny handful of US sports fans will begin calling our football "American football" just because it irritates Euro sports fans. You would see a nationalistic backlash on cable news and talk radio that would blister the paint from your walls. I'm nowhere close to kidding. That would happen, even if George Washington rose from his rest and gave his written consent.

While we're on the subject, I live in Niagara Falls, and NO ONE in Western New York calls our chicken wings "Buffalo Wings". We say "chicken wings" or more commonly, just "wings". To the rest of Planet Earth, however, they are "Buffalo Wings".


June 23rd, 2010, 15:03


June 23rd, 2010, 15:10
Still, I cannot envision ANY eventuality in which more than a tiny tiny handful of US sports fans will begin calling our football "American football" just because it irritates Euro sports fans. You would see a nationalistic backlash on cable news and talk radio that would blister the paint from your walls. I'm nowhere close to kidding. That would happen, even if George Washington rose from his rest and gave his written consent.
That is too true and funny!

June 23rd, 2010, 16:30
Uh, oh...up for a classic in the next round. Let's see if it's going to be a BoB or Market Garden...

June 23rd, 2010, 16:31
Still, I cannot envision ANY eventuality in which more than a tiny tiny handful of US sports fans will begin calling our football "American football" just because it irritates Euro sports fans. You would see a nationalistic backlash on cable news and talk radio that would blister the paint from your walls. I'm nowhere close to kidding. That would happen, even if George Washington rose from his rest and gave his written consent.

Well, call it freedom ball then, just like half of the USA did with french fries (freedom fries) in 2002/3. ;)

June 23rd, 2010, 16:56
Well, call it freedom ball then, just like half of the USA did with french fries (freedom fries) in 2002/3. ;)

COMPLETELY uninterested in opening that particular can of worms. I remember the time well; Bruno Duffort wouldn't answer my e-mail quoique j'aie écrit dans mon meilleur Français. I'm just really enjoying the games.


June 23rd, 2010, 17:22
From that not news website, "USA defeats FIFA, 1-0" :icon_lol:

We beat FIFA too? Wow! :icon_lol:

June 23rd, 2010, 18:52
We beat FIFA too? Wow! :icon_lol:
It sure seemed that way to a lot of people!

June 23rd, 2010, 20:00
Jeez just be happy Americans don't take it up as a national sport. Otherwise we would probably be hated even more if we ever won the Cup.

Lets just point out where the real arrogance was located.... guess it was not so.....

June 23rd, 2010, 23:16
Jeez just be happy Americans don't take it up as a national sport. Otherwise we would probably be hated even more if we ever won the Cup.

Lets just point out where the real arrogance was located.... guess it was not so.....

I really don't think that's the case.
The US team earned quite some respect amongst football fans in the past years for their team play.
And the British rainbow press is something every other team has to live with as well.
I'm sure they get out the Blitzkrieg headlines again now that Germany and England meet on Sunday:d

June 23rd, 2010, 23:26
Uh, oh...up for a classic in the next round. Let's see if it's going to be a BoB or Market Garden...

Germany have only failed once in 72 years to reach the quarter finals...Impressive!
I'm hoping for a BoB reenactment!

June 24th, 2010, 00:15
Re American football, I don't wish to get into a debate about the relative merits of different games.

I just want some one to tell me why a 'touch-down' is so named ??????

PS I like gridiron - edited highlights, that is !

June 24th, 2010, 01:59
US football team is indeed respected within football circles (read outside the US).

Bit of a shame really as a team sport that is actually on the world stage and they are quite good at yet the Americans dont seem all that bothered.

June 24th, 2010, 05:06
The World Cup coming to America in 1994 really fueled my interest. Saw Spain vs South Korea at the Cotton Bowl that year. It's way more exciting to see in person (as with most sports).

Looks like USA has drawn Ghana for Saturday's match. Don't know too much about the Ghana team.

June 24th, 2010, 05:46
One thing is for sure, there has been an explosion of new soccer fields for the youth in the USA. It may still take off in a big way yet.

June 24th, 2010, 08:00
....and who have thought that? Both 2006 finalists France and Italy are out early.

June 24th, 2010, 09:22
Re American football, I don't wish to get into a debate about the relative merits of different games.

I just want some one to tell me why a 'touch-down' is so named ??????

PS I like gridiron - edited highlights, that is !

In the beginnings of the game, when someone crossed the goal line, they would touch the ball to the ground in the end-zone, rather like in rugby. Hence, Touch-Down.


June 24th, 2010, 09:50
One thing is for sure, there has been an explosion of new soccer fields for the youth in the USA. It may still take off in a big way yet.

Soccer has been a very popular youth sport for decades now in the US, with boys and girls. For several election cycles now, politicians have made a point of identifying with the "soccer moms". What it is not is a media-fueled money machine like football, baseball, and basketball. Basketball especially has a very high profit margin, both at the college and professional levels.

I love football but I was always too small to play it in high school. You really need some size to play full contact sports. Our sport was condesended to by some (not all; maybe not even most) of the football players, as being for people who couldn't make to football team. I'm sure some of that attitude still survives, but the sport is much more widespread than when I played. I was in the best physical condition of my life when I was on the team, and had my highest grade point average acedemically.

I'm afraid what will have to happen for soccer to become a big pro sport in the US (assuming the big money sports owners here don't feel the need to undermine it) is the game would have to be modified to make it faster and higher scoring. IMO this has already happened with baseball and football. Before the introduction of the standardized "live" ball, baseball scores were similar to those in the World Cup. There were were no such things as Designated Hitters to run the score up - an abomination IMO; detracts from the purity of the game. Football IMO has, with a series of rule changes, been completely skewed toward the offense, both to boost scores, and to protect the highly-paid franchise players from taking too many hits to the body. I'd better stop here before I jack my blood pressure up.


June 24th, 2010, 09:56
COMPLETELY uninterested in opening that particular can of worms.

Me neither, just wanted to make a half-witty remark. :d

The US team earned quite some respect amongst football fans in the past years for their team play.:d

Yeah, they got really good over the years. At least that's my impression.

Bit of a shame really as a team sport that is actually on the world stage and they are quite good at yet the Americans dont seem all that bothered.

Isn't european football quite a popular sport on colleges and universities in the US?

June 24th, 2010, 13:30
Knock 'em out as early as you can.

Italy...*Evil stare*

Well we did our bit...
Sad that we don't go through to the next round, even though undefeated (a goalless draw with Paraguay the latest).

But Italy...
Italy is going to have a change of government!

huub vink
June 24th, 2010, 14:01
Germany have only failed once in 72 years to reach the quarter finals...Impressive!
I'm hoping for a BoB reenactment!

Remember Gary Lineker's famous words:

"Soccer is a game for 22 people that run around, play the ball, and one referee who makes a slew of mistakes, and in the end Germany always wins." Gary Lineker

;) Huub

June 24th, 2010, 14:46
Remember Gary Lineker's famous words:

"Soccer is a game for 22 people that run around, play the ball, and one referee who makes a slew of mistakes, and in the end Germany always wins." Gary Lineker

;) Huub

Do I detect a little national pride. LOL

:salute: (No thumbs Up GIF)

June 24th, 2010, 14:50
Do I detect a little national pride. LOL

:salute: (No thumbs Up GIF)

Here you go!

http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s11568.gif (http://www.tiptopglobe.com/free-smiles-smileys-emoticons-blog-forum-email)

June 24th, 2010, 20:54
Do I detect a little national pride. LOL

:salute: (No thumbs Up GIF)

Huub is Dutch, and probably still *sad* that they didn't win the 1974 final against us (Germany).
Just kiddin. But who knows, with much luck Holland can get a revenche this year.
Piece of cake for Germany: Beat England on Sunday, Argentinia in the quarter, Brazil in the Semi and Holland in the final. :engel016::d

June 25th, 2010, 05:36
Remember Gary Lineker's famous words:

"Soccer is a game for 22 people that run around, play the ball, and one referee who makes a slew of mistakes, and in the end Germany always wins." Gary Lineker

;) Huub

I've never seen that quoted accurately before. The version I'd heard ends "... and the Germans always win on penalties"

Looking forward to another penalty shootout on Sunday (and only slightly encouraged by Podolski missing one against Serbia) :frown:

June 25th, 2010, 10:42
I've never seen that quoted accurately before. The version I'd heard ends "... and the Germans always win on penalties"

Looking forward to another penalty shootout on Sunday (and only slightly encouraged by Podolski missing one against Serbia) :frown:

And I bet he never said "SOCCER"!

June 25th, 2010, 11:02
I'm off to the "Biggen Hill International Air Fair" this weekend, especially commemorating the 70th aniversary of the BoB!
And guess what: They have big screens set up to satisfy the football fans! How ironic!:salute:

June 26th, 2010, 16:42
The USA had every opportunity in the book of world-wide football the second half today and came up lame. They deserve to go down, at one time in the first half, Ghana controlled the ball for 5 minutes! The USA had no mid-field play or team ball control today whatsoever and two shots in the second half were "give-me" and they still muffed them. Our girls play better football than them.


June 27th, 2010, 04:57
Good luck this afternoon guys :salute:

June 27th, 2010, 09:34
Joooo cajj1, and Germany dis-qualifies England 4:1!
Ok, could have been 4:2 but that hadn't made a difference and I think we can finally lay the '66 Wembley goal to rest.
Talking about late satisfaction. :-)
I bet the line referee had the distinct sensation of..."Wembley! No, not with me!". :wavey:

June 27th, 2010, 10:36
In spite of the rout today, the first 22 minutes of the second half was the absolute epitome of football. Both sides were in hand-to-hand combat, attack after attack until Mueller scored the third goal for Germany. The US could look at replays of Germany's fourth goal. Yesterday they had a give me like that, all the attacker would have to do is a little finesse kick to Donovan attacking from the right, but no, he has to be the star and kick the frikkin' ball right into the goalie's hands. Oezil could have easily taken that shot today, but he nicely lays it off to the right for Mueller. Football 101, A+.


June 27th, 2010, 11:21
Remember Gary Lineker's famous words:

"Soccer is a game for 22 people that run around, play the ball, and one referee who makes a slew of mistakes, and in the end Germany always wins." Gary Lineker

;) Huub

FIFA could do more to improve the officiating if they wanted. They act as if a goal buzzer like we have in every hockey arena in the United States would destroy the game. I'm always suspicious whenever there's a lot of money changing hands. I just saw a really fraked up call giving Argentina a goal which should have been offsides. That should not be happening at this level of play.

BTW: Congratulations to Ghana and Germany. Germany is my pick to take it all.


huub vink
June 27th, 2010, 13:06
And I bet he never said "SOCCER"!

Could be, actually I heard the version with the penalties as well. When you do a "google" on this quote you will find quite some hits. But I found the quite here:


FIFA could do more to improve the officiating if they wanted.

There is a strong movement in the football world which supports the use electronic devices. However an even stronger movement inside FIFA is against it. Don't you wonder why????


June 27th, 2010, 14:25
The text to an anglo-irish friend of mine after that near 2:2 was "REVENGE FOR WEMBLEY!". :icon_lol:

The final score totally blew my expectations! I was expecting a knifefight with one goal at best, but I got a Fall Gelb, BoB, North Africa and Dunkirk instead! It practically proved that Blitzkrieg still works these days. :icon_lol:

Regardless, kudos to both teams for an almost noteworthy amount of fairplay!

Wild Bill Kelso
June 28th, 2010, 08:09
For those who missed it:


June 29th, 2010, 12:31
< gordonjcp> I'm trying to enjoy the vuvuzela concert and some prick keeps playing football


July 2nd, 2010, 11:05
Congratulations to the Netherlands on their come from behind victory against Brazil. I was like: "What? Who?!!!"

BTW: I've heard the ESPN commentators use the word "pitch" instead of "field" several times now. No signs of abandoning the word "soccer".


July 2nd, 2010, 11:48
The final score totally blew my expectations! I was expecting a knifefight with one goal at best, but I got a Fall Gelb, BoB, North Africa and Dunkirk instead! It practically proved that Blitzkrieg still works these days. :icon_lol:

Being half German, and living in Britain, I have to listen to phrases like this, day in, day out!
Even with a smiley face, it doesn't make it funny!

July 2nd, 2010, 15:10
Being half German, and living in Britain, I have to listen to phrases like this, day in, day out!
Even with a smiley face, it doesn't make it funny!

It does for me. :d

But then again, I don't hear them every day...

July 2nd, 2010, 23:54
It does for me. :d

But then again, I don't hear them every day...

Well, OK..., maybe not every day, but I just don't find the old war jokes funny.
"Don't menschen ze vor!"

July 3rd, 2010, 00:20
"Don't menschen ze vor!"

Don't mention the score!!!!


huub vink
July 3rd, 2010, 02:38
Congratulations to the Netherlands on their come from behind victory against Brazil. I was like: "What? Who?!!!"

We must do something good during football training here. Brasil has a population of 200 million to choose a national team from, we only have 16 million.

But I think the pictures below tell what the sport is all about!

Friendship and fascination! :applause:
(Or was it dirty men and beautiful women.... ;))




July 3rd, 2010, 03:52
Don't mention the score!!!!


Nice one!:jump:

July 3rd, 2010, 10:29
Who wants to stop them?
Germany 4, Argentina 0.

July 3rd, 2010, 10:31
that squid of yours is uncanny :icon_lol:

July 3rd, 2010, 10:50
I'm pleased to see that short, fat, coke-snorting, cheating "hand of God" scumbag is going home!
Well done Germany!:jump:

July 3rd, 2010, 11:12
I was expecting a tight game, but what I've seen was a delight! Wow!

July 3rd, 2010, 16:02
I'm pleased to see that short, fat, coke-snorting, cheating "hand of God" scumbag is going home!
Well done Germany!:jump:

You heard that story when the "divine" left the room because Müller the ball boy sat with him at the press conference after that test game back in march?
I'm so happy that he took care that Maradonna will never ever forget the name "Müller".

July 5th, 2010, 17:39
Okay, I'll cheer for the Orange tomorrow for huub. My pick to take it all is still Germany.


huub vink
July 6th, 2010, 14:36
Thanks James, we made it into the finals! Now we can lean back and see who our opponent will be. It will be a tough game tomorrow.

But as an European citizen I'm already sure the cup will remain in Europe!


July 6th, 2010, 20:43
But as an European citizen I'm already sure the cup will remain in Europe!


Solid bet with a 1/1 quote. :d

July 7th, 2010, 07:58
I've arranged some public viewing for later in my backyard.
BBQ, a projector, a box of beer and a ton of friends.

And even if we lose, I still have reason for celebrating...the last exam for this semester is O-V-E-R! :d

July 7th, 2010, 15:05
Thanks James, we made it into the finals! Now we can lean back and see who our opponent will be. It will be a tough game tomorrow.

But as an European citizen I'm already sure the cup will remain in Europe!


Spain wins by a head. I didn't think they'd beat Germany, but, "This is why we play the games." Germany was my pick to take it all. So much for my Mu'ad Dib powers.

Huub, I'll paint an orange stripe on my forehead Sunday.


July 8th, 2010, 07:37
Frustrating. Very, very, very, very, very frustrating.

huub vink
July 8th, 2010, 10:46
Frustrating. Very, very, very, very, very frustrating.

Trust me, it is nothing compared with getting into the final 2 times and loose both games. I can still remember both matches (1974 and 1978!).

However yesterday's game was predictable, the Germans played like the Dutch did in the last 30 years. Everybody admires your play, but you won't win the world cup with it.
Believe me as we have over 30 years of experience!


July 8th, 2010, 11:10
Naaa, that wasn't Dutch "foutball total".
Actually Jogi looked a lot into the spanish football and tried to copy a lot of their play.
This time however I think they where too defensive, and yes, scared, whereas the Spanish did their best game of the tournament so far.
Missing Thomas Müller added to it.
Spain isn't invinceable and they have obvious difficulties scoring a goal, and if our boys had tried more courageous forward pressing they would have gotten more chances.

huub vink
July 9th, 2010, 10:12
"Voetbal totaal" (Complete footbal) was just a popular slogan for a play style with upcoming backs and a mid-field which could very fast switch from defending to attacking and played with a pointed midfield. Due to the fast changes in position the opponent would hopefully become confused.

After the successes from the Dutch in the seventies many clubs adapted this style, which became a sort of export product. In Spain or should I say Catalonia this style was introduced by people like Rinus Michels (who is seen as the inventor if this style), Johan Cruyff, Frank Rijkaard and Guus Hiddink. And many Dutch players and coaches followed them afterwards (Even Louis van Gaal). So when Jogi copied the Spanish play, he copied a copy of the the Dutch play style.

It is funny to see that even clubs like Bayern München have changed to this play style.

The opposite style was more or less Catenaccio, invented by the Argentinian coach Helenio Herrera and introduced by Internationale in the 60's. The system was based on a strong defense and often just one single striker and which had one player playing behind the own defense. This system is hardly seen anymore, although countries like Italy still play in a very similar style the don't play with the central player behind the defense anymore.


July 10th, 2010, 09:57
Just saw on ESPN SportsCenter: vuvuzelas are begining to show up at stadiums in the United States. The Horror. The Horror.


huub vink
July 10th, 2010, 12:47
Gratuliere Deutschland! Aber morgen geht es richtig loss!


July 10th, 2010, 13:23
I really wanted Germany to win this, but I will settle for third place AGAIN! Yes, Huub, FC Bayern is my team! :)


huub vink
July 11th, 2010, 03:24
Orange has wings!


Dain Arns
July 11th, 2010, 07:55

July 11th, 2010, 08:17



July 11th, 2010, 08:50
whao nellie. no epsagne fans at the SOH?



July 11th, 2010, 11:49
I am so disappointed with the very "Physical" play of the Dutch team that I'm now supporting the Spanish team.

July 11th, 2010, 13:10
Happy to see it end on a goal!:jump::jump::jump::jump::jump:

July 11th, 2010, 13:12
I am so disappointed with the very "Physical" play of the Dutch team that I'm now supporting the Spanish team.

Yes, I fully agree with you Roger!

I'm really happy that Spain has won the World Cup. Congratulations! :spain: :applause: :spain:


July 12th, 2010, 05:45
I am so disappointed with the very "Physical" play of the Dutch team that I'm now supporting the Spanish team.

In AFL parlance that would be 'Playing the man instead of playing the ball'.
Very silly and it cost them the Cup.
Equally silly remarks from the Dutch coach implying the referee was corrupt and had been bribed ......... really unnecessary and certain to land him before a hanging judge.

July 12th, 2010, 08:52
Is it true that one of the Dutch players landed a Ralph Macchio karate kick to one of the Spanish players and didn't get carded? I must have stepped out of the room to get another beer when this particular incident happened, because I didn't see it.


Wild Bill Kelso
July 12th, 2010, 09:02
Is it true that one of the Dutch players landed a Ralph Macchio karate kick to one of the Spanish players and didn't get carded?

Yep. But he received a yellow one...

Here's the remix:

July 12th, 2010, 09:36
Yep. But he received a yellow one...

Here's the remix:

He should have been ejected for that. He wasn't even playing the ball.


huub vink
July 12th, 2010, 11:09
In AFL parlance that would be 'Playing the man instead of playing the ball'.
Very silly and it cost them the Cup.
Equally silly remarks from the Dutch coach implying the referee was corrupt and had been bribed ......... really unnecessary and certain to land him before a hanging judge.

I'm pretty sure I have seen all interviews the Dutch coach gave after the final, but I must have missed this one. The "worst" thing he said in the interviews I have seen, was the fact he was disappointed the Spanish goal followed immediately after the referee had not seen the free kick taken by Schneider had been touched by a Spanish player and should therefore have resulted in a corner. But I'm sure you will reveal the source of these serious accusations. (Was it the Sun or the German Bild....)

There are some people here who say the coach told the players to play like this in the final. They must have good contacts! As I have not been there I can't say it true or not, however it would definitely be the first coach to tell his them to get some red cards because that would make them win the game!


July 13th, 2010, 07:07
I caught that one as he was being 'interviewed' on the run.
No idea if it was on the way to the airport or leaving (looked like it could have been either) but it was live and aired on our SBS Network World News, not known for sensationalistic reporting and the Network that covered the Cup live for Australia.