View Full Version : A-TEAM MOVIE ROCKS!

Cirrus N210MS
June 12th, 2010, 08:42
i just got to see the A-team Movie last night Loved it cant wait to watch it when its out on dvd!:salute:



June 12th, 2010, 08:50
What is it with all the "remakes" from Hollywierd lately?

They've even "remade" the "Karate Kid" now...

What happened to originality and creativity? :bump:

June 12th, 2010, 08:55
What is it with all the "remakes" from Hollywierd lately?

They've even "remade" the "Karate Kid" now...

What happened to originality and creativity? :bump:

it was killed in the name of public stupidity and maximum profit. like so many other things, people refuse to vote with their wallets. what's really sad is that sooo many people refuse to watch subtitled movies, and in so doing, exclude themselves from some really good cinema.

June 12th, 2010, 08:59
I have been waiting for this one, I loved the series, and even though I can barely understand anything in a theater I am going to see this one... "I love it when a plan comes together"

June 12th, 2010, 09:01
[QUOTE=cheezyflier;430158]it was killed in the name of public stupidity and maximum profit./QUOTE]

Never underestmate the power of stupid people in large numbers!

June 12th, 2010, 13:47
Come whatever may to the cinemas in 2010, it can't/won't beat this:


June 12th, 2010, 13:55
Come whatever may to the cinemas in 2010, it can't/won't beat this:


That's an amazing cast! All the bad@ss's.

Ken Stallings
June 12th, 2010, 16:17
It's a popcorn flick folks. It's not meant to be taken seriously. So, you just pay your money, get a big ole tub of buttered popcorn, plop down in the seat, and stand by to be entertained.


June 12th, 2010, 16:20
A crack special forces team who cannot hit anything when they shoot their guns., what happened to 1 shot 1 kill?
when I was in the Army we always went to the range and once a year we had to qualify for the marksman badge we wore on the flap of our pocket.

June 12th, 2010, 16:25
What is it with all the "remakes" from Hollywierd lately?

They've even "remade" the "Karate Kid" now...

What happened to originality and creativity? :bump:

Business. The studio or one of its affilliates probably already owned the rights to the intellectual property. In addition, the property has already proved out in one idiom, and has a built in potential audience. From the point of view of a studio exec, these are likely to be all pluses. As for originality, I've yet to be convinced large numbers of the movie going audience want to see anything too original. I won't say anything about the A-Team in particular, because I haven't seen it.


June 12th, 2010, 18:12
[QUOTE=cheezyflier;430158]it was killed in the name of public stupidity and maximum profit./QUOTE]

Never underestmate the power of stupid people in large numbers!

I have that t-shirt!

June 12th, 2010, 19:28
Movie studios are no longer run by film makers, Car companies are no longer run by car fans,
need I go on?

June 13th, 2010, 04:43
A crack special forces team who cannot hit anything when they shoot their guns., what happened to 1 shot 1 kill?
when I was in the Army we always went to the range and once a year we had to qualify for the marksman badge we wore on the flap of our pocket.

My dad use to say that about the German marksmanship in the WWII movies we watched when I was a kid. He said all those fellows in those graves in France didn't die from heart attacks.

Besides Ickie, if they always hit their target, the movie would be over in 15 minutes. They would run out of Extras to kill. Blank rounds are cheaper than Extras.

June 13th, 2010, 06:53
My dad use to say that about the German marksmanship in the WWII movies we watched when I was a kid. He said all those fellows in those graves in France didn't die from heart attacks.

Besides Ickie, if they always hit their target, the movie would be over in 15 minutes. They would run out of Extras to kill. Blank rounds are cheaper than Extras.

Ickie is right in that we were required to live and die by one shot one kill. It states on my DD214 I shot Expert every time with every weapon handed to me, but shooting Expert in qualifying does not mean you will always hit your target in combat-would that we could always. Too many things to consider in the heat of combat. However, John you hit it right on the head, if Hollywood lived by real military rules they would run out extras and movie real quick! LOL, I am a history maniac and I get angry sometimes in war movies at the ridiculous things I see portrayed (Apocalypse Now- Full Metal Jacket etc). It took me a long time to get to what Ken talks about. Just get your popcorn and drink, sit down and be entertained and don't take it too seriously. I like the new A-TEAM for fun value. I intend to the new Stallone movie also.

June 13th, 2010, 11:34
A crack special forces team who cannot hit anything when they shoot their guns., what happened to 1 shot 1 kill?
when I was in the Army we always went to the range and once a year we had to qualify for the marksman badge we wore on the flap of our pocket.

I remember the series. Between the A-Team and the bad guys there would be 10K rounds fired a show, but no one ever died or badly wounded. They went through a lot of vehicles on that show though. :icon_lol:

June 14th, 2010, 06:30
A crack special forces team who cannot hit anything when they shoot their guns., what happened to 1 shot 1 kill?
when I was in the Army we always went to the range and once a year we had to qualify for the marksman badge we wore on the flap of our pocket.

I liked it too, but as Ken stated it's just a movie where you grab your popcorn and enjoy. Also, remember, it's better to wound initially because you stand to wound more of the yahoo's coming to save their buddies, therefore gaining the upper hand in firepower superiority.


June 14th, 2010, 21:31
I just saw it. As others have said, it was a great summer popcorn movie. If I want realism, I'll watch a documentry.
P.S. Watching the credits I see Dirk Benidict and Dwight Schulz had bit parts in the movie. Those two were part of the orig. TV A-Team cast.

sky pilot
June 14th, 2010, 23:22
A crack special forces team who cannot hit anything when they shoot their guns., what happened to 1 shot 1 kill?
when I was in the Army we always went to the range and once a year we had to qualify for the marksman badge we wore on the flap of our pocket.