View Full Version : User Names...how did you come up with yours?

June 5th, 2010, 08:13
Just out of curiosity, how did ya'll come up with your user names?

Mine is a nickname given to me by other members on a fish keeping forum that I used to spend hours and hours a day on...before I got addicted to flight simming and started spending hours and hours on this site...still visit the fish keeping site daily. My user name there is OscarbitteninOhio....I had an Oscar, it bit me, and I live in Ohio. It took too long to for people to type OscarbitteninOhio...so they shortened it to OBIO. I like the ring of the name, so I use it on all the forums I have signed up on since that name was given to me. Heck, I even use it for my online gaming.


Oh..Oscar as in the South American fish, not the gold trophy given out to actors and such.

June 5th, 2010, 08:26
Username, huh? I have no idea!

*Scratches head*


Matt Wynn
June 5th, 2010, 08:30
simple, the nickname i was given in my first week in the Army, on the basis that i have no discernible regional accent and well i have a bit of a silver tongue with the ladies... how i got my Girl... :icon_lol:

Other Nicknames of mine: 'Edge', 'Apxaggelos' (thats Archangel in Greek-lish, based on the fact that in all jumps i've done not one of my team has been injured) and of course the occasional nickname of "hey you?" :icon_lol:

June 5th, 2010, 08:35
Got mine from the vehicle I helped introduce and fight with in the army, Stryker Fighting Vehicle.

June 5th, 2010, 08:37
I recieved my Handle, from a hippie friend many years ago..
it appeared(the name) during a Grateful Dead show, at Glo Wood campground (DeerCreek) venue..
Once My Biker friends and family learned of this..Everyone desided it fit..
As the joke went; I was a hobbit that happened to Live in a house, thus Househobbit..
After a lifetime it still is what my friends and family call me..
Doesn't help I smoke a pipe that is 2 feet long.. My Hobbit pipe..
As has been said, "In 15 minutes You can learn everything there is to know about a hobbit,
and yet after 100 years they will still surprise you"..

June 5th, 2010, 08:44
Just my good first name.
Just took the opportunity at one of the various forum crashes to get rid of my old nick "AMmace" that I earned when playing a show while suffering a serious lumbargo.
Lost control over myself due to pain and stumbled over a floor monitor, made a 360° roll forward and landed fairly save on my feet in the crowd.
Our singer who is a Brit shouted out "Matze, amazing!" what turned into Amazing Mace and then AMmace in the following. :d

June 5th, 2010, 08:53
I just love these threads...:ernae:
Mine originates from before I discovered the Internet. At the time I was into dirt bikes and had the habit of naming my motorcycles and cars. I had a Honda Spree named Fiddler (after the Soviet Tu-128), a Mercury Cougar named 'Starhunter IV' (NO idea where it came from), and a Yamaha XS850 Midnight Special named appropriately 'Black Sunshine', among others.
The dirt bike I had when I came across the Internet in early 1996 was a 1980 Suzuki DR400--a big offroad 'thumper' and a general blast to ride. Naming it was simple--it had 'DR' on the saddle and the short form of Suzuki was 'Zook'. And so my first logon id became 'drzook'

June 5th, 2010, 08:59
That is my real nickname.....
I always wear my Mom's chacha shoes at home when I was a kid (maybe two or younger)
...Dancing all over the house, like a cinderella...

I remember falling off and hurt my forehead,
When the doctor asked me what happened,
I told him I fell off my chacha shoes...
He laughed on top of his lungs and it made me so mad...
He added insult to my injury,
My pride was hurt...
Every time I visit him,
..(he still lives)..
He calls me Chacha,
...and everyone else in the entire family tree...
.. and even at work ...

June 5th, 2010, 09:12
I'm from Texas and I police a national physicians network, forum and database hence txnetcop

June 5th, 2010, 09:14
Username, huh? I have no idea!

*Scratches head*


Engineering students...:rolleyes:

T Square
June 5th, 2010, 09:19
T Square

Nickname I got in the Air Force. Had 3 or 4 Tims in a shop I was assigned to I was the only one that first and last name started with T (Tim Thompson), thus I became T Square.

June 5th, 2010, 09:21
ickie and if you spell it backwards it still says eikci

June 5th, 2010, 09:23
It is a nick name. Better than some of the things I have been called. :)

June 5th, 2010, 09:25
My wife and I build large kites and we had quite a reputation internationally a few years back for the kites we designed and built. Both China and Japan have a long history in kite building (well over 1,000 years) and my 'handle' is often used among the kiting fraternity. It's Japanese and it means 'Kite Crazy'.

As I am a Brit and the RAF often referred to their aircraft as 'kites' it seemed rather fitting for the flight sim forums I frequent. I am known by a different handle in the kite building/flying world.

June 5th, 2010, 09:42
A number of years ago I had two flight attendants that I was crewed up with for a month. They were friends and flew together alot, and the bond they had together tended to make them a bit insuboordinate and aloof. Rather than call them out on it when it became aggravating, I started mimicking Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movies and saying "Throw me a bone people". They thought it was funny and started calling me bone, and then it sort of caught on with a few others.

June 5th, 2010, 09:47
Gained it while in the RAF, everybody called me Hendo.
I spent 3 great years in Germany, loved the beer, and
soon after earned the nickname 'rubberlegs'! I really
think I prefer Hendo. (Short for my surname)

Craig Taylor
June 5th, 2010, 09:52
Ummm...err... :mixedsmi:

kilo delta
June 5th, 2010, 09:57

Because the username Bjoern was already taken

:d :p

June 5th, 2010, 10:03

Because the username Bjoern was already taken

:d :p

Now that's funny!

June 5th, 2010, 10:18
My sister gave me mine 54.5 years ago when I was born. Been with me ever since. It must work okay, because when they call me for supper, I'm never late!!!!

June 5th, 2010, 10:41
Mine is very easy: Eurocopter (euro) AStar (astar) AS350 (350) = euroastar350

June 5th, 2010, 10:47
<-- company name.... Bill is my real name, but who wants to talk about bill's, (as in paying the bills)...

Now, my company name came from a Kate Bush song; Lionheart; 'Oh England my Lionheart....' Loved the song. I was going to build cars in my younger days, and when working for Range Rover engineering, I came up with Lionheart Design Studios Ltd.

Only made one car on my own... argh..

(note to self, get a lottery ticket)

June 5th, 2010, 10:55
Some may have read this in the past...it has been around for some time.

Why N2056? (http://forums.flightsim.com/vbfs/blog.php?b=77)

June 5th, 2010, 10:55
Wanted the handle "yank", it was already taken (on whatever the forum was at the time), so I just added my age and stuck with it since then...;)

June 5th, 2010, 11:00
Some may have read this in the past...it has been around for some time.

Why N2056? (http://forums.flightsim.com/vbfs/blog.php?b=77)

Way to cool... :ernae:Very interesting read and thoughtful User Name...:salute:

June 5th, 2010, 11:08
It's worked well enough in real life so far.

June 5th, 2010, 11:09
Back a good number of years ago, Canada had aircraft carriers, and I was a back-seat crewman, flying from our last carrier, HMCS Bonaventure. One of my jobs as crewman was radio communications -- keeping in touch with the mother ship while we were out there flying around the open "oggin", doing whatever the mission called for.

Bonaventure's international voice callsign was "HIGHGROUND", and her side number was "22". Since we're shaving with her, these days, I just wanted to keep her name and memory alive -- for me, if nobody else.

June 5th, 2010, 11:17
Well, I got mine from online dogfighting. I started in Fighter Ace and flew under my brother's nic "Master Of Sparks" on his account, when I was asked to join the Devildog's Squadron. So I figured it was time for me to get my own account; especially since it was confusing to people who talk to you who you didn't know, only to realize they thought I was my brother and vice versa.

Of course, all the cool names like Thunderbolt and Lightning, etc., were already taken. But there was a lyric in a Rush song, "Sundogs fire on the horizon..." which I took out of context and thought it was an appropriate name for joining the Devildogs Squadron. It stuck with me through FA, Aces High and on into IL-2 (With small stints in EAW, Janes WW2, WW2OL, Warbirds and Air Warrior along the way). Anyway, all of my online friends knew me as Sundog, so I've just stuck with it.

Now I can only hope that BOB: Storm of War is actually released this year. :)

Curtis P40
June 5th, 2010, 11:22
Easy, first names Curtis, and while related to the Wright brothers, a big fan of Glenn Curtiss who I think did more for aviation. P40, my favorite aircraft for about the last fifty years.

June 5th, 2010, 11:38
Well, let's see now....

Back in the early '90's there was a pop band called "Marky Mark and the Funkybunch".
My first name is Mark. My friends started calling me 'Marky Mark' or just 'Funkybunch'.
When I got my first computer in '99, I needed to come up with an email address, so I dropped the U's from 'funkybunch' to shorten it to "fnkybnch@.....". This has been my ID ever since. I know it's left more than one person wondering!:icon_lol:

June 5th, 2010, 11:45
Engineering students...:rolleyes:

Yes, insect? What is it you want from this representative of the godly caste of engineers? ;) :d


Because the username Bjoern was already taken

:d :p

You could've just taken the "I've got an english keyboard and don't know how to break down Umlaute into standard letters" version. ;) :icon_lol:

June 5th, 2010, 11:53
The Kowalski bit comes not from a character from "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea", or "Stargate" the film, or even from one of the Penguins from the film "Madagascar",as people have in the past variously postulated, but from the main character of one of the greatest & coolest road movies ever: Vanishing Point!
The 65 bit comes from the year I was born

June 5th, 2010, 11:54
When I was a kid, my Grandpa was picking at me and pegged me with Willy. It just kind of stuck.

Matt Wynn
June 5th, 2010, 12:57
Yes, insect? What is it you want from this representative of the godly caste of engineers? ;) :d

Godly?!.....sorry to tar you with the same brush here buddy my experience of engineers is the REME... thats an anagram for Ruin Everything Mechanical Eventually (Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers), try telling them that whatever is running a bit lean and i guarantee they'll cower in the shade at the prospect of work :icon_lol: i know guys lets come up with a new 'Handle' for Bjoern.... :icon_lol:

June 5th, 2010, 13:05
Godly?!.....sorry to tar you with the same brush here buddy my experience of engineers is the REME... thats an anagram for Ruin Everything Mechanical Eventually (Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers), try telling them that whatever is running a bit lean and i guarantee they'll cower in the shade at the prospect of work :icon_lol: i know guys lets come up with a new 'Handle' for Bjoern.... :icon_lol:


June 5th, 2010, 13:17
Take a guess....:d

June 5th, 2010, 13:24
When I started playing FPS's online i randomly had to come up with a user name... I was going to Wittenberg University at the time and had an obvious interest in aviation, and thusly...


Matt Wynn
June 5th, 2010, 13:26
Take a guess....:d

I knew it! :icon_lol:

June 5th, 2010, 13:59
I got mine from pounding out bush scenery on a weekly basis many years ago. (or so I like to tell people that's where it came from - wink, wink! LOL!)


June 5th, 2010, 14:05
On my 13th Parachute jump my main chute failed to open all the way, so I reached for my reserve chute, pulled the Ripcord and just threw it away. After landing safely and gathering my gear my buddy asked me where is your reserve Ripcord? Never found it.

S! Rip

June 5th, 2010, 14:51
Mine is Baron spelled backwards, a play on a name I use in a different forum and that is a play on an area near where I live called the Pine Barrens. now wasn't that a waste of your time :icon_lol:

June 5th, 2010, 14:55
Mine is Baron spelled backwards, a play on a name I use in a different forum and that is a play on an area near where I live called the Pine Barrens. now wasn't that a waste of your time :icon_lol:

arrgh. That had me really going, lol.

June 5th, 2010, 15:18
mine is accually Daver,,,,,,but prosero/delphi chat made me ad "oo" to it so it stuck as Daveroo.....but someone called me and idiot a week or so ago and ive changed my chat nic to ID 10 T in honour of the fool and the joke about the kid telling his nieghbor the problem with his computer was an ID 10 T error......

brad kaste
June 5th, 2010, 15:21
....Couldn't think of anything catchy, clever, or meaningful. So,...when all else fails,....jus' use your first and last name.

June 5th, 2010, 15:22
me mum named me:wavey:

June 5th, 2010, 15:23
. . . the joke about the kid telling his neighbor the problem with his computer was an ID-10-T error......Reminds me of the similar "PEBKAC Error" (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair").

June 5th, 2010, 15:24
Kinda created mine out of desperation.

At the time I was flying a lot of combat flight sims (War), loved horses and P-51 Mustangs (Horse). And I was born in 1947.
Too logical. I'll go to my room now. :ernae:


June 5th, 2010, 15:45
I think mine is pretty obvious. Corny, maybe, but I have several things that are thisizma.

Ken Stallings
June 5th, 2010, 15:51
ickie and if you spell it backwards it still says eikci

Gee, you're just ickie both ways coming! :icon_lol:


Ken Stallings
June 5th, 2010, 15:54
I have a great story behind it ...

.... my mom gave it to me! :engel016:


June 5th, 2010, 16:04
Mom gave me mine too. It's my initials....TC transfigured.

However, I go by my middle name, which is something else my mother did (my first name is a family name, my middle name is what my mother wanted).

I also used to have a cat named TeaSea....which my wife named after me.

My Limited Liability Company is also TeaSea.

June 5th, 2010, 16:47
My two most enduring passions, aeronautics and paramedicine. 202 cause 201 other people had the same passions. Who'd a thunk it.

June 5th, 2010, 17:08
Just my initials.

June 5th, 2010, 17:10
I got mine back in the mid 90's, I was working at an electronic's retailer and we were just starting to sell computers, I was the only one in the company who had any idea how to turn one on let alone use it. When the local phone company tech arrived to set-up our "Dial Up" internet connection (now this was at the blinding max speed of 14.4K, and www stood for "World Wide Wait"), he installed a dedicated line but could not configure the connection program (SLIP - yeah that long ago). I offered to help and he asked if I knew anything about it, I told him I had signed up in 1991 and knew a little (I had been the 7th public internet user in the province) I helped him figure it out - he said when we finished "your little is a Gigabyte more than my knowledge, and I am trained on this stuff", the staff latched on to the name and it stuck like stink on dog dodo...

June 5th, 2010, 17:37
Well, mine is pretty simple. My friends, most of whom are not R/W pilots unlike myself have always called me Flyboy. I originally got the user name from my Flightsim membership - originally intended to be Flyboy203, referencing to my time served in VFA-203, and at the time I was looking to log some real amphib time - in the Cessna 208 Caravan, with the possibility of flying Beavers in Alaska ... For some reason, and I have never heard of him since, the user name Flyboy203 was already taken ...

So there ya' go ....

Mike :salute:

June 5th, 2010, 18:21
I got mine from when I first started using forums on a model car site. I do most any kind of model building, and my wife came up with it.

I know, kinda corny, I'll go back to my corner now.

June 5th, 2010, 18:27
As i came home from my 4 years duty in the german military i started to work in a big chemical company here in my region. During my time in the military i stumbled across mediveal reenactment and came close to the viking times. I started as viking reenactor. One evening, i was working in the company for 6 weeks or more, i talke with a coworker about that vikings. He asked a lot things and i was glad that i can give him a lot of good answers. I had a long beard and longer hair as i started to work there. So my coworker looked at me and mentioned that i remind him of Halvar from the cartoon Vicky and the Vikings. The number 342 is the number of the Bataillon i served. I choosed that as i started with online flying and so many other "Halvars" where flying around.
Thats the little story behind the name. But less people call me Halvar or so, most time only people i fly sim with them.

June 5th, 2010, 18:30
Some may have read this in the past...it has been around for some time.

Why N2056? (http://forums.flightsim.com/vbfs/blog.php?b=77)

Great story.

I may well have seen N2056 v1 many times. My family moved to the Big Rock area in Santee in 1962, when I was 13. Lived there till 1975. That's about 3-4 miles right off the end of 27R. I was already into airplanes by then, and we used to go out to Gillespie quite often. My stepdad was also on a race team that raced at Cajon Speedway, another reason to be out there a lot.

Lived in El Cajon from 1988-1995, also.

June 5th, 2010, 18:35
Back in the days of the original Thorp it was actually based at Montgomery Field, but from time to time visited Gillespie, so you may have seen it! The old Cajon Speedway is now a big empty field that is slated for airport expansion according to the plans I managed to acquire as an aid to creating an authentic scenery for the field.

June 5th, 2010, 19:12
Just like Ken ,Henry, etc, I don't use a "user name".

June 5th, 2010, 19:26
when i bought my first motorcycle, my buddies decided i needed a new nickname. (i was formerly known as "zombo" because i drove a hearse) well, at first they called me easyrider, but because of my personality it morphed one day into cheesy rider. it just stuck like glue after that. back home the only people who call me paul are my family. everyone else just calls me cheezy. so when i began posting on flight sim forums, i just morphed it to cheezyflyer.

June 5th, 2010, 19:30
....Can't seem to find my spectacles....if somebody could just read me the question, I'll know the answer......

June 5th, 2010, 19:31
My extended initials -- some of my first CFS1 downloads were from bpotvin, and my mother had told me stories about a WWII pilot friend of her family, fellow native East Texan L C Wade, who she thought flew with the Flying Tigers.
Found out not too long later that Wade was RAF Wing Commander L C Wade, highest scoring American ace with the RAF. So that helped confirm the selection.

Navy Chief
June 5th, 2010, 19:40
Er....I think mine is self explanatory! :salute:

June 5th, 2010, 19:55
Mine is my last name. I know, it's nothing exotic.


June 5th, 2010, 20:47
It's what I do for a living. 98 is the year I started running trains.

June 5th, 2010, 20:55
Mine is just most of my last name (Andersen) plus my first initial (L). I made it up in 1984/85 when I I first got in to computers through my job and got my first (and current) e-mail address.

June 5th, 2010, 21:46
Maddog Killa,

Back when I was playin mechwarrior 2 in the registry league I grew a psychotic fondness for the vulture (maddog in the mw2 game) and tho my teammates and opponents usually had bigger mechs (Warhammers and Thors) I learned to take em down with superior maneuverability (because of less weight) and tenacity (and the big, fat jump jet bug).

...and my ISP at the time wouldn't let me have Lord Malak as it was already taken.

June 5th, 2010, 23:25
me mum named me:wavey:

Mine too!

June 5th, 2010, 23:45
TARPS = Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Pod System, the photo recce pod carried aboard specially configured F-14 Tomcats. I worked with TARPS imagery and taught TARPS classes at my last duty station, Fighter Squadron 101 at NAS Oceana.

June 5th, 2010, 23:48
Mine's simply my favourite plane. ;)

June 6th, 2010, 00:21
Way, Way back, in the days of CFS1 online on the Zone, I was a member of several online Squadrons. After a bit, I got into designing scenery for CFS1 with a squad mate, and we formed the "Fallen Angels Design Group". That was many, many moons ago, but to this day any time I create something for the sims, I still brand it as a Fallen Angels Design.

According to Demonology, Astaroth is one of the Prince's of Hell, and thus a "Fallen Angel". So I chose that name for my part of the Fallen Angels Design Group. However, when writing the readme for my first scenery release, I misspelled it, Astoroth. So, I stuck with it. And I've been Astoroth ever since.

June 6th, 2010, 01:11
Mine is particularly easy !!! my real initials are MCL in Roman Numerals this equates with 1150. Hence the login .
Regards to all

June 6th, 2010, 03:37
Hmm, came from way back when...

There was a radio program on a classical station called "The Barococco Hour". Most supercilious sounding host I ever heard, deKoven, (and PLEASE skip the mister. I see all such things as passe [can't remember the exact wording now, been so long]) but I really liked the program. When I started online I decided to resurrect the name. Thusly :jump:

June 6th, 2010, 03:43
The Navy and University of Michigan!

I'm from Caswell County, NC, pronounced CAZ-WELL. When I was in high school and college, I absolutely worshiped Cazzie Russell, played pro with the Knicks. Navy started calling me Cass, like mama Cass. Uh-uh, I had to straighten them out, if they were gonna use the name, say it right, CAZ, I ain't no fat mama!

The Cazzie is just a longer diminutive I stuck due to my like for Cazzie Russell.


June 6th, 2010, 04:57
....Can't seem to find my spectacles....if somebody could just read me the question, I'll know the answer......

:) I like this answer.

I always loved watching that guy.

June 6th, 2010, 06:12
Originally, I picked it for another forum, for the Wing Commander series of games. Since my preferred fighter from the series was the F-57 Sabre, it was a natural fit. It stuck well once I found the Outhouse, since the F-86 is another favorite of mine.

Wild Bill Kelso
June 6th, 2010, 06:33
Do I really have to explain? :d


(Note: He's called "Wild Wayne Kelso" in this teaser!)

Some more nice VFR flying and tank-filling here:


Rumors telling that I use to wear a leather cap while simming are just overstated... :jump:

June 6th, 2010, 06:48
Born with it.

June 6th, 2010, 06:58
Kinda born with mine as well. Last name is Donk and hence the nick "Donkey" was almost too easy. :)

June 6th, 2010, 06:59
My name is Robert. The numbers because someone already has robert, so I just picked four and one out of the blue.

June 6th, 2010, 08:54
Godly?!.....sorry to tar you with the same brush here buddy my experience of engineers is the REME... thats an anagram for Ruin Everything Mechanical Eventually (Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers), try telling them that whatever is running a bit lean and i guarantee they'll cower in the shade at the prospect of work :icon_lol: i know guys lets come up with a new 'Handle' for Bjoern.... :icon_lol:

a) You're talking about the military.

b) You're talking about the english military.

c) You're talking about Englishmen.

;) :d

The number 342 is the number of the Bataillon i served.

PzGrenBtl 342 (Koblenz)?
(Had to look it up 'though.)

Neither man nor animal, just a Panzergrenadier. :d

(Regards from an Ex-PzLBtl 93 member.)

June 6th, 2010, 09:23
it is an ISEC N34/29'98 E135/41'05 - obviously i have created an account right after my return from the mystic city of nara, former capital of japan. So more or less "flightsimerized".

June 6th, 2010, 09:52
. . . my real initials are MCL in Roman Numerals this equates with 1150. . . . That's kinda neat-oh, and well thought-out, imo!

June 6th, 2010, 10:59
Way, Way back, in the days of CFS1 online on the Zone, I was a member of several online Squadrons. After a bit, I got into designing scenery for CFS1 with a squad mate, and we formed the "Fallen Angels Design Group". That was many, many moons ago, but to this day any time I create something for the sims, I still brand it as a Fallen Angels Design.

According to Demonology, Astaroth is one of the Prince's of Hell, and thus a "Fallen Angel". So I chose that name for my part of the Fallen Angels Design Group. However, when writing the readme for my first scenery release, I misspelled it, Astoroth. So, I stuck with it. And I've been Astoroth ever since.

sounds like a misspelling of astoreth (also known as ishtar) a pagan goddess from old testament times in the middle east. also mentioned in lovecraft's necronomicon. she's a pretty crazy sorta chick. look her up for some interesting trivia sometime

June 6th, 2010, 14:23
sounds like a misspelling of astoreth (also known as ishtar) a pagan goddess from old testament times in the middle east. also mentioned in lovecraft's necronomicon. she's a pretty crazy sorta chick. look her up for some interesting trivia sometime

This is exactly what I was thinking. Worship of Astoreth, Asherah, or any of the various baalim was a real no-no for a good Israelite, especially with all the associated cultic prostitution going on in the ancient Levant, so they were literally and figuratively "demonized." Joseph Campbell called the process by which the godheads of defeated religions become the demons of asendant ones "retroactive defamation".

My web name comes from Eoraptor lunensis, a Triassic dinosaur. If Velociraptor and T-Rex are the Ferrari and Porsche of dino world; Eoraptor is the Model T. I used to be a dinosaur, and this talk about my forearms being useless is a filthy lie.


June 6th, 2010, 17:45
Many moons and winters ago we just arrived at Bahia,Brazil (my knowledge of Portuguese back then were nil) i was going back home walking after some soccer practice, trespassing a neighboring house back yard..well, this lady yelled at me "Prowler!" as I looked startled at her (she was speaking in english!) until i realized she was calling me a prowler, and ran as fast as i could trying to guide myself home.That night while we were dinning my dad said to me in front of all, "You know, the hag 4 doors away told me you were prowling on her back yard, and i said to her that´s impossible since my kids have good taste for women!" we all cracked in laughter and from then on my brother and sis kept calling me "Prowler", while my dad and mom made me promise to NEVER ever get near her house to avoid problems since we were not staying that long in Bahia(and we stayed 3 yrs, but not in that neighborhood)..by the internet age, it was my handle, "1111" since "Prowler" always seems to be taken...
And i just called my dad and asked him if he remembers this, "sure i do, what you didn´t know back then is that old hag had 3 beautiful daughters that your mom wanted to keep away from you boys"...20+ years and now he tells me!..TRUE STORY!


June 6th, 2010, 19:22
About the time I made my first screenname, I had a fat cat named tig walk into the room. I couldn't think of anything better.:mixedsmi:

Pauke! Pauke!
June 6th, 2010, 19:55
Luftwaffe nightfighter radio code for "I am attacking the target". Literally: Kettledrum! Kettledrum! :jump::jump:


June 6th, 2010, 20:02
Mine Easy. Was my Call-Sign in the USCG for 10 years, some paper pushing Lt gave it to me.

June 6th, 2010, 20:56
on my lucky days I turn you in to a......smokinhole

June 6th, 2010, 21:24
About the time I made my first screenname, I had a fat cat named tig walk into the room. I couldn't think of anything better.:mixedsmi:

It's a darn thing Deb didn't come walking into the room when I was setting up my user name..otherwise you folks would know me as "Debisnekkid" or "whatyouwantdonenow" or something like that.


June 6th, 2010, 21:37
I was lucky...........

June 6th, 2010, 22:55
It was a choice between Stratobat (I was watching Batman) and Sparky (I have three friends who call me Sparky on account of having shocked myself twice on two seperate occasions).


June 6th, 2010, 23:29
Officially this is my second legal name.

When I was first born I had a different name but after a few months I was adopted , given a new name and this has stuck with me ever since :icon_lol:


June 6th, 2010, 23:56
Officially this is my second legal name.

When I was first born I had a different name but after a few months I was adopted , given a new name and this has stuck with me ever since :icon_lol:


Were you ever told what your original name was?

June 7th, 2010, 00:46
After finding out that it isn't always a good idea to post with your real name, as the Internet never forgets, I was looking for an alternative when joining new forums.
So when I needed one for SOH I simply chose the airplane my father learned flying on....the SG38

June 7th, 2010, 00:53
All those who are old enough will remember the Space Quest games, and its protagonist Roger Wilco. The first sequel came out in 1987, I think (16 colors EGA graphics, and even moving sprite figures and other amazing stuff).
This coupled with my birth year has been my screen name ever since in the early nineties. Many people know neither of Space Quest (shows I'm getting old...) nor voice procedures and think this is my real name. Oh well...


June 7th, 2010, 01:06
Were you ever told what your original name was?

Yes ... John Hicks. Think I still have the original Birth Certificate somewhere.


June 7th, 2010, 04:00
I choose the name Crusader in honor of a pilot in my unit in Vietnam . VMFA(AW)-235 "Death Angels" in 1967(F-8's) . I got to know him on the way overseas as I first went to MCAS Iwakuni , Japan for six months then we rotated to Danang for six months . We ran into each other a few times in Vietnam(Usually out on the flightline) as I was an Aviation Ordnanceman . I later found out after I left to go home he was killed when he flamed out and went into the bay and apparently drown . He and all others who gave the "Supreme Sacrifice" in all wars will always be inbedded in my thoughts .


June 7th, 2010, 04:15
I received the general nickname "Tony Bones" as my "streetname" from a close friend of mine who, among other things, loans money at exorbitant interest rates, one of those lucky scions of immigrants whose name ends in a vowel. He had offered me a job(collecting defaulted "loans") but not being part of his ethnic group I had to refuse, plus I don't wield a blackjack except for strictly personal reasons. He did give me a streetname however, and I am known in several cities as Tony "Bones" due to my former work as a mortician. The "2112" came from one of my favorite record albums, 2112 by RUSH. I chose another email due to the TB2112 email has been practically taken over by porn spam(I prefer live women, not pictures)and I have abandoned it. This was done to me back in the says when I thought someone was a friend and actually wasn't, but that was in my early days on the Web.

Yopu got to be real careful about who you meet on the internet.

Had I known there was such a proliferation of Japanese aircraft for CFS2 I would have chosen as a username my little joking signature I use sometimes, "Bonesimoto". If ever I have to re-register I think that's the ID I'll go with.


June 7th, 2010, 06:37
I've got three versions, one of which might be at least partially true...

1) Being tall , oldest, and named McIntyre, Big Mac was always a popular nickname in school. Which was often shortened to Mac or MacMac. (which isn't really shorter, but easier to say). Leave off the pesty M, and it is Ack-Ack.

2) Anti-aircraft artillery - AAA, triple-A, Flak, the golden BB, Archie, AA, Ack-Ack.

3) Mother in law lived in Nantucket, the airport code is ACK, and all the luggage routed there has my username on it.

4) Bill the Cat from Bloom County said it a lot. *this one is not true, but is the reason for the avatar, since someone here pointed that out the last time this question was asked...


June 7th, 2010, 06:45
I've got three versions, one of which might be at least partially true...

1) Being tall , oldest, and named McIntyre, Big Mac was always a popular nickname in school. Which was often shortened to Mac or MacMac. (which isn't really shorter, but easier to say). Leave off the pesty M, and it is Ack-Ack.

2) Anti-aircraft artillery - AAA, triple-A, Flak, the golden BB, Archie, AA, Ack-Ack.

3) Mother in law lived in Nantucket, the airport code is ACK, and all the luggage routed there has my username on it.

4) Bill the Cat from Bloom County said it a lot. *this one is not true, but is the reason for the avatar, since someone here pointed that out the last time this question was asked...


The only thing I miss from the 80s(besides the poverty) is Bloom County, and Bill was my favorite, he said it all. What he had to say is still relevant.



June 7th, 2010, 07:22
First thing I thought of based on one of my e-mail addresses. Wish I had chosen something to do with my Avatar instead now as my Dad worked on those in WWII, still got some of his photos from that time. Henry's favourite aeroplane and one of mine too. Now let me see how do you spell M-s-ie? If I knew it was possible and how to do it then I would change it.

Little Chacha
June 7th, 2010, 09:18
My Mom is Chacha, I am her daughter, so I am Little Chacha. Pretty soon I will be a big Chacha and she will be the small Chacha. I grow faster. I am Hannah Elisha - my Mom is Elisha Hannah, she has eight names I have only two. Bye. From Hannah. :wavey:

June 7th, 2010, 10:11
Mine was the squadron ops callsign

June 7th, 2010, 11:00
About the time I made my first screenname, I had a fat cat named tig walk into the room. I couldn't think of anything better.:mixedsmi:

My goodness, it's so obvious! How could I have been so blind?!? *Slaps forehead* :d

June 7th, 2010, 11:49
Canned my second name. Didn't want to go back to the first name, as I have some people in the FS community that don't really like me and like to follow me around critiquing my posts. Had to come up with a new name!

Whenever I'd check my email to see if anyone had made a purchase, more often than not Outlook would tell me.... :frown:

June 7th, 2010, 12:10
Luftwaffe nightfighter radio code for "I am attacking the target". Literally: Kettledrum! Kettledrum! :jump::jump:
Sort of a German "Tally-ho!", eh ?

Mine is just my first and last name...obviously :).

June 7th, 2010, 16:59
Got mine from a B-17 in the 8th airforce in england. 303rd Bomber Group, #41-24562.

Jean Bomber
June 8th, 2010, 13:04
Hi All

My nick name is a words joke found when I've had to enter a name to do a cfs2 campaign http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/icons/icon10.gif...
I searched for a frenchy name that had to have to be connected with the aeronautic thing....
A "Jambon Beurre" (ham butter) is for the french like is the hamburger for the american people the typical national sandwich 9951

Bon appétit !:ernae:


Pauke! Pauke!
June 8th, 2010, 21:38
Sort of a German "Tally-ho!", eh ?

Mine is just my first and last name...obviously :).

Hallo Joris! From what I have read perhaps "Horrido!" would be the better translation of "Tally Ho!" than " Pauke! Pauke!" The night fighter operations on both sides appeared to have been conducted with less bravado than day time operations. Flying at night in Europe during WWII was very difficult. The air to air radar was very primative and the dialoge with the ground control radar stations could be very intense when attempting to vector into a target. I suspect that gaining visual contact with the target was a questionable moment for the night fighter pilot. They were all chasing shadows against the star field. There could have been many times that the pilots tracked a target and just punched holes in thin air. I have no doubt that more than a few night fighter pilots were uterly suprised that the shadow they had tracked and fired upon burst into flames after engaging it with cannon fire from their aircraft. Radar was still an unknown quantity in those days and pilots were reluctant to put all their faith into so new a technology. They would have strained their eyes to get visual contact even if the radar intercept officer or equivalent crew member was telling them that the target was right in front of them. I think the R/T chatter at night would be rather subdued and the R/T message of "Pauke! Pauke!" would be called out in a matter of fact fashion in most cases. If a kill was acheived that might be a different tone of voice all together. It's hard but interesting to try an get inside the head of aviators that were pushing the outside of the envelope during the Second World War. So many have passed away. You have to go by their writen memoirs if you can find them.

A very good book on Night Fighter operations is "Night Fighter" by J. R. D. Braham.



June 8th, 2010, 21:53
I'm a Kiwi, but my parents in law live in a village in Normandie not far from BA105 Evreux, or also know as Fauville AFB, plenty of C-160's, A319's doing circuits and the occasional visitor (E-3F etc dropping in over the N13), hence Fauville.:france:

Ewan Huzarmi
June 9th, 2010, 06:16
I've always enjoyed the richness of the English language, so when it came to choosing a user name I drew myself up a list of possibles that had a quirky slant to them.

My own was a taunt that I used to use when mistakenly picked on as a skinny kid (You 'n whose army).

The others:

Harry Stockressy
Dan Glebitts
Llewellyn Dowd
Arnie Dadrink
Amos Skittow
Aaron C. Reskew
Mitch Ubishi
Perry Chute
Scott Chunsoder

June 9th, 2010, 06:25
golly... just FI, MI, LN. Boring yes, but easy to remember.

pretty tempting to go make a new one now, you guys are wonderful imaginitive.

Body Piercing Fowler

June 9th, 2010, 07:05
I like to run (jog) and I plan on doing it till the day I die.

June 9th, 2010, 09:56
My username seemed a good fit after years of owning and bracket racing 3 different Mustangs.

June 9th, 2010, 17:50
My old CFS-2 online name (99FS was a Tuskegee pursuit squadron under the 332FG) :)

June 9th, 2010, 18:00
"Muletrain" was the name of our T-37 flight in pilot training.

June 10th, 2010, 09:06
A buddy and I do road trips every year and I picked up the nickname "Lim" from him. He sort of reminded me of Jack Nickelson so I called Him Jack. Put them together and you get Limjack!!! WHoooooHOOOO. My current avatar shows are shadows...me on the left taking the picture and he is on the right looking all scary!


June 10th, 2010, 09:22
First thing I thought of based on one of my e-mail addresses. Wish I had chosen something to do with my Avatar instead now as my Dad worked on those in WWII, still got some of his photos from that time. Henry's favourite aeroplane and one of mine too. Now let me see how do you spell M-s-ie? If I knew it was possible and how to do it then I would change it.
yes its possible

June 10th, 2010, 10:23
Plain old "Scooter" was taken, and so I just made something up. I would change it, but I'd hate to lose my posts, etc...

June 10th, 2010, 15:11
It's a bit of a long story but it basically began with a pet crow (literally) and an old "gym/fitness club" membership number.


June 11th, 2010, 11:10
Not a long Story, but lots of History...

In the realm of Professional Drag Racing [NHRA] there exists the sub-culture of "The Sportsman Racer".... AKA The Little Guys, whose entry fees actually pay the bills for The Pros.

After a lengthy career in professional racing as a photojournalist, fabricator, engine builder and (yes) "Go-fer", I started a family and raised my own pit crew - 2 daughters.

When the girls were old enough to come to the races with me, I built a new dragster for myself as a family project. They Helped, and even got to drive it later on.

The class we competed in is called Super Comp - a sportsman "Index Class" where you're limited to an elapsed time of 8.900 seconds, but a maximum of 200 MPH. It's somewhat affordable [or was at the time...] and a load of fun.

My Class Identification number was / is SC7500 - short for Super Comp - Division 7 (California) / Car # 500.
Given that my short term memory was destroyed during several rounds of cancer surgery [and a nasty allergy to the anesthesias used] early this millennium, I decided to utilize an easy to remember moniker for my "call name" here and elsewhere.
Now that I've relocated to Iowa [Division 5], I have to re-qualify / re-license, and will likely renumber the car... But I'm hanging on to sc7500, 'cause it's all OVER the place !

Hard to screw up what's painted on the side of yer car...

So there ya go !

[PS - Besides, Henry was taken.....]

PPS - the Ball Turret Gunner Images are a tribute to my uncle, who was a BTG killed over Normandy.

June 12th, 2010, 09:07
Mine "Screen Name" history is quite simple, actually. I decided early on that using "Bill" was a non-starter, as everywhere I went I'd have had a different screen name! Bill0134 might be fine here, but elsewhere it might have already been in use, so that idea went down in flames quickly!

I wanted something entirely unique, so my amateur radio callsign worked out quite handily!

There is one -and only one- N4GIX in the world!

Although there was one website that didn't want me to use just "N4GIX" and insisted I'd have to tack on some number to guarantee it's uniqueness...

...until I wrote to the webmaster and pointed what should have been obvious... :)

July 3rd, 2010, 10:30
in '68 I was hitchhiking in San Francisco and a couple picked me up. The guy handed me a bag of pot ans said "roll a joint, John".
I said,"That's my middle name".
He said"Till the end of time I dub thee Middlejohn", so it seemed like a good enuff handle at the time and I kept it. Over the years friends started calling me Middle and now I can't get rid of it....
so it goes!!!

Tom Clayton
July 3rd, 2010, 12:30
Just my initials.
If I did that, it would be "THC" - which I had custom emproidered onto the front of a ball cap a few years ago just for laughs. Most people don't notice, but every once in a while I spot someone taking a second glance with a rather curious look on their face!:icon_lol:

sky pilot
July 3rd, 2010, 14:20
Just out of curiosity, how did ya'll come up with your user names?

Mine is a nickname given to me by other members on a fish keeping forum that I used to spend hours and hours a day on...before I got addicted to flight simming and started spending hours and hours on this site...still visit the fish keeping site daily. My user name there is OscarbitteninOhio....I had an Oscar, it bit me, and I live in Ohio. It took too long to for people to type OscarbitteninOhio...so they shortened it to OBIO. I like the ring of the name, so I use it on all the forums I have signed up on since that name was given to me. Heck, I even use it for my online gaming.


Oh..Oscar as in the South American fish, not the gold trophy given out to actors and such. I know what a oscar is as I used to have one24" long when I lived in Seattle Wash.,
sky pilot
I got my user name from being a Rc. modeler and they fly better in the air than in the ground !

July 4th, 2010, 17:39
Olderndirt was a name used, after a few libations, for my flying, hunting and drinking mentor - a WW2 Mustang pilot, F86 in Korea. When he passed, I bequeathed it to me - hope I can come close to him.