View Full Version : Glider sound

May 21st, 2010, 15:29
Is there a glider sound for CFS2?

Iīve dled CFS2īs DFS230, Me 321, Horsa and Hamilcar by Baldy, and they all have dummy sound files in the sound folder.

Looking for a true replacement Iīve searched for FS9īs Manuelle Villa DFS230. Itīs sound is alliased to the german Grunau Baby IIb. This glider does have a real sound cfg file and itīs sound files. But looking in the sound.cfg Iīve found that some of the sounds referred there are not (I think) native of CFS2. Eg.: sncrash1,sncrash2,sncrash3,sncrash4,sncrash5,sncra sh6.
And I only have CFS2 sim!!

Cheers, Discus:salute:

May 22nd, 2010, 01:56
Hi Discus,
There are several sounds that you could pull together that are standard default CFS2 sounds, I've just quickly messed around with some and they sound like a glider on a take-off run, in flight and landing.

Go to your main sounds folder and listen to:-
Take-off/landing run

Touching down


In flight

Just rough suggestions and why not have a go at making your own CFS2 glider sound, which you could then post?

Cheers Shessi

May 22nd, 2010, 04:48

I think FS 9 sound files will work in CFS 2.

May 22nd, 2010, 07:13
Thanks Shessi and Jagd

My desktop PC is "out of order" right now. And I donīt have CFS2 installed in this notebook. But I will give it a try as soon as I get my PC working. Fortunately theres something new to learn every day!!



May 31st, 2010, 11:33
With my PC up and running again I already have a working sound file for Baldyīs DFS-230 glider.

I need to refine it a bit before uploading it.

But while learning how the sound.cfg and dp works Iīve found some issues that I would like to adjust:

1-It lacks a panel. I will look to adapt one (if I get permission granted from the owner).
2-The towing aircraft needs to be changed from a He126 to a more "operational" Ju-52.
3-The towing aircraft canīt be seen from the cockpit view. Only from the external view. Itīs a little bit strange to get airborne in a glider without seeing the towing plane! But I donīt know how to adjust this, yet.:kilroy:
4-The towing plane can be seen from the cockpit view only when you release your glider. In fact you release the towing plane, loaded as a weapon through the dp. For that reason the "towing plane" once released acts like a bomb and drops accordingly whith the weeeeeeeeeee ...bommmb!!! sound. Maybe I could give a rocket property (with lesser speed) and make it "fly" away.
5-Before starting the engine the weapon/towing plane "stands" 10 ft in the air. And when you start rolling it goes underground until you raise your nose. Itīs aligned with the longitudinal axis of the glider. Shortening the distance between towing aircraft and glider, trough the dp mounting point, could give a better (not so weird) "behavior".
6-Thereīs a ghost cannon standing 10 ft in front of the nose of the glider. It should be changed to a MG at the top of the fuselage. It would still be a ghost machine gun, but more realistic.
7-The engine starting effects of a 4 engine plane should be changed to a 3 engine effects in the correct distance from the plane to match the Ju-52 towing aircraft/weapon exhaust places. Seeing exhaust fumes coming from your gliderīs wings looks a little bit strange! And scary for the troopers!!!

If I get some improvement and I get permission from Baldy and others to make the changes I will upload them here.

Cheers, Discus:salute: