View Full Version : Two New Sceneries and Flights......

May 7th, 2010, 12:50
Finding the"Arapaima" A French Expedition.:icon_eek:


Amazonas Air...1937:brazil:..............:icon35:


Uploaded Today and available for your flying weekend......

May 7th, 2010, 18:15
Cool! I saw those jumping fish on River Monsters last week. We have a fish similar to the arapaima in Louisiana. We call it a choupique, but the real name is bowfin. They only get to about 15 lbs., not nearly as big as the arapaima.

May 7th, 2010, 18:22
I have a 8 inch Carp and 3 ducks in my pond, your ones are just scary lol, I bet you have creepy crawlies that can kill too! There nothing like that here in the civilised world thank god! its kinda fun to fly there though, like the Orbx affects tooo!

May 7th, 2010, 18:26
Can I just metion, when I say civilised world I mean the area where you don't die from animals, I know you guys are perfectly civil, and my friends, its just over here theres nothing that can harm you exept an angry Brit full of drink maybe! And I don't mean offence by that either trust me I'm one of them lol! haha :wiggle:

May 7th, 2010, 20:19
Can I just metion, when I say civilised world I mean the area where you don't die from animals, I know you guys are perfectly civil, and my friends, its just over here theres nothing that can harm you exept an angry Brit full of drink maybe! And I don't mean offence by that either trust me I'm one of them lol! haha :wiggle:

LOL.....I read, just a few weeks ago, that one woman died of rabies from a dog bite in London, then some child did too around Scotland.......LOL so do not be so sure about European critters in four legs!!!! LOL....You would have to want to die by animals in the jungle otherwise most jungle critters just go about their business and leave humans alone. Don't go piss on an anaconda though!!! or pull the tail of a caiman or lye down in a marabunta hole...LOL......anyway we do live in villages and huts similiar to those in the pic below...LOL....

http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d145/scratchbuilt/Trump_Tower_Condo_Panama_City_Repub.jpg:salute::sa lute::icon_lol::icon_lol:

May 7th, 2010, 23:13
They must have come from abroad into the UK with Rabies as Rabies is not indigenous to the UK nor in Australia or the Antartic.

There was a reputed case of Rabies from an infected bat bite a few years ago but the last Rabies via Canine incident in the UK was back in 1902.