View Full Version : Windows 7 Mystery- VosperMTB, S38 now Nose Dive when selected

April 29th, 2010, 09:50
I have recently noticed in ETO and MAW the following occurs:

1. After selecting the VosperMTB in ETO or MAW,the ship appears and then nose dives?

2. Selecting the S38 in MAW, the same thing happens.

Any answers available?

April 29th, 2010, 12:24
This doesn't surprise me. These boats are very tricky. There is always problems with them. This is why I never took them past beta release. Could be that Win7 won't allow them to work. Remember this is a flight sim not a surface sim so they are very much on the edge of what can be achieved.
Hopefully someone can resolve this for you.

April 29th, 2010, 13:18
Thanks for the reply. Now I can look at the other ships that I have loaded. It will be interesting how these will do.

April 29th, 2010, 13:39
As I've posted before this happens to me in Vista in all variants of CFS3, but the drivable U-boat is fine. I've had a few others look at it but to no avail so far, but fingers crossed.

April 30th, 2010, 05:40
Nose-diving has happened to me with aircraft lately - Ted suggested it might be connected to realism settings; I confess that I don't always run at 100%... You might see if that's the case. Apparently at 100% realism, things don't (necessarily) nose-dive!

April 30th, 2010, 07:43
Now that's something I'd never think of! I'll give it a go.

....no it still nose dives on 100% realistic