View Full Version : Alphasim freeware EF2000 Typhoon Panel search

April 26th, 2010, 20:29
Earlier today, in spite of having a trillion projects already, I installed the freeware Alphasim EF2000 Typhoon and began tweaking it. Did away with the really cheesy afterburner, replaced it with much nicer gauge driver AB effects, a nice engine flame effect, wing tip contrails/vortices. For a model from 2003, the EF2000 isn't bad...the VC is dated, but usable enough. The external modeling is pretty nice.

I hope someone has the original package with the 2D panel, panel config file and gauges...and that they would be willing to share them with me. Would like to get the package put together and updated as much as possible. I found a package of the plane on Simviation, but dated by Bob Cichilio, with a 2D panel...it's a nice 2D panel, the gauges leave something to be desired....still no VC gauges though. I can hunt through my gauge collection and come up with something plausable for gauges for the Typhoon and get the 2D and VC populated and more usable if nothing else.


EDIT: I know some of you wonder if I ever actually fly my sim...I do. In fact I flew today....my 5th attempt at the 5th leg of the Greek Island hop list as seen on the Sim Out-House.net flight server. I did this attempt off line. This is the trickiest hop I have ever flown. First attempt was in the F7F Tigercat...I crashed on landing, 2nd attempt was in the Razbam T-2 Buckeye....crashed attempting to land, 3rd attempt was in the Meteor F8 at dawn...crashed into a tree that I could not see in the dark. 4th attempt was in the Razbam A-4M....guess what....I crashed during landing. Can you guess how the 5th attempt went? In the Alpha RF-84. Yep, biffed it! I have enjoyed all the airtime over the scenery between LGEP and LGSP...beautiful scenery!

April 26th, 2010, 21:22
Living up to your title of "wrecker of nice aircraft" are you? :jump:

April 26th, 2010, 21:27
Living up to your title of "wrecker of nice aircraft" are you? :jump:

Heck yes! It has been quite a while since I have done much flying in anything other than vintage prop planes...so getting used to the higher landing speeds in jets is giving me a bit of a work out. I keep forgetting that I have to use the speed brakes and flaps to get the bird down to a respectable landing speed. Touching down at 280 knots....not all that good on the landing gear. I did manage to put the A-4M on the runway at close to 300 knots...but could not get the darn thing stopped...ran off the end of the runway, hit a bump or 5 and BOOM!

paul day
April 26th, 2010, 22:28
Hi Obio

Check your PM's please.

Regards Paul Day.

April 26th, 2010, 22:32
PM checked, e-mail sent.


Quax d. Bruchpilot
April 27th, 2010, 10:35

a long time ago I had also reworked this aircraft. With parts of the AFS Eurofighter demo version.
Now I own the Alphasim EUFI and it's still the best for my oppinion. I have a lot of german repaints for it and thats enough ;-)

But maybe could you be so kind and send me YOUR AB effects for the freeware ???


April 28th, 2010, 07:46

Shoot me a PM with your e-mail address and I will send you the files and coding needed to add the effects to your EF2000. They are original Alphasim files, from other freeware jets, with a couple mods by me here and there. Will also send the tweaked texture files needed to "remove" the stock EF2000 after burner thingie..which really dated the plane big time.


Still searching for a copy of the original panel set for this plane. It is the freeware Alphasim EF2000 Typhoon for FS2002/FS2004 from 2003. The package is hosted on the freeware page of the Alphasim site. It really is a solid package....yes, I admit the VC is dated a bit...but for me that is not a valid reason to overlook this plane. It is a real blast to fly, makes for some really stunning screen shots at dawn or dusk with the after burner kicked in, going near vertical and breaking through a layer of Pablo Whatshisname's HDEv2 clouds.


Quax d. Bruchpilot
April 28th, 2010, 11:08
thx OBIO 1000 times ! :jump:



April 28th, 2010, 11:39

Check you pm's, I have the original aircraft :salute:

April 28th, 2010, 13:36
Got it Astoroth. Thanks a billion and zillion! After I take a shower to remove all the garden dirt and earth worm guts from my weary body (see my thread in Newshawks...the Joy of Gardening?), I will install the stock panel, do some tweaking hither and yon to update it a bit, add in the gauges for the effects I have used on the Typhoon. Then this plane will be ready for a second life.


April 28th, 2010, 23:25
:wavey: Sounds great, I'll be waiting for it!

April 29th, 2010, 13:34
Just a couple tweaks to make to the VC panel to get the new gauges in place, and the 2003 model of the EF2000 Typhoon will be ready to upload. This will be followed by the two freeware Alphasim EE Lightning packages. The T.5 variant is done, with new effects, 2D and VC panel fully gauged, lots of usable pop up windows. The F.1/F.3 package has gauges on the 2D panel at this point. Need to get the VC gauged up, then add the effects (which should just be an easy copy and paste from the T.5).


April 29th, 2010, 14:45
The EF2000 Typhoon package has been uploaded! Go get it.