View Full Version : PTO depth charges

March 29th, 2010, 16:34
Do any of the depth charges in PTO have any effects other than the splash in the water? I dropped the 350lb depth charge from the Avenger on a periscope and can't see anything except the splash. Are periscopes real target objects? Do the depth charges have any real use in PTO since the subs themselves don't submerge? TIA

March 30th, 2010, 05:56
Do any of the depth charges in PTO have any effects other than the splash in the water? I dropped the 350lb depth charge from the Avenger on a periscope and can't see anything except the splash. Are periscopes real target objects? Do the depth charges have any real use in PTO since the subs themselves don't submerge? TIA

There is a fully submerged sub in ETO and PTO that can be destroyed by bombs or depth charges. The only thing visible of the sub is a small wake from the periscope. I don't know what sub your were attacking but if it was the fully submerged one I made it will explode when you get a direct hit. The target is a full size sub that is simply invisible with a periscope wake.

The next release of PTO will have improved explode effect for Depth Charges.


March 30th, 2010, 18:57
Hey thanks! I used the 'sub' as it was labeled and it works great now. Nice wake visible and makes a good aiming point. Just using the 'periscope' didn't do anything.