View Full Version : I need to trade in a wife for a newer model

March 26th, 2010, 02:32
Dat women is about to drive this old fart nuts. I painted the upstairs and downstairs twice. When I went to bed my arms were still going uuuuup...ddddown...lol. Anyway she got the bright idea that she wanted the front porch painted, then all the doors, now the shutters.....good grief....after doing all of dat now she wants the garage painted all white. Ever since I painted the living room and dining room she said she didn't want to put up the old pictures or mirror. So ya know what I been doing for the last three weeks. To make a long story short she blew a tad bit under two grand for a mirror and two hand painted pictures. I wanna move out of this house something bad. Six bedrooms is too large for us. But she wants the grand kids to have there own bedrooms. She said if we down size what are we gonna do when they come over...I said chet...I'll put them in a hotel.

Milton Shupe
March 26th, 2010, 02:40
Well, with all the painting now done, put it on the market. :wiggle:

March 26th, 2010, 02:48
I sure hope that you have a quart of your favorite on hand...

All the best painters I know are drunks...LOL

I bought a second house, and am soon ready to downsize too I think..The girls can still have their own rooms..but much smaller...BUT..I loose the pool...Decissions..But our electric bill alone here is 250-300 a month alone....

March 26th, 2010, 02:52
Dat women is about to drive this old fart nuts. I painted the upstairs and downstairs twice. When I went to bed my arms were still going uuuuup...ddddown...lol. Anyway she got the bright idea that she wanted the front porch painted, then all the doors, now the shutters.....good grief....after doing all of dat now she wants the garage painted all white. Ever since I painted the living room and dining room she said she didn't want to put up the old pictures or mirror. So ya know what I been doing for the last three weeks. To make a long story short she blew a tad bit under two grand for a mirror and two hand painted pictures. I wanna move out of this house something bad. Six bedrooms is too large for us. But she wants the grand kids to have there own bedrooms. She said if we down size what are we gonna do when they come over...I said chet...I'll put them in a hotel.

I don't do ANY of that stuff!
God invented 'Tradesmen' for just this purpose, so we 'supervise' before we pay up ........:ernae:

March 26th, 2010, 03:47
Well, with all the painting now done, put it on the market. :wiggle:

... I don't think this is a good time to SELL...

Wait a few years, to do that....
This year is a year to BUY...


March 26th, 2010, 03:49
I don't do ANY of that stuff!
God invented 'Tradesmen' for just this purpose, so we 'supervise' before we pay up ........:ernae:

Same goes in this houseold Wombat! Both hubby and I hate painting, so we don't have to convince one another to hire a painter when we need one. That's one of the chores we rather pay someone to do...

And Mike, "dat woman" is an angel....being married to you, she has to be! :bump:

March 26th, 2010, 04:46
Mike, you must be too efficient! Ya see, my wife would not dare hire me to paint indoors; outdoors, okay, but indoors is a complete no-no. Unless you want your rooms to look like Jackson Pollock or Paul Klee on cocaine! Man, I spill more paint than I brush! I splatter it, run it, spill it, you name it, if if can be a fubar using house paint, I can do it!

Now I am good at laundry, making beds, cleaning house, feeding animals, patching holes and other repairs, but painting, uh-uh, you just do not want me painting indoors.

So screw up for once and she'll have a 'tradesman' there in a jiffy. Works for me! :icon_lol:


March 26th, 2010, 06:37
I need to trade in a wife for a newer model

the demands might change, but there would still be no rest :icon_lol:

All the best painters I know are drunks...LOL

painters have the highest suicide rate of all the construction trades

So screw up for once and she'll have a 'tradesman' there in a jiffy. Works for me! :icon_lol:

my dad did that, but it took about 20 years before my mom was convinced :icon_lol:

March 26th, 2010, 07:51
HEY Mike, if you don't want her any more ... Kin I have her ... Oh and bring her bank account along with her! :)

March 26th, 2010, 07:53
... I don't think this is a good time to SELL...
Wait a few years, to do that....
This year is a year to BUY...

I caught an interesting snippet in the American News Hour on the World News Channel 'Down Under'.
It seems the usual 'Home' selling time before the down turn was around 1 to 3 months, at this point in time it averages 14 months!!
So you're stuck with it Moe.......and the house as well.

March 26th, 2010, 08:22
I have to agree with C9G, 'cause I can't stand painting. We bought a bigger place about four months ago and I paid a buddy of mine to paint the entire downstairs for me. Gonna have to give him a call, because now the upstairs needs painting.

And you know what's crazy? We went from a 3 bedroom house to a 4 bedroom house after we had a "net loss" of one family member. My older boy enlisted in the Marine Corps a couple of years ago and the wife wanted a bigger house. Where's the logic? I guess she wanted everyone to have their own room: her, our younger son, the dog and me. :d

March 26th, 2010, 09:00
I have to agree with C9G, 'cause I can't stand painting. We bought a bigger place about four months ago and I paid a buddy of mine to paint the entire downstairs for me. Gonna have to give him a call, because now the upstairs needs painting.

And you know what's crazy? We went from a 3 bedroom house to a 4 bedroom house after we had a "net loss" of one family member. My older boy enlisted in the Marine Corps a couple of years ago and the wife wanted a bigger house. Where's the logic? I guess she wanted everyone to have their own room: her, our younger son, the dog and me. :d

rayrey10, in our household there are 3 of us...me, wifey, and my son. We're shooting for a 3 story house so we'll each have our own floor! :icon_lol:
We figure the cat can roam between them.

Navy Chief
March 26th, 2010, 11:36
Right now, it's just me, my four cats, and my Rottweiler, "Chief". If the market ever does improve, I'll sell my house and move to a smaller one. Now's not the time, however.


March 26th, 2010, 12:35
... I don't think this is a good time to SELL...

Wait a few years, to do that....
This year is a year to BUY...



I don't know if I'd but yet. There's still an artificial bubble in most places due to foreclosed houses that the banks are keeping off the market (to wait for higher values) and unrealistic real estate agents. Most people have so much negative equity they flat out won't sell houses for what they're worth.

I think the biggest real estate crash has yet to come. That's just an opinion though.

March 26th, 2010, 13:59

Solution: Take paint bucket and brush, give it to her, say: "Your idea, your work." Help her when she needs assistance.
Otherwise: Go do something else. Like beer in your favourite bar or so.

;) :d

March 26th, 2010, 16:50
You guys crack me up..lol....NOW.....C9G...It would only take me less than a week to straighten you out with that at-a-tude...lol. By the way...another part of this list is to also replace the garage door cus she wants windows across the front, the back garage door she wants raised panel now and she also wants the front door replace with this designer front set up, I still got a few other honey do chet left from the first list.....Snuff what is your mailing address...I'll see if I can FEDEX her to you :monkies:

Ken Stallings
March 26th, 2010, 17:22

When I read the headline you wrote, I first thought, "When is Moe's funeral scheduled?"

Then, I read the details and I suddenly realized you'd enjoy the vacation!!! :icon_lol:


March 26th, 2010, 17:40

When I read the headline you wrote, I first thought, "When is Moe's funeral scheduled?"

Then, I read the details and I suddenly realized you'd enjoy the vacation!!! :icon_lol:


I was thinking the same thing Ken. :icon_lol:

Moe, tell da wifey to get a second job to pay for it all.

I paint, but you couldn't afford me..... let alone you having to clean up the mess. I just paint, I don't do clean up. :d And when I get done it ain't art. ;) :icon_lol:

March 26th, 2010, 17:55

So you want to trade in the wife for a newer model.Only one problem with that,Who'd want as you say an"Old Fart" like you.You are Blessed and you know it.

Now when you get done we have 6 rooms that need painting.Your wife can come also.We will sit by the pool drinking Mai Tai's while pointing out the spots you missed.:icon_lol:


March 26th, 2010, 18:00
Miss. Hiede...I may be a old fart....but I finger paint very well....what time ya want me to come over?

So you want to trade in the wife for a newer model.Only one problem with that,Who'd want as you say an"Old Fart" like you.You are Blessed and you know it.

Now when you get done we have 6 rooms that need painting.Your wife can come also.We will sit by the pool drinking Mai Tai's while pointing out the spots you missed.:icon_lol:


March 27th, 2010, 09:11
rayrey10, in our household there are 3 of us...me, wifey, and my son. We're shooting for a 3 story house so we'll each have our own floor! :icon_lol:
We figure the cat can roam between them.

With that mindset my wife would need a high rise :bump:

March 27th, 2010, 11:05
... Snuff what is your mailing address...I'll see if I can FEDEX her to you :monkies:

Mike, *wink* check yer PMs *wink* ... No need to fedex her ... I mean I can wait, er ..., I don't want the goods damaged in a rush order ... :mixedsmi:

March 27th, 2010, 12:40
So you want to trade in the wife for a newer model.Only one problem with that,Who'd want as you say an"Old Fart" like you.

If you can't convince a younger woman with your looks or character, let your bank account do it for you. :d

March 27th, 2010, 12:49
Hang on Amigo the programmable woman of your dreams is right around the corner thanks to robotics!! When you get one let me know and you can send me your pretty wife and her gorgeous credit account! WOOOHOOOOO!
<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">

March 27th, 2010, 14:03
If you can't convince a younger woman with your looks or character, let your bank account do it for you. :d

The problem there is everyone knows Mike's wife has all the money.:icon_lol:

Mike we need the walls painted not your nose.:mixedsmi:


March 27th, 2010, 14:29
After the amount of money my wife has blown (waaaaay more than both my FSX & camera expenses) I might need a trade-in too...:d

Human Drone
March 8th, 2012, 06:42
Re: "Your idea, your work..." My dear b'loved was getting a little excited about how I was dealing for a price reduction on some furniture we'd just bought, then saw cheaper elsewhere - told me what I should have said - and it didn't take me too long to say, "Um, if you don't like the way I'm handling it, have at it, the phone works for you, too!" We don't have a whole lot of "intense fellowship", that's about as close as we get.

We've just finished painting our living room and hall, which has 7 doors and an attic entry to trim around. Thank God she was with me on that one (for of course you need 2 coats to get it right). But we try to coincide painting with new carpet, so the old one becomes our "drop cloth". The hard part for me is changing all doors from those cheapie birch flush things that are all cardboard inside to nice, 6 panel solid pine doors. You gotta add an extra hinge on each doorway, and be bloody exacting about it. Then finishing those beauties... sand, stain, varnish, sand, vacuum, varnish, sand, vacuum, flip'em over and do it again... But the upside of refinishing everything with the kids all grown is that she now has a sewing room, and I have an office/flightsim room all finished in vintage aviation. Oh, yeah.. got the "Altimeter" clock, the flight instrument coasters, a vintage aviation border, planes sitting around, even a Snoopy in his WWI leather helmet & scarf...

So that's that. Maybe your dear b'loved needs to pick up a paintbrush and enjoy some "quality time" with you!



March 8th, 2012, 07:56
After the amount of money my wife has blown (waaaaay more than both my FSX & camera expenses) I might need a trade-in too...:d

Well, it's been two years. Did you trade up-down or stand pat? :bump:

March 8th, 2012, 10:28
I see here a lot of guys sticking their feet in their mouths. It is time to :running::running::running::running::running:

March 8th, 2012, 10:52
do what my dad does, give her a paint brush! quality time together n all that :icon_lol: (still married after 27 years so it must work!)

March 8th, 2012, 12:05
When Mrs Willy comes up with a project like that, I just ask "When do we start?"

March 8th, 2012, 13:07
:icon_lol: Wow! I guess I am just lucky. My wife won't let me paint! hehe, she says I make to big of a mess of it. I try to tell her it is a lot easier using the spray gun than those rollers and paint brushes. Besides I hate painting and she likes to paint. Just lucky ol me.

March 9th, 2012, 22:05
You guys think you have it bad....try living in my shoes for a while.

I have a wife...who always comes up with projects for me to do....build a platform bed, build a ceiling drapery thingie, build this, move that, paint this.....her newest thing she wants me to do is to PAINT THE FREAKING KITCHEN COUNTER TOP! Yeah, paint the counter top to make it look like granite. I keep telling her it's a rental property dear, we can't do that kind of stuff without the landlord's permission....and I haven't met a landlord yet that would be willing to have his counter tops painted.

And I have a "second wife"...my wife's sister...who we now live beside.....after her divorce and after the death of the Pappy Jack (wife's adoptive Dad, sis-in-law's birth dad....my 2nd Father-in-law)....I became the go to man for all of my sis-in-law's projects and "Honey Do" list. And she has nearly as many projects for me as my wife does.

Between these two...I have very little time to do that things that I want to do...like spend time with my fishing poles down at the lake, spend time flying my sim planes, spend time hiking with my camera, build model planes, rebuild the riding mower.