View Full Version : Movie "The Fourth Kind"...

March 21st, 2010, 17:41
Has anyone seen it yet? If so, do you believe?

Hubby and I watched it last night, and let me tell you that I was glad I was not alone...at times, I had goosebumps running up and down my spine.
The movie is based on actual events that occured in Nome, Alaska.

Very spooky, especially if you believe in Alien Abductions.....

http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s10430.gif (http://www.tiptopglobe.com/free-smiles-smileys-emoticons-blog-forum-email)

March 22nd, 2010, 02:09
Nope...never heard of it......

But I believe...

kilo delta
March 22nd, 2010, 02:30
I believe....

...that the movie was proven not to be based on real events but rather was an elaborate hoax.;) :)

March 22nd, 2010, 03:27
I believe that there's something out there and cover up's exist, but I do know that the movie is NOT based on a hoax. IT IS SIMPLY FICTION.

It is really just done up to look real, sound real, etc.
Believe me, I admit to listening to the radio show Coast to Coast AM every week.
Even on there it was stated that the movie is pure fiction.
Basically another "Blair Witch Project".

March 22nd, 2010, 03:42
Where's Bill (Lionheart)? He needs to see this thread. LOL!

Actually with regard to the movie, I was under the impression that it was (based on my seeing the trailers,) somewhat akin to the Blair Witch Film. Or am I thinking of another film?

Is this the one that has the bedroom scenes where people go flying across a room or something like that?

March 22nd, 2010, 05:30
I believe that there's something out there and cover up's exist, but I do know that the movie is NOT based on a hoax. IT IS SIMPLY FICTION.

It is really just done up to look real, sound real, etc.
Believe me, I admit to listening to the radio show Coast to Coast AM every week.
Even on there it was stated that the movie is pure fiction.
Basically another "Blair Witch Project".

Hello..., is this thing on?

March 22nd, 2010, 05:32
EXCUSE MEeeeeeeeee! LOL! :icon_lol:

I'll give ya a choice of answers here ...

Its early, I am not fully awake.
I didn't read all the posts. :p
I was currently under abduction while responding.

March 22nd, 2010, 06:11
Basically another "Blair Witch Project".



March 22nd, 2010, 08:39
Has anyone seen it yet? If so, do you believe?

Hubby and I watched it last night, and let me tell you that I was glad I was not alone...at times, I had goosebumps running up and down my spine.
The movie is based on actual events that occured in Nome, Alaska.

Very spooky, especially if you believe in Alien Abductions.....

http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s10430.gif (http://www.tiptopglobe.com/free-smiles-smileys-emoticons-blog-forum-email)

Silly... the goosebumps were coming from that feather duster you are handling there in your avatar. :d

March 22nd, 2010, 09:10
I believe... But I have seen things, so its past the believe zone..

I havent seen the movie.

Some very bad things happen to people.

I was a member of the local MUFON group here in Arizona. I had seen some things. I found others that had too, and in a group of people (over 20) I would say one was pretty normal and maybe believable. Things got really wierd for a couple of weeks after that, then back to normal.

Its a weird subject. Funny to some, wierd to others (most) and to maybe one or two, its tangible.

How can a race that act like they spy on us be friendly if they are so secretive? Are they hostile? Are they experimenting on our people? Think about it...


March 22nd, 2010, 09:18
Here's one for you.

Lets say, hypothetically, that you have had these things coming into your room. You have weird dreams. You are not wanting this and bad things are happening. Who do you call for help?

Majik or Majic (who do not exist by the way) are in charge of UFO cleanups and secret investigations. Do they have a phone number when you are having problems? lol...

Its all very very weird.

I say this as people have had wierd encounters and couldnt do anything about it. One lady went to the airforce base in Florida after seeing a UFO hovering over the road in front of her car. It was evidently an unmanned drone, alien design, and it burned her bad with radiation. Her face was a mess. She met with several USAF people who obliged to meet with her. They claimed they didnt know about UFO's and all, but on the board behind them was a map with pins of all the locations something, including one on the road she was on. So they must have been tracking it.

She died of her radiation poisoning a few months later.

You read books by Whitley Strieber and how he was abducted all his life against his will, and you think, are these friendlies or bad news?

That TV series 'UFO' from years ago is brilliant. Really puts things in perspective of how these things are a possible danger.

EDIT: Remember when President Reagen made a speech concerning world peace, that a common enemy such as from another world, could bring us all together. The way he worded it really struck home. Remember that not to long after that, Michael brought down the Berlin wall and the 'iron curtain' disappeared.


March 22nd, 2010, 09:19
Mass histeria! Nothing more! Come and get me you little green bastards!:icon_lol:

kilo delta
March 22nd, 2010, 10:04
Mass histeria! Nothing more! Come and get me you little green bastards!:icon_lol:

LMAO :salute:

Bill...I'd say that you'd get a kick out of this movie...seriously. :)

March 22nd, 2010, 11:03
LMAO :salute:

Bill...I'd say that you'd get a kick out of this movie...seriously. :)

Well great....

Just watched the trailer on iTunes... now all my hair is standing up on the back of my neck, lololol...


March 22nd, 2010, 11:46
Here's one for you.

Lets say, hypothetically, that you have had these things coming into your room. You have weird dreams. You are not wanting this and bad things are happening. Who do you call for help?

i'd make the only sensible call. i have a direct line. i aint 'fraid a no ghost

March 22nd, 2010, 16:52
Well great....

Just watched the trailer on iTunes... now all my hair is standing up on the back of my neck, lololol...


See Bill...I TOLD you!! Let me know if you ever decide to rent and watch the whole thing. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. And anyone else's for that matter...

I'm surprised no one on here as seen it??!!

March 22nd, 2010, 17:38
Never heard of it C9G or I'd have watched it. I love stuff like that. Remember "The Legend of Boggy Creek", and the hairy arm coming thru the window trying to grab the girl on the couch? God I climbed 8 feet of clear air when that happened. So did everyone else. :bump:

Silly... the goosebumps were coming from that feather duster you are handling there in your avatar. :d

Ya beat me to it Crash. :icon_lol:

Well, I'll say it again. A friend back in 69 who was ex Air Force worked on Project Blue Book, and said not all they told us was true. There is more to it than anyone in our government will ever tell us. Take it from there......

I did get to read some of the books, memos and see photos he still had.... and no one else was to be allowed to read or see them. I sure wish there were copy machines and printers like we have today back then.... I'd have made copies for sure.

March 22nd, 2010, 18:11
I had it on my Netflix list for a week or so out, but a friend of mine picked it up early and she brought it over last night.

Whether it's true, partially true or totally made up, it was still an extremely creepy movie.

The bad part about "monster" movies like this is that you have no defense and can't learn how to beat them. With a Godzilla or a Cloverfield monster you just have to have big weapons. Vampires and werewolves can be dealt with using stuff out of your work shop and bathroom cabinet. But with something that comes and gets you while your sleeping your basically SOL and that's what makes it really creepy and un-nerving. :)

I really enjoyed it, but I watch all movies with an open mind as pure entertainment. Whether real or not as long as it keeps my attention and gets a jump or two out of me, it works.


March 22nd, 2010, 18:21
I watched it, and the first half had me intrigued, and then it just got stupid.

There are no real life events that have anything to do with that movie.

(imagine me, with a bad review, eh?):sleep:

kilo delta
March 23rd, 2010, 02:46
I think that Owls got a bad deal outta this movie! ;):d

March 23rd, 2010, 08:14
Especially the owls with no feathers...

and really BIG EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


March 23rd, 2010, 12:20
EDIT: Remember when President Reagen made a speech concerning world peace, that a common enemy such as from another world, could bring us all together. The way he worded it really struck home. Remember that not to long after that, Michael brought down the Berlin wall and the 'iron curtain' disappeared.

It was neither Michail nor Reagan.

If you're already on this page before seeing the movie, it's too late.(IMDB page)

Hm, okay....*Reads synopsis*

- Edit: First half okay, second half BS.

March 24th, 2010, 09:56


March 24th, 2010, 10:16



March 24th, 2010, 10:31

C'mon Bill, all in good fun. ;)

March 24th, 2010, 12:15
I find it interesting that the "hollywood" types think little green men are real but if you say you believe in God they think you must be stupid. Watched the movie, I fell asleep, didn't scare me once. I'd give it a 2 out of 10, a waste of time in my opinion.

March 24th, 2010, 12:19
I find it interesting that the "hollywood" types think little green men are real but if you say you believe in God they think you must be stupid. Watched the movie, I fell asleep, didn't scare me once. I'd give it a 2 out of 10, a waste of time in my opinion.

I guess I'm a "hollywood" type, because I'm willing to believe that our very existence on earth could possibly validify claims of life on other planets just like ours, but I can't believe in god because there is NO evidence whatsoever. It is not "all around me" and I don't need to just "have faith". I don't even have faith that aliens have been here, and I believe in it more than christianity.

I agree with you about the movie. Once the realism was gone, it didn't scare me at all.

March 24th, 2010, 13:10
I guess I'm a "hollywood" type, because I'm willing to believe that our very existence on earth could possibly validify claims of life on other planets just like ours, but I can't believe in god because there is NO evidence whatsoever. It is not "all around me" and I don't need to just "have faith". I don't even have faith that aliens have been here, and I believe in it more than christianity.

I agree with you about the movie. Once the realism was gone, it didn't scare me at all.

well, if you ever want someone to show you the proof let me know. there is alot of it, and i'd be more than willing to point some of it out to you. but i won't force it on you

March 24th, 2010, 14:19
well, if you ever want someone to show you the proof let me know. there is alot of it, and i'd be more than willing to point some of it out to you. but i won't force it on you

sweet!! let's have it. You'd be the first person who's ever shown me undisputable evidence and proof of a god. And please, let it be undisputable. You offered. I'm actually very intrigued to see what you'll come up with, in a non-angry and non-confrontational way.:kilroy:

March 24th, 2010, 19:32
[QUOTE=tigisfat;380929]I guess I'm a "hollywood" type, because I'm willing to believe that our very existence on earth could possibly validify claims of life on other planets just like ours, but I can't believe in god because there is NO evidence whatsoever. It is not "all around me" and I don't need to just "have faith". I don't even have faith that aliens have been here, and I believe in it more than christianity.

I agree with you about the movie. Once the realism was gone, it didn't scare me at all.[/QUOTE

The point was about respecting other peoples beliefs which hollywood can't seem to manage. If people want to believe in little green men that's fine, I respect that. I think that respect should be returned, like spelling God with a cap, that shows respect, if you believe or not.

March 25th, 2010, 03:43
Saw it, the first part was intriguing, but stupidity reigns supreme in this flick. It really went downhill fast. I have never seen one credible report. I even had a friend, now in Idaho that I grew up with here in Texas tell me that he was abducted in the forest, while undergoing treatments for depression. Later he said it was drug induced imaginings. BIGFOOT IS MORE BELIEVABLE THAN THIS and they haven't found him yet either. There are unexplained sightings, but this movie is ridiculous. There are unexplained happenings to people in this world, but the movie is still ridiculous. Sorry, I can't swallow the kool-aid!
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March 25th, 2010, 13:34
I don't need to just "have faith".

But you need to keep it.



March 25th, 2010, 13:38
Yes I do, as told by the wise prophet Bon Jovi.

March 25th, 2010, 13:47
Saw it, the first part was intriguing, but stupidity reigns supreme in this flick. It really went downhill fast. I have never seen one credible report. I even had a friend, now in Idaho that I grew up with here in Texas tell me that he was abducted in the forest, while undergoing treatments for depression. Later he said it was drug induced imaginings. BIGFOOT IS MORE BELIEVABLE THAN THIS and they haven't found him yet either. There are unexplained sightings, but this movie is ridiculous. There are unexplained happenings to people in this world, but the movie is still ridiculous. Sorry, I can't swallow the kool-aid!
<INPUT id=gwProxy type=hidden><!--Session data--><INPUT id=jsProxy onclick=jsCall(); type=hidden>

Every full moon I turn into Bigfoot.......no really.....trust me!! The little green men land and do this funky experiment on me, so now every full moon I have an incredible urge to eat jerky!!

March 26th, 2010, 10:11
This is why I like to see something that I hear such mixed reviews on.

I saw it last night, and I liked it alot.

Goes to show you, what if this stuff is happening to people, how unbelieving people treat you and your story. Same with Christianity. Who believes in that? But then, when you see things, suddenly its more concrete.

Great movie. I liked it. A litte violent in some parts, but it got the word accross.


March 26th, 2010, 13:52
Yes I do, as told by the wise prophet Bon Jovi.

See? Wasn't that hard now was it? :icon_lol: