View Full Version : Tea; Whats your fave, how do you make it...

March 21st, 2010, 06:47
Hey all,

For tea drinkers; what is your fave tea? How do you usually fix it? In the cup? In the kettle? What do you like to put in it?

My fave tea; Uncle Lee's Green Tea 'Jasmine' (great stuff)

New tea I am trying; Guayaki Yerba Mate (has a strange flavor, but famous in the health food sector)

Creation: Fill the coffee maker up with water, drop in 6 bags of Jasmine, maybe 1 or 2 Guayaki bags as well. Lasts a few hours. No additives with it.

Curious to see how others have theirs.....


Matt Wynn
March 21st, 2010, 07:01
usually Earl Grey or Darjeeling for me, although assam isn't bad... preperation: Drop single tea bag in a mug, add 2 sugars , add boiling water let brew for 3-4mins, add milk, remove tea bag and enjoy... (the 2 sugars makes it a NATO.... oh and don't let the NAAFI do it for you.... unless you like luke warm weak stuff), or for a twist, go with the earl grey, same procedure as above and add a capfull of Scotch... great for a cold morning... really kickstarts the system...

another favourite tea of mine is called Liptons, comes in Peach or Lemon flavour bottled, and is served cold with ice < THAT is my favourite tea...

gonna have to try yours though Bill, sounds quite nice...

March 21st, 2010, 07:04
Lol, off topic somewhat !!!!

I like mine with coffee !

March 21st, 2010, 07:04
Currently itīs green tea, but only high quality japanese. Cheap green tea is a pure disgrace IMHO!

My fav. is Kabusecha Tenko.

You have to wait some time for the boiled water to cool down to araund 60°-70°. And donīt let the tea in the water any longer than 60 sek. You can use the same leaves for two further infusions, it getīs a little softer in taste then.

Superb stuff!!! Highly recomended for "hardcore-green-tea-lovers" youīll find here:


PS: Personally I am a coffee-nut, too. Need both tea (strong assam in the morning) and loads of coffee to make my day;)

March 21st, 2010, 07:13
Straight forward 'proper' tea like English Morning Breakfast, NATO Standard. All day, every day :salute:

Fresh water always boiled, straight in to a mug with the bag, stir it around a few times to get enough flavour and a good colour without stewing it, then remove the bag and add Milk and sugar.


March 21st, 2010, 07:25
Vanilla Rooibos tea is my new favorite, I'm still trying different brands but haven't found one I disliked. If you enjoy tea and haven't tried Rooibos tea your in for a treat.

March 21st, 2010, 07:26
Lipton Tuscan Lemon....love it. I never was much a tea drinker until introduced to it by my Virginia wife. A very nice habit around 2:00 in the afternoon. I believe our British friends had something there.
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March 21st, 2010, 07:28
Tea, Earl Gray, hot. Just like John Luck Picards!! :icon_lol:

March 21st, 2010, 07:47
Tea, Earl Gray, hot. Just like John Luck Picards!! :icon_lol:

LOLOLOL.... Love that, when he would have his tea made, lolol.. Good one Tim.

Man, some really great ways of having Tea. I didnt know there was so many ways. I know there is alot of tea out there.

Alex, sounds like you have it down to an engineered science. I too like to reuse the tea bags and add a fresh one as well.

I must admit I am also a coffee-aholic and have to have my morning doses or the day isnt complete... On that 'off topic', I mix a scoop and a half of Walmart decaf and half a scoop of good, french roasted Espresso custom. I cant take alot of caffiene, but I can sure take alot of tea...


March 21st, 2010, 08:05
Alex, sounds like you have it down to an engineered scienceI am too sloppy for making a science out of anything realy:redf: Just discoved greentea rather late - always prefered solid strong black teas - and figured my way through it. Donīt use any thermometer for the temp or stopwatch for the infusion or anything, just pure feeling! If it tasts good it sure is good!


kilo delta
March 21st, 2010, 08:19
Lyons Gold Blend... http://www.amazon.com/Lyons-Gold-Label-Tea-bags/dp/B000FAB4GE

2 or 3 bags in a teapot, pour in boiling water and let it sit for a few minutes. Pour into mug and small amount of milk, no sugar ...couple of biscuits.....sorted! ;)

March 21st, 2010, 08:20
Bill, usually when I stand in front of my replicator every morning I order "coffee black, hot". I don't report to the bridge until I have my coffee and I've kicked Dr. Crusher out of my quarters. I'm not worried because Number One has everything under control.:icon_lol:

huub vink
March 21st, 2010, 08:22
My favourite cup of tea is actually coffee ;) . I normally drink instant coffee as other persons in this house normally drink "green tea". On the rare occasion I drink tea I drink ordinary black tea (Pickwick - English melange).


March 21st, 2010, 08:36
Iced Lipton tea preferably aged at least 4-5 days in the fridge and served with fried catfish and hush puppies.

March 21st, 2010, 09:41
Arizona outa the bottle...............

March 21st, 2010, 10:03
while you folks are drinking your tea, i'll have some hot chocolate with 3 drops of orange extract, or 1 drop of mint

March 21st, 2010, 11:04

Search YT for the PG Tips Chimps, classic stuff, a reasonable blended tea, but classic chimps.

March 21st, 2010, 13:00
Temple of heaven, china green tea. "special gun powder":jump:

March 21st, 2010, 13:05
Tetley Tea..... strong, hot, or iced and on the rocks. But, straight up ONLY. The way tea was meant to be. ;) :d

March 21st, 2010, 13:15
Marines don't drink tea. Sorry Mud, you have to turn in your USMC card, LOLOLOLOL. I like iced tea. With some lemon. In the morning it's coffee. Black. Hot.

March 21st, 2010, 13:29
I'm another coffee drinker (I've just come back from two weeks in the US - sorry guys but what you drink is not coffee, it's just brown water and you should be ashamed :kilroy: ) but I also like a strong cup of Lapsang souchong from time to time.

March 21st, 2010, 13:58
Boil up water, pour it into a kettle, drop in some tea bags, wait a few minutes and done?

I like peppermint.

Dain Arns
March 21st, 2010, 14:09
Iced Lipton tea preferably aged at least 4-5 days in the fridge and served with fried catfish and hush puppies.

Ditto, sans the fish. I'll never turn away a hush puppy though. :icon_lol:
I drink iced tea with lemon by the gallons.

Navy Chief
March 21st, 2010, 15:09
I used to buy from a company online called Specialty Teas:


But haven't done so in a while. But they carry some very delicious green teas...


March 21st, 2010, 17:11
Red Rose tea. A little hard to find, but so worth the effort. Smooth, never bitter. I prefer boiling water in a whistling tea kettle, then letting the bag steep for a moment or two. Makes excellent iced tea, too.


Think I'll go brew some hot tea now.

March 22nd, 2010, 03:19
Loose Lipton Tea, percolated in a coffee maker. Make a gallon at a time, drink it iced and with sugar. I am Southern, is there any other way?

March 22nd, 2010, 03:27
I drink tea flavored Crystal Ice, in the summer. Does that count?

March 22nd, 2010, 03:39
I drink any herbal green tea.
Being an asthmatic though, a company called Traditional Medicinals, offers a herbal tea called "Breathe Easy" it works very well at soothing my broncia so I can breathe better. Its all natural and no chemical additives.

Otherwise, I drink "Iced Tea" with my meals ...

And much like my coffee, I drink my tea, black.

March 22nd, 2010, 04:40
Well, I'm a black coffee drinker but occasionally drink tea. I go down to, er, chinatown (no disrespect intended) to a store there that sells tea in all its fine-ry. You'll get a sample cup of whatever you'd like; they make it right on the spot, nothing brewed and left in the pot.

The very finest teas in the worl' come in there. You can buy an ounce of tea at $165 or at $0.10 or so. The heavy stuff is like no tea I'd ever seen or tasted before. It isn't the "sweepings" like you get at the grocery store. It comes as dried tea leaves (on stems, bunches in the twig) which have been "tea-ishly" processed. And boy, is it good. I just can't afford to buy it much.


March 22nd, 2010, 12:42
Well, I'm a black coffee drinker but occasionally drink tea. I go down to, er, chinatown (no disrespect intended) to a store there that sells tea in all its fine-ry. You'll get a sample cup of whatever you'd like; they make it right on the spot, nothing brewed and left in the pot.

Is that in the ID downtown? Gotta go try this.

Drinking English Breakfast Black Tea at work, and an espresso in the afternoon. Seattle without espresso, cant imagine it, at least not happily.

But we need Tea in the Northwest, to that end spouse got me a 1.5 liter water boiling device that also is great for preboiling water for rice and pasta. Oh rats, now I 'm getting hungry.

March 22nd, 2010, 13:07
I drink tea flavored Crystal Ice, in the summer. Does that count?

Nope, that's colored sawdust that'll disolve in anything. Possibly dried Lucky Dog leftovers too. ;) :bump:

March 22nd, 2010, 13:37
Loose Lipton Tea, percolated in a coffee maker. Make a gallon at a time, drink it iced and with sugar. I am Southern, is there any other way?

You can percolate tea ? why didn't I think of that, a dozen bags in a 2 gallon jar, 12 hours in the sun and I'm happy. Must try the percolator route tho.

March 22nd, 2010, 15:51
For hot tea, I like Celestial Seasons Morning Thunder... just one cup tho. That's pretty potent stuff.
For iced tea I like to make the "sun" version with Lipton tea, and drink it with a little lemon.


March 23rd, 2010, 03:15
Is that in the ID downtown? Gotta go try this.

Drinking English Breakfast Black Tea at work, and an espresso in the afternoon. Seattle without espresso, cant imagine it, at least not happily.

But we need Tea in the Northwest, to that end spouse got me a 1.5 liter water boiling device that also is great for preboiling water for rice and pasta. Oh rats, now I 'm getting hungry.

It is indeed in the International District, across from Uwajimaya. Little store there that sells tea's and tea supplies. At least it was there 9 yrs ago when I still lived in Seattle. Everett, however, has NOthing to recommend it except that there was a job up here :icon32: