View Full Version : New Apple iPad commercial

March 12th, 2010, 08:33
There is now a commercial out for Apple's new iPad.


I think my main use for one of these will be watching movies and podcasts while working, having it on a stand beside the computer monitor for when I am burning the midnight oil. Awesome little device. Presently, watching reruns of Ironman, Sky Crawlers, and other cool movies on a screen the size of my wallet, next to my monitor, is a bit daunting, lol...


March 12th, 2010, 08:41
Will they upgrade the iPad to where there is a camera like the iPhone? ..

....That would be cool....


Can you hook the iPhone to your monitor/TV to watch it on a bigger screen?

.. I don't know if it can, but I can hook up my PSP to my TV to play games and watch videos....

Dain Arns
March 12th, 2010, 08:57
I'm surprised they never put a phone in it, then folks could have possibly used it for video conferencing as well.

March 12th, 2010, 09:08
I'm surprised they never put a phone in it, then folks could have possibly used it for video conferencing as well.

.... LOL...

At first I thought .... That would be a huge phone.... dang, I don't want a phone like that big...

...But hey, if it has a camera you can use it on Skype or Yahoo Messenger... but a phone ... you made me laugh Dain.... seriously, I was laughing uncontrollable.... i think that was really funny... :)

Dain Arns
March 12th, 2010, 09:13
.... LOL...

At first I thought .... That would be a huge phone.... dang, I don't want a phone like that big...

...But hey, if it has a camera you can use it on Skype or Yahoo Messenger... but a phone ... you made me laugh Dain.... seriously, I was laughing uncontrollable.... i think that was really funny... :)

LOL, well actually that was my first thought.
Have really big buttons on it so it looked like you were talking on a giant gag iPhone, but I thought that would be mean to say. :icon_lol:

March 12th, 2010, 09:39
It's barely even out and they're already poised to kill it with bells and whistles. I'd like to have it just to read a few books without dragging around a bunch of paperbacks. Imagine this baby with a full set of encyclopedias on it.

March 12th, 2010, 11:49
I want a camera in it as well. Doesnt make sense to not have one in it since its a cross over iPhone to Laptop Tablet. Oh well. I imagine next year they will have it. I am sure they have tons of room for it.

If they put a phone in it, then I am sure the camera will be in it.

But... wouldnt it look a bit silly holding up an big tablet (not really that big) to take pictures with? Might be cumbersome in that way..

The units will be WiFi and BlueTooth equipped and the 2nd version, due out in late April, early May, will have 3Gs network built into it. I think that is definately close to being a phone.. but mainly for internet only... Thats the one I want. Internet 'anywhere'...


Dain Arns
March 12th, 2010, 15:15
It would have to be a speaker phone of course. :icon_lol:
But I think it would be cool. Video conferencing with the parents.
Having a split screen, so you could see them.
Then pick and show them pictures of the grandkids, or video.
You can watch it at the same time together, and you could see their responses on the larger screen the iPad offers.

But I know, that exceeds what the iPad can do right now. But look what the past decade has brought us already... :jump:

March 12th, 2010, 16:02
I want a camera in it as well. Doesnt make sense to not have one in it since its a cross over iPhone to Laptop Tablet. Oh well. I imagine next year they will have it. I am sure they have tons of room for it.

If they put a phone in it, then I am sure the camera will be in it.

But... wouldnt it look a bit silly holding up an big tablet (not really that big) to take pictures with? Might be cumbersome in that way..

The units will be WiFi and BlueTooth equipped and the 2nd version, due out in late April, early May, will have 3Gs network built into it. I think that is definately close to being a phone.. but mainly for internet only... Thats the one I want. Internet 'anywhere'...


internet anywhere in a big city lol.. around here you dont get the real 3g speeds with AT&T lol