View Full Version : What is the most immersive Airplane in FSX

March 3rd, 2010, 06:36
I would like some opinions from people on what they feel is the most immersive Airplane in FSX. Please don't just give the plane and developers name, but also give what makes it stand out.

So far in my hanger I would have to say the A2A 377 with Accusim due to:

A. Engine Damage and operation modeling.
B. Sound ( this is a big one for me ) it has all the switch clicks and generator hums.

Its biggest downfall to me is:

A. Flight modeling (obviously never flown a real 377) I don't really get that lumbering, wingtip stalling, giant feeling when flying it that I imagine and the rudder doesn't feel very fluid to me like it is actually changing air flow across the plane when slipping. Hard to describe but flight seem kinda ridged and mechanical to me.

B. Seems like it needs some shuddering effects when about to stall and maybe a vibration effect from engines over-rev'd and rolling at high speed on runway. This would add a ton to realism.

So which plane is it for you?

March 3rd, 2010, 06:47
For me the most immersive - the nearest to giving a sense of actually being there is the A2A Cub. The difference in sound when you crack open a window or open a door, the direct effect that has on the temperature in the cabin, the way you are punished if you push the aircraft beyond it's capabilities, the very real sense of lift and air resistance when floating in on full rudder - it's truly breathtaking and no other add-on comes close for me. That's the one add-on I would keep if I had to choose.

March 3rd, 2010, 07:27
Totally agree: A2A Piper Cub gets the gold!

Second place on my list is CeraSim Bell 212 followed by Real Air Spitfire.

I'm told Carenado aircraft are also top quality. But never bought one. Not my cup of tea.

March 3rd, 2010, 08:37
I would like some opinions from people on what they feel is the most immersive Airplane in FSX. Please don't just give the plane and developers name, but also give what makes it stand out.

So which plane is it for you?

There are many of them I think!
For instance, the Tigermoth of Anthony Lynch. It gives a true impression of flying. It is freeware.

March 3rd, 2010, 08:51
There are many of them I think!
For instance, the Tigermoth of Anthony Lynch. It gives a true impression of flying. It is freeware.

100% agree and is my favorite when it comes to flight modeling. It is much better than a lot of Pay ware out there.

March 3rd, 2010, 08:51
For me: Lotus Sim L39 :applause:
Great performance, fluid gauges, near perfect FDE and excelent support.

March 3rd, 2010, 08:57
Broadly speaking I would say anything from RealAir and A2A (with Accusim). However, if we are talking warbirds, then without a doubt the most immersive experience (in my hangar, at least) can be had in either the RealAir Spitfire or A2A's P-47 Razorback. Either of these will give you an unbeatable experience. The whole package from looks, to sounds, to systems modelling just does everything right.

Rotorwise I would have to go with the Dodosim 206. It's not the best looking helo for FSX, but the systems modelling is just awesome. It's beats any other helicopter, in my hangar, hands down.

March 3rd, 2010, 09:01
I'd have to agree with those that tout an aircraft's realism modeling, like the A2A Cub and 377, as being immersive. But for me, an eye-candy junkie, it's really how the aircraft looks in the cockpit that make my immersion meter go happy. I also have to say that what's outside the plane has a lot to do with things as well. Great scenery coupled with a great aircraft are very immersive ingredients.

But since we're talking about aircraft here, I'd have to say it's the Aerosoft PBY Catalina. The cockpit on that bird is truly a work of art in my opinion. With the great modeling of all the pumps and gadgets along with the fabulous texturing, I feel like I'm right there in the real thing. The old and slightly dirty windows add a great effect.

What makes this aircraft doubly immersive for me is the excellent engine modeling. It's great to turn your head up and around and see the engines right above you. They're really well done.

March 3rd, 2010, 09:37
I'll go with The RealAir Duke,The true 3D Gauges provide total immersion for me,I'm looking into their Spitfire because of this,Nice to see it has favorable reviews here. :applause:

kilo delta
March 3rd, 2010, 09:54
Haven't "flown" FSX for months ,now.......but the CS C-130 was one of my favourites. Not having flown a real Herky Bird...but this one "feels" right. :)

March 3rd, 2010, 09:56
I agree with the above posts but would like to add the Classics Hanger FW 190 Late Variants (don't have the early) has an amazing VC, exterior, sound and some systems modelling that puts it right up there. It's a very immersive warbird. For warbirds, it and the a2a P-47 are tops on my list.

Paul K
March 3rd, 2010, 09:57
Can there be a single most immersive FSX aircraft ? The Aerosoft Catalina, the Iris Vulcan, the Captain Sim 727 and C-130, Dave Garwood's Auster, Ants Tiger Moth...any and all of those qualify.

March 3rd, 2010, 10:27
I went to a six week program at Boeing in Seattle to learn to fly the Boeing 747-400, of which I have been a captain on for the last 11 years. PMDG's 747-400 is by far the most immersive aircraft yet done for this sim, as it was extensively tested and developed in cooperation with real world 747 drivers (me included) and by real jet pilots and mechanics. The immersion is not so much in the hands on flying of the plane, which is fine, but in the detail of making the FMC (computer) do everything it needs to do in real time and laying out your flight ahead of time and performing it to cue. To be good enough to not be asking "What's it doing now".

Perhaps not many peoples idea of fun, I use it to refresh procedures and familarize with new airports etc. It is a good replication of what we actually do today to fly, a very technical task, perhaps not with some of the glamor of days of old.

Cheers: t

March 3rd, 2010, 10:51
I would have to agree with the posts above about any aircraft with A2A's Accu-sim being a very immersed experience. My vote though will have to go to the PMDG MD-11. With the paper manuals/checklist weighing in around 800 pages everytime I fly it I feel like I am flying a real airliner. Visually it may not be stunning, but the procedures and failure model to me are unparalleled. Anyday I want a challenge I just crank up the number of random failures, take off, and let the chips fall where they may.

March 3rd, 2010, 10:52
A2A JUG is my favorite.

March 3rd, 2010, 10:54
To me it still is the old MAAM C-47, for exactly the opposite reasons of the PMDG 747....... it is the summum of 'flying' in the old days, a super modern aircraft in the late 30's and modeled to do everything the real one did too.

Yes, I am a hopeless romantic and averse of all the current day 'Catweazle elecktrickery' that makes our modern planes fly :icon_lol:

March 3rd, 2010, 11:31
I'm best enjoying the A2A Jug and the Aerosoft Catalina.
I'm not really interested in 800 page manuals, but here you still have to pay attention to the (much thinner) manual.
Perfect for me!

March 3rd, 2010, 11:51
For me it has to be the Rollus Mirage 2000-5, I just love mucking around in that and spend hours just doing rolls and loops, makes a nice change from long distance or other types of sensible flying as I put it!

March 3rd, 2010, 11:59
All very impressive airplanes, but what about the Sibwings Cessna 0-1/L-19 Bird dog, I think it's wonderfull, every bit as good as the A2A Cub.


March 3rd, 2010, 12:02
I agree with the above posts but would like to add the Classics Hanger FW 190 Late Variants (don't have the early) has an amazing VC, exterior, sound and some systems modelling that puts it right up there. It's a very immersive warbird. For warbirds, it and the a2a P-47 are tops on my list.
+1 talking about warbirds. The FW-190 has a very "deep" cockpit that creates this impression of being surrounded by the airplane. Amazing feeling of "being there".
The Sibwings airplanes are very immersive too (Safir and Birddog) as well as the Flight Replicas Supercub.

March 3rd, 2010, 12:13
I vote for the A2A Jug and B377.
But there are a lot of other good aircraft, like the aforementioned Aerosoft Cat and Realair aircraft.

MAAM sims C-47 also gets a note for nostalgia, this is probably the aircraft on which I amassed most hours flying the hump in the CBI theatre for years! I can't wait until this gets revamped.


March 3rd, 2010, 12:21
im realy not sure what you mean by immersive
do you mean one that you have to watch every second incase it gets overheated etc
or one you fly all the time and you are still learning your way around it?

March 3rd, 2010, 12:30
im realy not sure what you mean by immersive
do you mean one that you have to watch every second incase it gets overheated etc
or one you fly all the time and you are still learning your way around it?

Immersive as in - gives you the most complete sense of 'being there' rather than being in front of your monitor. Nothing to do with systems as far as I'm concerned - more about forgetting about the simulation part and becoming totally absorbed with the sensation of flight. Fooling your brain in other words :)

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</TD></TR><TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 1"><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt" vAlign=top noWrap>Part of Speech:<o:p></o:p>

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</TD></TR><TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 2"><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt" vAlign=top>Definition:<o:p></o:p>

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</TD></TR><TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 3"><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt" vAlign=top>Synonyms:<o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt">captivation, concentration, engagement, engrossment, enthrallment, fascination, hang-up, holding, intentness, involvement, occupation, preoccupation, prepossession, raptness <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 4; mso-yfti-lastrow: yes"><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt" vAlign=top>Notes:<o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #f0f0f0; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt">baptism by sprinkling is aspersion, by dipping is immersion, by pouring water is affusion<o:p></o:p>


March 3rd, 2010, 12:33
oh you mean a Mossie:icon_lol:

March 3rd, 2010, 12:33
To me "immersive" means actually feeling like you're really sitting in a real plane - not something that occurs very often in flight sims if I'm totally honest. Yes I've got loads of truly excellent planes but very, very few actually feel REAL. The one that stands out for me is the Digital Aviation Dornier DO-27 with its ultra-real rattling, vibrating cockpit.

March 3rd, 2010, 12:42
oh you mean a Mossie:icon_lol:

Whatever works for you, yes :d

I'm about to immerse myself in a very hot bath. It's going to be just like sitting in a bathtub.
Or is it? :mixedsmi:

March 3rd, 2010, 12:42
For me its the Lotus L-39, Sibwings Bird dog & Ant's Tiger Moth....although I dont have any A2A aircraft yet...

March 3rd, 2010, 12:53
The Classics Hangar Fw-190 early and late models, the A2A Jug and the Aerosoft Hughes H-1B.

March 3rd, 2010, 13:02
oh you mean a Mossie:icon_lol:


March 3rd, 2010, 13:55
Foregoing the systems and just sticking with what makes you feel like you are really there it would have to be any of A2A's products, especially the Accu-sim Cub for me. That definately upped the bar. I still like making the P-47 creak and squeek putting it through high-G manuevers though.

March 3rd, 2010, 14:10
FSX has become only a little more than a Cub Simulator for me since I bought the A2A / Accusim Cub in October. It really is a remarkable achievement. No other addon or stock plane gives me such an overwhelming sense of being in the cockpit as does that little yellow wonder.

March 3rd, 2010, 14:32
Most recently Ant's Tiger Moth, but also the Nord 3202 is highly immersive and a regular flying machine for me. Add to that the Sibwings Bird Dog, Aerosoft Catalina which is phenominal and for something fast then the Iris F-16. In rotorcraft nothing touches the Dodosim 206, just because it flies right and then also definitely the Aerosoft Discus Glider which is a real joy ridge soaring, with the Blanik L-13 a close second.

March 3rd, 2010, 14:44
Would have to include my A2A Cub and Aerosoft Catalina, but overall it would be the L-39 Albatross - an amazing aircraft that is an absolute hoot to fly! :applause:
Very worthy mention - DG's Auster Autocrat and I have to add Ant's Tiger Moth - it's putting it's hand up for many, many flights now! :salute:

March 3rd, 2010, 14:58
We've just "raised the bar". So, I'm immersing myself in a beer.:engel016:

March 3rd, 2010, 15:07
im realy not sure what you mean by immersive
do you mean one that you have to watch every second incase it gets overheated etc
or one you fly all the time and you are still learning your way around it?

Good point. To me immersive means that it grabs your attention and holds it because it feels real.

FSX is immersive to me and X-Plane is not. The AI planes, Airport vehicles, ATC, instruments that work... makes me continue to fly it even though X-Plane's aerodynamic simulation and Weather is more realistic too me. FSX just puts me in a more realistic world and occupies me with interacting with that world like a real pilot would.

In the same way different air planes in FSX put you there by sound, visual, flight dynamics, flight system recreation, special visual effects, special sound effects......

When I hear rain hitting the roof of my plane in FSX while I am sitting there cold and dark in the cockpit and the windows start to fog up and the engines don't want to start or stay running very easily...... well that puts me there for that moment ( immersive ).

When I am on approach with a cross wind slowing to stall speed and the aircraft is flying very rigid like it is on rails and I don't feel like I am fighting to keep something with a 80' wingspan balanced and controlled and the rudder just throws the plane back and forth in a mechanical style....... yawn, maybe I should grab a beer put on a baywatch rerun.

It is feeling the " bump " when the plane touches down because of the sound of tires squeeling, thunk of suspension, and a visual bump with the view on the screen or feeling the strain of the plane slowing because of the changes in sound from air rush, reverse thrusters, tire/break squeel, pavement noise and vibration with the view on the screen. Engines sputtering as the carb ices, people screaming when I bank 90 degrees, aileron flying off as I exceed maximum speed......

Yeah, there is still room for improvement. Still trying to figure out which plane to buy next that will capture my attention.

Ken Stallings
March 3rd, 2010, 15:56
I cannot boil it down to a single aircraft. The best I can answer is to tout the characteristics of a truly immersive aircraft:

1. Flight model as accurate as can be achieved in FSX

2. The VC cockpit has all the gauges and switches function realistically.

3. The instrument, especially the engine instruments, function realistically.

4. The interior is modeled accurately.

5. The exterior is modeled accurately with appropriate openings working.

The result of all this is when the fly the aircraft it replicates the experience. Small things mean the world because big things are obvious enough for all people to see. But, when I do a magneto check, does the RPM drop by 50 to 100 RPM's? When I do a governor check on the prop hub, does the RPM reduce when I engage the governor and then with the RPM set, does the RPM quickly recover from an increase in manifold pressure?

When I pull my prop condition lever on my CH Pro Throttle, does the prop go into feather, or do I have to do something else to get it to feather -- something which at that point becomes very unrealistic?

When I set an known MAP and RPM, trim for a known descent rate, does the aircraft's speed settle down to the normal approach speed at that setting -- the one I'm expecting?

I could add a lot more, but I think I've helped make the point. The devil is in the details and to achieve those details you really need pilot who have flown the actual aircraft to test the virtual version and provide the detailed feedback to achieve the desired immersion.

Now, aircraft I have gotten that more or less reach this level are:

RealAir Spitfire
RealAir Duke
Flight 1 Skyhawk (especially when Real Old Salt was kind enough to render my actual cockpit and livery and a certain kind gentleman custom tailored the airfile!)
Carenado Seneca II

This is the best way I can answer the question.



March 3rd, 2010, 16:05
I liked the default Goose enough to fly it around the world once. These days it's the FS-Cast/Sky Unlimited B-17 for immersion.

March 3rd, 2010, 16:06
I dont get immersed very easily, and it takes a lot more than just a plane to do it.. Everything has to work together ya know??.. But given the ideals exist, then i have a few i like over others...

For the pacific northwest,...
Lionheart Quest kodiak for down and dirty bushing around
Lionheart Epic LT for sight seeing in comfort and enjoying the incredible terrain

For PNG and the Solomons...
OzX grumman goose.
Aerosoft Catalina

China, Tibet, Thailand...
A2A or Iris P-40
Dave Garwoods Dragon Rapide ( yup i'm a little strange )

British columbia...
Iris C-27

Ants tigermoth

Nothing yet cuz i still want that piper cub but with BIG tires..


March 3rd, 2010, 16:18
I'm with Pam with the fact that "immersion" is difficult to come by, and usually requires both good scenery, a good plane, and a plan. Just punching random holes in the sky doesn't do it for me, but making a flight plan to go from some real place to another helps a lot. I like the Aerosoft PBY and the new Cessna Bird Dog, for the same reason - fantastic VCs.

March 3rd, 2010, 17:00
All the planes mentioned above are quite immersive. I think the plane that 'grabbed' me the most was back in FS2004 with RealAir's Scout package. The way it handled, the gauges were fluid and 3D, it had the headbuffet thing going(before it was standard in FSX), little things like mixture and trim seemed to be as real as possible for FS. It was one of the first ofr me that really made me 'feel' like I was in a plane. In FSX I enjoy many of the above mentioned planes, including the FSX Scout, still a favorite. :)


March 3rd, 2010, 17:18
We've just "raised the bar". So, I'm immersing myself in a beer.:engel016:
a man after my own heart:guinness:

March 3rd, 2010, 17:43
I guess I am easily immersed. It's the aircraft I am flying at the moment (and that starts with the default Cessna 172)
If for some reason, I don't get immersed, I never fly that aircraft again.

March 3rd, 2010, 21:17
I like this thread, and the immersive idea,
but not all my favorite aircraft are immersive.

agreed Weather/scenery/sounds are important

Below list is what I consider immersive

Bush Flying -
A2As Piper
sibwing 305 Birddog
Lionhearts Kodiak
Carenado C185
Aersoft Bushhawk
Carenado 206

GA Singles
Carenado Mooney
sibwings Saab Safir 91

GA Twin
Realair Duke

Turbo Props
Digital Aviation Piper Cheyenne
Flight ones Pilatus PC-12

Private Jets
Flight ones Mustang Jet

A2A Boeing 377
CS 727
Wilcos E-jet

Modern Military
Aerosoft F-16
CS C-130
CS F-18
Skysim Dessault Mirage III
LotuSim L-39
Alphasim T-34C

A2A P-47
Realair Spitfire
Classic Hangers FW190 Series
Aerosoft Consolidated PBY

Aerosoft Huges H1B

dodosim 206
cera simaircraft Bell 212 and 412

Default aircraft and Freeware imersive will be a separate List :salute:

March 3rd, 2010, 22:14
Most immersive... ugh. No way I can pick one. I'll choose four from different categories of aircraft, in no particular order.

A2A Cub w/Accusim

A2A P-47 w/Accusim


Lotus L-39

Honorable Mentions:

Flight1 Citation Mustang
Classics Hangar FW-190's
Eaglesoft Citation X 2.0 (post-VC upgrade patch)
VRS F-18 (coming soon)

March 4th, 2010, 00:14
Realair Spitfire
Ants tigermoth
The Classics Hangar Fw-190
Lotus L-39
Douglas DC2 :d

Cheers, Rob

March 4th, 2010, 03:45
We've just "raised the bar". So, I'm immersing myself in a beer.:engel016:

I have to say that after a few beers Fsx really does become a lot more immersive lol, theres nothing better than drunken flying and thinking especially after a carrier landing in a damanding jet the next morning " How the hell did I do that drunk but can't do it now while sober!" Beats me LOL :salute:

March 4th, 2010, 04:02
For me the most immersive - the nearest to giving a sense of actually being there is the A2A Cub. The difference in sound when you crack open a window or open a door, the direct effect that has on the temperature in the cabin, the way you are punished if you push the aircraft beyond it's capabilities, the very real sense of lift and air resistance when floating in on full rudder - it's truly breathtaking and no other add-on comes close for me. That's the one add-on I would keep if I had to choose.

And pop Heidi into the front seat in mid flight and watch the nose drop from the additional weight she adds with the Accusim activated.

This is the one plane I would recommend to anyone starting to get into flight simulation. Just this and FSX/Accel. Compare the stock Cub with A2A's, master the A2A as best you can, to me it provides a base set of skills and knowledge that will make flying other planes more satisfying, it just makes you a better sim-pilot, in my opinion.

After that try Ant's Tiger Moth for touring, it's free and it's fabulous.

Funny that MS pulls the plug on ACES, the 2 year new release cycle ends. Plane, scenery, and other add on manufacturers can focus longer term on the FSX program and now we're seeing planes with capabilities I couldn't have imagined 3 years ago, and a world to fly in with scenery, weather, and other aspects that is very involving.

Sort of a golden age of flight simulation.

March 4th, 2010, 06:53
For me the most immersive - the nearest to giving a sense of actually being there is the A2A Cub. The difference in sound when you crack open a window or open a door, the direct effect that has on the temperature in the cabin, the way you are punished if you push the aircraft beyond it's capabilities, the very real sense of lift and air resistance when floating in on full rudder - it's truly breathtaking and no other add-on comes close for me. That's the one add-on I would keep if I had to choose.

I am 100% in agreement: the A2A Cub is the nearest (virtual flying) to the real thing !!!!

March 4th, 2010, 07:27
I like this thread, and the immersive idea,
but not all my favorite aircraft are immersive.

agreed Weather/scenery/sounds are important

Below list is what I consider immersive

Bush Flying -
A2As Piper
sibwing 305 Birddog
Lionhearts Kodiak
Carenado C185
Aersoft Bushhawk
Carenado 206
Flight Replica's Super Cub-Awesome!

GA Singles
Carenado Mooney
sibwings Saab Safir 91

GA Twin
Realair Duke

Turbo Props
Digital Aviation Piper Cheyenne
Flight ones Pilatus PC-12

Private Jets
Flight ones Mustang Jet

A2A Boeing 377
CS 727
Wilcos E-jet

Modern Military
Aerosoft F-16
CS C-130
CS F-18
Skysim Dessault Mirage III
LotuSim L-39
Alphasim T-34C

A2A P-47
Realair Spitfire
Classic Hangers FW190 Series
Aerosoft Consolidated PBY

Aerosoft Huges H1B

dodosim 206
cera simaircraft Bell 212 and 412

Default aircraft and Freeware imersive will be a separate List :salute:

Excellent-absolutely excellent choices for immersion some I have actually flown or flown in. Freeware seprate I'm dying to get into Dino's new aircraft! You forgot Mike's Supercub-WOW!

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March 4th, 2010, 10:00
Another winner in my book is the RealAir SF-260. Quite a versatile airplane for versatile fun be it quality GA cross country flying or aerobatics. Realair's planes seemed to be smooth enough in their air files for hand flying IFR approaches off of approach plates.


March 4th, 2010, 11:09
Ted you are right,

I was driven to work this morning and was thinking the same thing

Flight Replica's Super Cub-Awesome! :applause:

Ted I see you fixed it on your list can you fix my list too?

March 4th, 2010, 12:01
A2A Accu-Sim Cub for me also. I described that ''feeling'' in a post on the A2A forum last month I think it was.

For me, immervise is actually when I CAN'T put a word on it. In all my flight simming years, I have never enjoyed a minute of virtual flying as much as when I am in the A2A Cub. Like I said, it's just hard to define how great it is in that airplane.

I would add a ''freeware'' mention to the Auster J1. There's also ''something'' about that one.

I do have a few other add-on's, and enjoy spending time in them also. But for the total ''immersion'' package, it's the Cub to me.

March 4th, 2010, 12:02
One that I am looking forward to after purchasing the FS9 version is the VRS Superbug. The amount of realism can be demanding at times but the satisfaction comes from mastering it. Like Ken said I want to see proper modelling of the engine parameters and fly by the numbers flight characteristics. It's not every day I want that level of realism but it is a real buzz when you catch yourself getting sweaty palms doing a single engine landing on a carrier at night.

Regards, Rob:ernae::ernae:

March 4th, 2010, 12:21

Flying in a fairly realistically depicted aircraft between fairly realistically depicted airports in fairly realistically depicted weather with fairly realistically depicted ATC.

So it's the default CRJ between e.g. Hannover and Prague with ASX and Radar Contact 4 running.

I've never had more fun than in those butt-hauls.

Yeah, you may stone me now.

March 5th, 2010, 02:41
Ted you are right,

I was driven to work this morning and was thinking the same thing

Flight Replica's Super Cub-Awesome! :applause:

Ted I see you fixed it on your list can you fix my list too?

I tried Amigo it didn't take it but Hey at least Mike knows what you wanted to do. His Super Cub is unique to itself. I think it and the L4, and Me262 stand out as primo aircraft! I can't even imagine a flight sim world without Flight Replica in it!
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March 5th, 2010, 03:48
I went to a six week program at Boeing in Seattle to learn to fly the Boeing 747-400, of which I have been a captain on for the last 11 years. PMDG's 747-400 is by far the most immersive aircraft yet done for this sim, as it was extensively tested and developed in cooperation with real world 747 drivers (me included) and by real jet pilots and mechanics. The immersion is not so much in the hands on flying of the plane, which is fine, but in the detail of making the FMC (computer) do everything it needs to do in real time and laying out your flight ahead of time and performing it to cue. To be good enough to not be asking "What's it doing now".

Perhaps not many peoples idea of fun, I use it to refresh procedures and familarize with new airports etc. It is a good replication of what we actually do today to fly, a very technical task, perhaps not with some of the glamor of days of old.

Cheers: t

That is how I got into flight simulation. After returning to flying, I used FS2000 to pre-fly cross-country flights I was making for business.

March 5th, 2010, 03:49
There are two aircraft I find myself returning to time and time again. They are the Iris T-6II and the RealAir SF-260. Both airplanes seems real to me.

March 5th, 2010, 06:04
So which cub is better? The A2A or the FR Super Cub?

I hear a lot of people talking up the A2A cub, but the Super Cub looks more " fun " to me. Is it a fun vs realism thing? How do sounds compare? Flight modeling?

I am getting some good ideas from this thread on the planes I need to check into.

March 5th, 2010, 06:07
Most immersive airplanes in FSX? For me that's easy:

The three Accusim planes by A2A Simulations: The Piper J-3 Cub, P-47D Razorback and B-377 Stratocruiser.

March 5th, 2010, 06:20
Most immersive airplanes in FSX? For me that's easy:

The three Accusim planes by A2A Simulations: The Piper J-3 Cub, P-47D Razorback and B-377 Stratocruiser.

Why? I got the B-377 and to me it stands out due to sound and engine system modeling. Not sure how those two things would make a big difference on the little Cub, but people here are rating it higher than the 377?

March 5th, 2010, 07:34
Why? I got the B-377 and to me it stands out due to sound and engine system modeling. Not sure how those two things would make a big difference on the little Cub, but people here are rating it higher than the 377?
I think being immersed in the feeling/sensation of flight is different to being immersed in managing complex systems on a 4-engined airliner. Both are great in their own way of course. The Cub has almost no systems but you're acutely aware that you're flying through a system, namely the weather - you have to pay such close attention to wind speed and direction if you want to get anywhere at all. The satisfaction of finally managing to sideslip all the way down to a perfect crosswind 3-pointer takes some beating for me, especially if it's in the right place!

March 5th, 2010, 08:12
The thing is Spittle, immersion is a personal thing. For example the FCS Lancaster, if I fly that at night over europe for me that is very immersive as that area, kind of flying and the history of the RAF Night campaign has special meaning to me.

I personally like to fly the 377 over the cub as I like the bigger pistons, no doubt because of my interest in bombers over fighters.

Online one of the most immersive experiences ive personally had was flying in a semi real ATC environment from Humberside down to Duxford. I was int he mind set that I was flying down to attend the flying legends airshow, and with real people doing ATC it was for me a very immersive flight in the default Baron.

I like that alot of people are telling us about the cubs feeling of flight, alot goes on with that outside the default generic stuff (Scott must be hairless coding from scratch alot of elements) so its great to hear that it is appreciated. But as I say, too me personally I just like more than one engine most of the time.

March 5th, 2010, 08:27
the difference between the 377 and the Cub too might be that the 377 is a crewed aircraft vs a single pilot craft like the Cub. I hope the next step in accusim crewed aircraft would be to have the gauges and controls linkable via shared cockpit so say in the upcomming accusim B-17 you and your buddies could be Pilot/Copilot/Engineer/Navigator...etc and have to share the resposiblities as a real crew would. It would be a fun way to share the flightsimming experience with your mates. I beileve PMDG is working on a shared cockpit feature in their upcomming 737X so that it can be flown with a crew.

March 5th, 2010, 09:49
The thing is Spittle, immersion is a personal thing. For example the FCS Lancaster, if I fly that at night over europe for me that is very immersive as that area, kind of flying and the history of the RAF Night campaign has special meaning to me.

I personally like to fly the 377 over the cub as I like the bigger pistons, no doubt because of my interest in bombers over fighters.

Online one of the most immersive experiences ive personally had was flying in a semi real ATC environment from Humberside down to Duxford. I was int he mind set that I was flying down to attend the flying legends airshow, and with real people doing ATC it was for me a very immersive flight in the default Baron.

I like that alot of people are telling us about the cubs feeling of flight, alot goes on with that outside the default generic stuff (Scott must be hairless coding from scratch alot of elements) so its great to hear that it is appreciated. But as I say, too me personally I just like more than one engine most of the time.

I'm hoping to be "IMMERSED" In The A2A B-17 soon!!!!:jump: sorry couldn't resist!!

March 7th, 2010, 08:34
After reading this thread, I have also wondered what made an aircraft immersive, and then flown again with the Yak-18T from Alexey Yuzefov et al - to me, it is indeed immersive, even with an fs2004-grade visual appearance, probably because of the level of system simulation (which can bite you back if you don't treat it with some respect) and of the "feel" of the plane.

March 7th, 2010, 17:16
I don't think it gets much better than this!

A2A Cub in Orbx FTX Australia


March 9th, 2010, 03:26
We should not forget the Digital Aviation Dornier Do-27.
Old - but still one of the best.

March 9th, 2010, 05:39
We should not forget the Digital Aviation Dornier Do-27.
Old - but still one of the best.

I respectfully disagree. I reviewed it for AVSIM and was enthusiastic at the time. But when I reinstalled FSX a few months ago, I didn't include the Do-27 in my hangar. Compared with FSX-native models, the framerates are just too low for immersion. I did like the visuals, including the vibrating cockpit, and the Accu-Similar fault modeling.

March 11th, 2010, 07:35
I enjoy Capt Sims' Legendary C-130. The cockpit and avionics are very detailed & FULLY functional. You can spend an hour in the cockpit alone - from windscreen wipers, to opening rear ramp and doors.
Engine startup & smoke effects are very nice. The plane handles the same as the real workhorse does. (rode in them while in the Coast Guard) You can feel the power & hear the hum of all 4 Allisons as you cruise down the runway. Awesome plane!


March 11th, 2010, 07:56
This is a great thread - a hall of fame so to speak. I am glad to see how many of your suggestions I actually bought (payware) or downloaded (freeware)...

Immersion is a personal impression, true. As Ryan put it earlier, a flight in the A2A Accusim Cub over FTX and one of the FTX airports is the closest thing in my book to climbing into the real thing...

I have been toying with the idea of getting the A2A P47 Accusim... looks like my cup of tea... though I am also a Spit fanatic... ;)


March 11th, 2010, 08:18
No one liked my first attempt at an FSX model? ;)

It was an even more immersive experience gathering all the information and building it - now I think I know the aircraft inside out.

If you like flying over 80 knots, probably not your cup of tea
BA Swallow for FSX:
Updated Sounds

March 11th, 2010, 08:28
I respectfully disagree. I reviewed it for AVSIM and was enthusiastic at the time. But when I reinstalled FSX a few months ago, I didn't include the Do-27 in my hangar. Compared with FSX-native models, the framerates are just too low for immersion. I did like the visuals, including the vibrating cockpit, and the Accu-Similar fault modeling.

You are right.The Do-27 is not a native FSX-model. But with a up-to-date,powerfull CPU and GPU the low framerates are a thing of the past.You should give the Do a go again.

March 11th, 2010, 11:44
AS's Republic F-105D Thunderchief - One of the most accurate and faithfull models in terms of FDE and looks, coupled with the fantastic paints of messers Safranek and Smith makes this model unbeatable.

March 12th, 2010, 04:28
Haven't "flown" FSX for months ,now.......but the CS C-130 was one of my favourites.

+ one here! But I have one more fav - Captain Sim's 767. Both are really great aircraft and fun to fly!

March 12th, 2010, 05:02
You are right.The Do-27 is not a native FSX-model. But with a up-to-date,powerfull CPU and GPU the low framerates are a thing of the past.You should give the Do a go again.

That's good to hear: I will try that when I build a new machine.

March 12th, 2010, 05:21
I just watched the A2A B-17 video. Talk about setting new standards!!!! That looks immersive.

March 12th, 2010, 06:09
I just watched the A2A B-17 video. Talk about setting new standards!!!! That looks immersive.

Yep, I'd say that would be the one. :)

March 12th, 2010, 08:06
No one liked my first attempt at an FSX model? ;)

It was an even more immersive experience gathering all the information and building it - now I think I know the aircraft inside out.

If you like flying over 80 knots, probably not your cup of tea
BA Swallow for FSX:

I did like it, and still do - perfect summer evening flying around Old Warden. I even have beer on standby to quaff afterwards, and if that's not immersion then I don't know what is.

March 12th, 2010, 08:25
I'm with Space weavil on that one, the swollow is good fun, just a shame there isnt an FSX version of golden or silver wings to fly her around.

March 12th, 2010, 12:16
For me it has to be the Bazaar's Constellation, looks great, sounds great and brings back found memories!