View Full Version : Another one in the books...

February 24th, 2010, 07:31
Hey all,

I just wanted to pass along that the missions for Papua New Guinea P-39 campaign have been completed. I still have to create a readme and do the usual "stuff" it get it ready.

The nice thing about the library being down is that it's given me time to develop and perfect these campaigns rather than rushing them.

I spoke to Henry last night about the downloads and got assurances that it will be back up soon.

I'll probably need some beta testers by this weekend.

As far as where to go next, I'm not sure. I've enjoyed my time in the "PTO exchange program" but have a lot of unfinished projects in Europe and the Mediterranean I'd like to finish.

I also want to have a look at Cactus Air Force...but I may wait on that for a little bit.

I'll give it a few days to make up my mind.

February 24th, 2010, 08:56
Well, you have given us PTOers a lot of great missions, don't stay away too long. Thanks for all your time and work. I know you put a lot into it. :salute::ernae:

February 24th, 2010, 17:06
To all,

I have the Papua New Guinea package ready for beta testing.

February 25th, 2010, 10:34
Well done.

Now Get back to Europe and out of the pacific.

We need ya here in the UK with some escort or fighter sweep missions.

February 25th, 2010, 13:19
R C,

Agreed, I need to finish up some projects before I start working on something massive like Milne Bay or Cactus Air Force.

February 26th, 2010, 04:10
Jeez, RC, we just got him interested in the PTO again! There does not seem to be enough Rami for everyone. :ernae: