View Full Version : Download section?

February 23rd, 2010, 05:29
Try as I might I can't seem to locate the download section in this new Combat Flight center.Where is it?


February 23rd, 2010, 05:44
Don't think the addons are transferred to the new server yet. I have been anxiously waiting myself.
Someone with "authority" can answer for sure.

February 23rd, 2010, 05:48

The goal is to get the forums up-and-running, which is going well so far, and to have the downloads restored by the end of the month.

February 23rd, 2010, 13:22
Thanks guys, Dirtman already told me. He says an Ickie month is three regular months . I hope not.have a good one. Blondi:cost1:

February 24th, 2010, 07:20
Thanks guys, Dirtman already told me. He says an Ickie month is three regular months . I hope not.have a good one. Blondi:cost1:

OK Larry; that's what I said but not exactly what I meant.

Ickie has been working night & day to get SOH to where it is right now: operational, but not fully functional. His time estimates usually go longer because of unexpected problems.

I would expect the estimated (minimum) time it will take to get the CFS2 d/l section on-line is one month.

But being that the CFS2 d/l section has been seriously compromised since the major hacking (almost 1 1/2 years ago) I think it will be allot longer than 1 month before it has been completely restored to 100% functionality. (no more missing or corrupted zips)

Now please excuse me as I must visit my Doctor & have my foot surgically removed from my mouth.

:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

February 24th, 2010, 08:37
Better the foot than Ickies' foot from your netherland for even saying that!:icon_lol:

February 24th, 2010, 08:47
My poor brother most likely was using Canadian time. It's much different, and causes us a lot of embarrassment.:salute:

February 24th, 2010, 09:29
My poor brother most likely was using Canadian time. It's much different, and causes us a lot of embarrassment.:salute:

Yeah ..... that's it Rick!!! :salute:

I bet allot of the guys in the States don't know that we have "metric time" up here in Kanada.....:kilroy:


February 24th, 2010, 20:12
How does metric time work? Like "tick" (dum dee dum dum,(x60)) then "tock" = one minute? :icon_lol:

February 26th, 2010, 05:31
Yeah ..... that's it Rick!!! :salute:

I bet allot of the guys in the States don't know that we have "metric time" up here in Kanada.....:kilroy:


No, no, PLEASE! Do not fault the metric system for Dirtman's poor grasp of time! As a high school chemistry teacher I work long and hard to convince American children of its benefits. Dirtman likely has a poor grasp of time only because because his father never worked long and hard at whoppin' his butt! So, don't blame the metric system. Now I am gonna stop here, but only because by using the phrase "long and hard" I have inadvertently open up a can of worms that I cannot close. :gameoff:

February 26th, 2010, 21:38
Metric time is based, very simply, on the metric nanosecond, the standard length of time it takes for a Yuroppean to surrender. Its daily-use time components are the metric second, the metric minute, the metric hour, and the metric day. Each metric day comprises 10 metric hours, each metric hour 100 metric minutes, and each metric minute 100 metric seconds. Quite simple, really. For example, right now it's 80 minutes past 9.5.0.:salute:

February 26th, 2010, 23:06
It's a lot more logical than use the feet of a defeated mad king as a parameter. Don't talk about surrender. The Russian use metric measures and did a terrific work defeating Germany. You and the British fought 80 Nazi Divisions. They fought 200...:salute::salute::salute:



PS: For a traditional Chinese has no logical to use a 24 hour day. They used two systems. One, the day has 100 hours. The other, only 12. I know this can be a lot confusing, but not more than use the King George foot as a measure...:wavey::wavey::wavey:

February 27th, 2010, 05:27
I refuse to allow your tawdry attempt at seriousness to cloud a perfectly meretricious and mendacious statement. Only a true Yuroppean would be offended by a completely spurious slander based upon a myriad of time-proven and tested jingoisms.

It takes approximately .1865 lustrums for a Yuroppean to surrender measured in Georgian time, based upon the interval of King George III's sneeze.

The current time: 2.4.04.:salute:

February 27th, 2010, 05:30
What's worse, I drop back in after nearly 1/5th lustrum's absence to chat and insult, and you belabour me with fact and statistic. Oh, how sharper than a child's tooth, to have a thankless serpent.

February 28th, 2010, 03:53
What's worse, I drop back in after nearly 1/5th lustrum's absence to chat and insult, and you belabour me with fact and statistic. Oh, how sharper than a child's tooth, to have a thankless serpent.

I surrender!

March 2nd, 2010, 02:38
I refuse to allow your tawdry attempt at seriousness to cloud a perfectly meretricious and mendacious statement. Only a true Yuroppean would be offended by a completely spurious slander based upon a myriad of time-proven and tested jingoisms.

It takes approximately .1865 lustrums for a Yuroppean to surrender measured in Georgian time, based upon the interval of King George III's sneeze.

The current time: 2.4.04.:salute:


if my memory doesn't betray me the British are Yuroppean too. They never surrendered, as they won WWII beating the Germans, which took three among the major world powers of the 1940's to subdue: the U.S., the British Empire and the USSR.

Germans were, and still are, Yuroppean as well.

If you are talking about the Italians, when we discovered Rome could fall, we never liked war, anyway, ever since. In 1940 most of the soldiers were told they were going to sunbathe in a brand new tourist resort on the Lybian coast....:icon_lol:

KH :ernae:

March 2nd, 2010, 03:02
I thought everyone was going to be talking about the non-existant downloads which were supposed to be here by "the end of the month.":sleep:

Of course, they never said which month did they? I am glad they put such a high priority on downloads since it is, in reality, the main attraction for some freeware designers like me. :blind:

March 2nd, 2010, 04:24

I am remaining on top of this. Please have patience and understand that it is being taken care of.

March 2nd, 2010, 04:37


Don't worry I'm sure administrators care... :wavey:

Jean Bomber
March 2nd, 2010, 04:38
Hi all !

The addons place is already here,the next step will be to active it :jump:.

thank to the staff for the work they are doing backstage. http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/icons/icon23.gif-.http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/icons/icon14.gif


March 2nd, 2010, 05:31
Yep, it looks like progress is being made. Wonder what it's gonna look like? Looks like ya have to swear on a bible, before they let you in, hee, hee.

March 2nd, 2010, 06:05
Hmm...one section is titled "Read Only Add-ons Archive". Does that mean some will still be broken beyond repair? We may have to beg the designers to upload the files again.

Shadow Wolf 07
March 2nd, 2010, 10:56
Be patient... the add-ons are comming back, but we must be patient. Nuff said? :icon29:

March 2nd, 2010, 19:29
It's now up and running! Thank you, Ickie, and everyone else involved.

March 3rd, 2010, 02:42
The frame work is in place, but it may be a while yet before it is fully functional.

Be patient. If you were paying for this type of work you would be out thousands of dollars. It's all free here with the exception of a voluntary donation once in a while.

March 3rd, 2010, 03:55
I know how frustrating it must be for the authors who want to upload their work. There is a lot of new work we are all eager to have a look at. Hang in there fellas, I believe they have started working on it. :ernae:

March 3rd, 2010, 08:46
Hey guys, I downloaded a couple of items from the add-ons. I went to the authors box at bottom of page and found them. Give it a shot!:ernae:

March 3rd, 2010, 09:46
I might be a bit muddled due to my old age and all, but I cannot find anywhere to Upload anything and I do plan on uploading all that stuff I sent to SimViation as well as any new stuff I might come up with. I guess some of us just have trouble with change. :kilroy:
I am, however, extremely pleased to see all my old stuff is in fact still there!!!! :applause:


March 4th, 2010, 00:41
I am, however, extremely pleased to see all my old stuff is in fact still there!!!! :applause:


I suggest to everyone to check their old uploads; I have just downloaded your Beaufighters (I was "on leave" when you uploaded them) but wd_beau21 and wd_beau6f_8 are missing. The download page shows this message:

Server Error

404 - File or directory not found.

We can report the missing links so the staff should be able to fix them. I'm going just now to check out mine...:icon_lol:

And, of course, a big THANKS to all the people involved in this work! :medals: :medals: :medals:


March 4th, 2010, 02:05
Had a great chuckle at this, but to come to Dirtman's aid:

I'm sure he meant that 1 Calender month is the equivalent to '3 Ickie months'.

This as we should know, is because Ickie manages to do in 1 month what it would take the rest of us three!:engel016:

March 4th, 2010, 05:58
I would think they are still working on it. Good old Rami has been helping out with the job. I was shocked to see how far they had come along. :ernae:

March 5th, 2010, 03:06
...separated by country. It was very pratical. Why not adopt it again and put two more countries options: France and Italy?



March 5th, 2010, 03:15
get use to it we are not going back to the old way, them scripts are over 10 years old and a security nightmare, and the new scripts are really secure and I like the control they give us.
2 weeks ago you hated the new forums but now they are ok, give us some time ........ you will love the new outhouse when we are finished.

March 5th, 2010, 03:27
...separated by country. It was very pratical. Why not adopt it again and put two more countries options: France and Italy?



Pepe; Are you talking about aircraft, ships, skins, etc? I believe they have separate areas for each country.

March 5th, 2010, 09:33
Hi everybody!

I just saw the Add-Ons Archive is up while the Add-Ons Library shows only two entries total. I haven't tried downloading anything yet but I am impressed about the amount of work that has been done so far to restore SOH to the new server.

Thank you very much to Ickie and everybody else who's working to bring SOH back up to speed!

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

I only have a question I always wanted to ask these years, but I was afraid to show too much ignorance:
what's the difference between Add-Ons Archive and Add-Ons Library?

There! Finally I blurted it out! I feel better now.......

KH :ernae:

March 5th, 2010, 10:00
archive is the old stuff, we have 3 old archives
cfc, begining soh and the soh which ended last month when I moved them.

we still haven't put up the scripts to the old cfc archive

library is the new stuff from March o4, 2010 into the future

March 6th, 2010, 15:08
SOH forums looks very promising. Works like a dream. Thanks staff! How about the status on the Library - UPLOAD function? Is it there yet?

Morton :icon29:

March 7th, 2010, 04:22
Hi, Morton; I believe that is what the guys are working on right now. From what I can tell :isadizzy:,they are making progress in this area, and seem to be just about ready to go. :salute:

Hmm...Just looked at upload section. Having never uploaded anything (oh the shame), not sure if it's ready now or not. Have a look.