View Full Version : Lost scenery

November 3rd, 2008, 01:04
I seem to have lost a very nice scenery a while back when changing PC's. But I still have the AFCADS which are QCEN, QCLK, QCLE, QCEQ, and QCSB. They are located just east of Coer d'Alene in Northern Idaho and are ficticious. If you have these AFCADS would you please backtrack it to your addon scenery and tell me who made it and a download title if possible. It looks like the work of Leon Louis or Bill Lyons but does not come up when searching their names.


November 3rd, 2008, 10:58

Those are part of the scenery from Bill Lyon's Quad City Challenger ultralight package.

One of my favorite add-ons!:jump:


November 3rd, 2008, 12:49

Those are part of the scenery from Bill Lyon's Quad City Challenger ultralight package.

One of my favorite add-ons!:jump:



That's not it but I appreciate the response. The scenery I'm looking for is on a lake with docks, grass runway, a few bulidings, aircraft, AI, and at least one person walking around. Just try entering one of the airport ID's I listed and see if anything shows up. This is in northern Idaho due East of Spokane.


November 3rd, 2008, 14:01
I gotta go with fnkybnch on this one. I just went to QCEN and a couple of Bill's AI Challengers are taxiing out for takeoff. I think the "QC" in the names comes from "Quad City".

November 3rd, 2008, 14:21
This is QCEN as it appears on my installation.

November 3rd, 2008, 17:27
OK guys with out running a google search where can one get Bill Lyon's Quad City Challenger?


Terry thanks for another productive thread. Looks like I am looking for more scenery.

I so wish I would have Disregard :costumes:

November 4th, 2008, 01:21
I have three screenshots from map view attached. The runway on the scenery I am looking for is carved out of a forest on a spit of land protruding into a lake. It is grass and torch lit. There are five ai files running, three for boats, one for float aircraft, and one for land base aircraft. Try going to one of the other ID's like QCSB, QCEQ, or QCLE these three are on water.


November 4th, 2008, 03:37
On my installation if I had panned around and taken another screenshot you would have seen another QC Challenger (floatmodel) taxiing on the lake.

I'm certain the AFCADS you are talking about came in the Quad City Challenger package by Bill Lyons. There's no mistaking his Jeeps and PT Cruisers sitting by the cabin and hanger as well as his "rusty hanger" texture.

November 4th, 2008, 05:02
On my installation if I had panned around and taken another screenshot you would have seen another QC Challenger (floatmodel) taxiing on the lake.

I'm certain the AFCADS you are talking about came in the Quad City Challenger package by Bill Lyons. There's no mistaking his Jeeps and PT Cruisers sitting by the cabin and hanger as well as his "rusty hanger" texture.

Sorry, you are right this is the same scenery, I just installed Quad City. But it is different from what I had. There were no ultra lights or modern cars, everything was from an earlier time. I think Bill used this scenery in more than one package changing the vehicles, planes, AI, etc. Does your map view show all five airport IDs that I listed above and show in the screen shots?

Thanks for your help :mixedsmi:

November 4th, 2008, 05:27
Here are a couple more screenshots of QCEN and the surrounding area. Please forgive the quality(?) of the pics, I'm not too artistic.

The water shot is QCLK "active runway".

The traffic is all ai QC Challengers except for the ai boat. I'm sure the traffic file is as it was downloaded.

All the airports show in my airport list, but I think QCLE, QCEQ, and QCSB are intended for ai use.

November 4th, 2008, 05:49

If you have Bill's Luscombe package installed go to MEBB and see if that's the one you're looking for.

November 4th, 2008, 08:58

If you have Bill's Luscombe package installed go to MEBB and see if that's the one you're looking for.

I have MEBB but QCEN is what I was looking for. It just has different planes and vehicles. The one I used to have was populated with planes and vehicles circa 1940. I'll just add some old AI vehicles and all will be fine.
