View Full Version : Got One!!

November 2nd, 2008, 14:57
Hey there Jagdflieger, I finally got one! On the first day I went out, scared up 2 roosters and 1 hen and got the second rooster! The pic is to big to post here. Will try though. posted as my avatar.

November 2nd, 2008, 18:20
Congrats Skywolf! You'll have a tasty dinner soon. I'm taking Wednesday morning off and meeting some army buddies for a pheasant hunt on the base. We call it our alternate physical training for the day. I try to take a couple of guys from the outfit out for a hunt several times a year for morale and recreation.

Did you know that many of the aces in WWII grew up hunting birds? Many claimed that the experience had helped them master the 3 dimensional world of aerial combat. In aerial gunnery training, the USAAC used skeet shooting and shooting clay pigeons from a moving truck before moving on to shooting from an aeroplane.

November 2nd, 2008, 18:29
No I did not know that. Thanks for the information Jagd! Have a good time hunting also!:d

November 3rd, 2008, 02:31
RAF did the same. Some Gunnery schools even had turret trainers on the range with a shotgun fitted so that the gunners could get practice at using the turret hydraulics before air gunnery was attempted.